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Bulk Selling Guide

Affliction 3.23

Last Updated:July 26, 2024|Change Log

Trading and Bulk Selling are the best ways to upgrade your character. Whether it's purchasing crafting materials for a big craft, picking up some mapping supplies to progress your atlas or buying a big new upgrade for instant power.

Tackling endgame without trading is incredibly difficult and never recommended, ensuring you understand how it works is critical. The focus of trading is acquiring Currency by selling valuable drops to other players. In this guide we teach you how to do so fast and painlessly.

Basics Of Selling

Selling items requires the purchase or conversion of your starting tabs into premium tabs. These tabs enable better organization of loot and the ability for you to list items for sale on the Trade Website.

Listing an item for sale is simple: 

  1. Set your premium stash tab(s) to ‘public’, this allows other players to see item in your stash.
  2. Right click any item and change the drop down menu from “note” to "exact price."
  3. Use the other dropdown to select either “Chaos Orb” or “Divine Orbs based on which Currency type you want for your item. Most items are listed in Chaos Orbs, they are used most commonly, Divine Orbs are for large trades worth 100's of Chaos. Both currencies are accepted by players interchangeably.
  4. Input your desired price and confirm.
Listing An Item For Sale

After pricing your item(s) they are listed on the Trade Website for players to message you in game to purchase. Completing trades nets you "Liquid Currency" in the form of Chaos Orbs or Divine Orbs which can be used universally to buy anything from other players.

Price Checking Items

Pricing items appropriately is essential! Listing too high leads to them not selling while pricing too low leads to an annoying deluge of whispers or a trade resulting in a sale worth less than the items values.

The easiest way to price items is to look up something similar to what you're selling on the Trade Website. Due to the variety of different item types and modifier combinations this can be an incredibly difficult, even the quantity of the item you are selling can impact the sale price. 100% accurate pricing is rarely possible without considerable experience. 

Many players use a few rules to price all of their items favoring a ballpark figure, often under-pricing their items so they sell fast and they can continue playing. Each category of item should be priced the following way:

Rares and Uniques - by searching items with similar modifiers and values.

Currency - by using the Currency Exchange Market or referring to the Bulk Item Exchange and matching price based on quantity

Boss invitations, Keys and Maps - based on the lowest current market listing, these items have little variation so the cheapest listing almost always sells first.

Awakened PoE Trade Price Checking Addon

Currency Exchange Market

For all stackable items that are tradeable, it is highly recommended to use the Currency Exchange Market available in the Settlers of Kalguur League. This feature allows you to spend Gold to automatically exchange currency without the need to manually interact with other players. Check out our Currency Exchange Market Guide for more information on using this streamlined new system.

Poe Currency Exchange Feature Image

Individual Listings

Listing items individually is the best way to sell items near their maximum value. However, individual listings are the most time consuming and need to be done sparingly. For newer players, individually pricing each item is a great way to familiarize yourself with the value of everything. But as you learn more, price as few items this way as possible. Limiting use of individual listings is one of the best ways to improve your trading speed giving you more time in maps slaying monsters.

Bulk Pricing Stacks

While the Currency Exchange Market is designed specifically for selling items in any quantity, you may find yourself selling on the Trade site instead due to choice or by not playing on the Settlers of Kalguur League.

Bulk pricing stackable items like Currencies, Scarabs or Fragments is a critical trading tactic essential for endgame. Our goal is to limit how many of an item players can buy at once and for what price. If you have 35 Gemcutter's Prisms worth 2 Chaos Orbs each and listed them individually, you may find yourself trading 35 individual times with 35 different players which is not ideal.

Bulk pricing sets a minimum purchase quantity on items you list. The Gemcutter's Prisms in this example listed in bulk for (5 Gemcutter's Prisms per 10 Chaos Orbs). Meaning players must message you for at least 5 at a time, and only in multiples of 5.

Listing items in bulk is simple, input your Chaos Orbs or Divine Orbs price as a fraction instead of a whole number using the following fraction ‘Price/Quantity’. For Gemcutter's Prisms the example listing quantity would be 5 (Price/5) and price would be 10 (10/quantity) so our listing price should be 10/5. Alternatively, if we wanted to sell in multiples of 100 at a time the listing would be "200/100".

Bulk Selling Listing Example 1
Bulk Selling Gemcutter's Example

Fractional pricing is also used to sell items worth less than a full Chaos Orb or Divine Orb. Orbs of Alchemy are often worth one third of a Chaos Orbs therefore the listing would be 1/3, listing them 3 at a time for 1 Chaos Orb each, alternatively they could be sold in bulk with a listing of "20/60" for example.

It is important to note this pricing method also works on many non-stackable items as long as the official Trade Website has the item type listed within the bulk exchange, some examples include maps and invitations.

Bulk Pricing Tabs

Bulk pricing tabs allows you to price items that are not stackable by assigning a price to an entire stash tabs contents all at once. After converting a tab to public, the drop down menu is set to "each item individually priced" by default. Change this to "set exact price on all items". After doing this choose a Currency Type and price, it will then apply to all items within the tab.

Bulk priced tabs are the best way to price items you don't want to price check and are very effective for selling items such as jewels, maps, superior gems and assorted rare items. Pricing entire tabs saves a lot of time with the only downside being you may sometimes sell items for less than if you individually price checked them. 

Ensure you don't price tabs at less than you are willing to trade for. Understanding the value of your time is incredibly important, minimize your trading while mapping by bulk listing tabs at a high enough price that trades are worth leaving your maps for (e.g. no trades less than 20 Chaos Orbs). 

Pricing An Entire Tab For 20 Chaos Orbs

When choosing a price for these tabs pick a high price and then periodically lower it if you have not received a trade whisper in some time. This ensures any valuable items eventually sell at a price that is close to their true value, while also preventing you from engaging in trades that are not worth your time.

How To Price Items That Don't Exist

Sometimes you find or craft an item that you are unable to price check and have no reference for. This makes it difficult to determine the item's worth. An incorrect price leads to a loss of Currency or time, so how do we determine a price? In order to price items without a reference, start by listing them at an incredibly high price. Then, periodically drop the price if you are not receiving any whispers or offers. This approach ensures you're not under-pricing your item while allowing you to hone in on a somewhat accurate price quickly.

Selling On PoExchange

Maxroll has partnered with PoExchange to offer quick and easy access to bulk selling currency, items, maps or most frequently, entire tabs! This is much easier than manually pricing things, or trying to sell 30 different items on the Currency Exchange Market.

For more information on using PoExchange, check out the PoExchange home page for written guide on how to get started.

This tool is a highly efficient method of selling your items quickly. Players use PoExchange or discord communities to trade entire tabs of items in bulk.


Trading fast and bulk selling is essential. In this guide you have learnt:

  • How to sell any item using Premium Stash Tabs.
  • Price check items by looking up similar items on the Trade Website.
  • Listing Stackable Currency using Bulk Selling Methods with the Currency Exchange Market or fractional pricing is essential.
  • Selling rare and difficult to price items all at once is most effective through Bulk Pricing Tabs on PoExchange.
  • When you have price reference for an item to start the price incredibly high and lower frequently.
  • Learn more about the different type of Stash Tabs used in trading with our guide.


Written by Grimro
Maintained by CoffeeBns
Reviewed by Facefoot

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