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Emperor of Corpses – Reign of Dragons Boss Guide

Last Updated:February 15, 2024|Change Log

Emperor of Corpses is a single phase boss fight with punishing mechanics that require the player to learn the fight in order to progress. The fight consists of several high damage abilities that kill players who get caught in them. Some of the best Blessings in the game are found here so many players are going to want to farm him.

In this guide, we cover the rewards, boss mechanics, and provide a strategy for defeating this boss.

For more information on the Timeline this boss is found in check out our Reign of Dragons Timeline Guide.

Emperor of Corpses


All timeline bosses have a pool of exclusive Uniques that can drop. They also provide the player with a Blessing, which is a permanent buff to either power or farming/leveling efficiency. Just like Uniques, each boss has their own exclusive Blessing pool.


Emperor can drop 4 different Uniques:

  • Dragonflame Edict has a 50% chance to drop. It is mutually exclusive to Symbol of Demise, meaning you always get one or the other, but not both. It can drop from both normal and empowered versions. The drop rate is not affected by corruption.
  • Symbol of Demise has a 50% chance to drop. It is mutually exclusive to Dragonflame Edict, meaning you always get one or the other, but not both. It can drop from both regular and Empowered versions. The drop rate is not affected by corruption.
  • Twisted Heart of Uhkeiros is a rare drop. The drop rate is increased by higher Corruption. We recommend farming this on Empowered.
  • Horns of Uhkeiros is a rare drop that can only be found in Empowered. Increases in Corruption improves the drop rate of this item.

See the Monolith Beginner Guide for more info on Corruption.


The Blessings of this Timeline don't follow a clear theme, but some of the best Blessings can be found here. Some generally useful choices are: Survival of Might, Resolve of Humanity and Hunger of Dragons.


Boss Mechanics

Emperor rears up onto his hind legs and fires his breath into the ground, creating a very large circle. After a short period the circle explodes dealing high Necrotic Damage that kills most builds caught in it. After the explosion, the area outside of the circle deals a Necrotic DoT that becomes stronger over time.


When you go into a timeline boss fight, you carry any modifiers that are active from running echoes. Some of these modifiers can be especially dangerous, while some can actually bring value with little or no downside.

Avoid These Modifiers

Take These Modifiers

Boss Strategy

Emperor is a single phase fight and he has nearly all of his skills from the start. The only skill he doesn't start with is activated at 70% HP, so most of the fight involves Emperor's entire toolkit. However, the arena does get more challenging over time as Blood Pools are formed throughout the fight. Damage is mostly Necrotic as well as soon Physical, so cap out those Resistances. Here are some general strategies for the boss:

  • Soul Bomb is Emperor's most dangerous ability. Getting caught in the bomb kills most players, as will standing in the area outside of the bomb for too long after it explodes. Always be watching out for this skill and immediately leave the area as soon as Emperor rears up on his hind legs. Make sure you're far enough away from the outer circle to not get clipped. As soon as the explosion occurs, run back in to avoid the DoT that forms. Make sure to keep Emperor towards the center of the arena or you could end up without enough room to run out of the circle.
  • Once Emperor reaches 70% HP be on the lookout for Roar. It's not a dangerous attack on its own, but if he uses just before Soul Bomb the Slow stacks can make it very difficult to avoid the explosion.
  • Spirit Breath is the next most dangerous ability. Look for Emperor to raise his head up. When he does, move to his side or his back to avoid the attack.
  • Blood Pools form over time on the sides of the arena and remain until the end of the fight. They can't kill you outright, but they chunk your health and can be hard to see with all of the other visual effects. Try to stay in the center of the arena and escape Soul Bomb by running to the bottom where no Blood Pools form.
  • Damage from Flesh Impact isn't high, but there are a lot of them and they can overlap. Try to avoid getting hit by several in a short period of time.

This fight is mainly about positioning and timing to avoid Soul Bomb and Spirit Breath. Get those down and Emperor becomes a much easier fight.



  • The Blessings for this timeline are highly desirable, especially Survival of Might and Resolve of Humanity.
  • Emperor is a single phase fight with very punishing mechanics.
  • Damage is mostly Necrotic with some Physical, so cap these Resistances.
  • Soul Bomb is the his most dangerous mechanics. Avoid it at all costs.
  • Getting your timing and position down for Soul Bomb and Spirit Breath is the most important part of the fight.


Written by McFluffin.
Reviewed by Facefoot, Lizard_IRL, Raxxanterax.

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