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Kungelanium Guardian Raid Guide

Last Updated:March 3, 2024|Change Log

Kungelanium Introduction

Kungelanium is the second Raid Level 6 Guardian. You need to be at least Item Level 1460 to enter this Guardian Raid. This Guardian drops Tier 3 Relic Accessories, Ability Stones and Upgrade Materials as well as rare drops including Engraving Books, Galewind and the Kungelanium Card. It takes 10% more damage from Lightning Element skills and the recommended Combat Items are: HP Potion, Pheromone Bomb, Corrosive Bomb, Destruction Bomb and Flare.

This Guardian Raid has 3 phases. The first phase involves the destruction of his shell, once completed Kungelanium automatically leaves(first escape). Phase two introduces attacks that can be Countered and ends when he performs his special Frost Wind attack(second escape). Phase three is a continuation of the previous one with the addition of ice falling from the sky whenever Kungelanium performs a jumping or a slam attack.

This is an altered version of previously encountered fights like: Chromanium and Lava Chromanium. This time around he's performing ice themed attacks that inflict Chill & Freeze debuffs. Every time Kungelanium flees, he will gain new sets of attacks.

This Guardian guide assumes you know the basics of a Guardian Raid. Check out the General Guardian Raid Guide to learn more.

Special Interactions & Patterns

Counterable: Frontal Charge
Counterable: Underground
Stagger Check: Eating Ice
Shell Break
Frost Wind
Falling Ice

Counterable: Frontal Charge

Counter attack is possible during the charge attack pattern. At the start of this attack animation, the Guardian glows blue. The player has a short window to cast a skill with a Counter Attack affix while standing in front of the Guardian. If you manage to pull this off fast enough, the Guardian's attack will be interrupted and staggered for a few seconds. This gives you and your team a short window to use buffs and deal additional damage.

Kungelanium lifts its front feet and charges forward shortly after. If you're caught within it, you get dragged along with him and flung over his body at the end.

Counterable: Underground

Counter attack is possible during the digging underground pattern. At the start of this attack animation, the Guardian glows blue. The player has a short window to cast a skill with a Counter Attack affix while standing in front of the Guardian. If you manage to pull this off fast enough, the Guardian's attack will be interrupted and staggered for a few seconds. This gives you and your team a short window to use buffs and deal additional damage.

Kungelanium digs underground, resurfaces slightly and fires missiles that appear in your past location after a while. Avoid these by simply running away from the boss in a straight line. At the same time he spawns geysers: North, East, South and West of him. Geysers can be ignored or destroyed if they hinder the fighting area.

Eating Ice, Stagger Check

This mechanic only occurs during Phase 1. Kungelanium will tilt his head down into the ice and start eating it. During this time inflict as much stagger damage as possible to knockdown the boss for a free damage opportunity. If not staggered in time, he will spawn an Ice Nova around him that deals damage and knocks down anyone caught in it.

Important: Kungelanium begins the fight with this mechanic, make sure to not rush ahead by yourself and wait for your teammates to initiate the fight at the same time. Otherwise the initial stagger check will fail. He will however repeat this mechanic again periodically.

Shell Break

The shell of the Guardian breaks once you have dealt enough Weak Point damage by using proper skills and Battle Items. Just like the Raid Level 2 Chromanium, this Guardian's shell reduces the damage it takes.

Kungelanium will leave the battlefield as soon as his shell is destroyed, but unlike for Chromanium, he does not recover it anymore. Prioritize skills with Weak Point damage over your regular skills to break the shell and transition into phase 2 as soon as possible.

Frost Wind

Kungelanium roars and covers your screen in ice while constantly slowing your movement speed. He spawns 4 geysers: North, East, South and West of him. Quickly make your way to one of these geysers and get yourself frozen by stepping on them (all party members can use the same geyser if they want). If not done in time, you'll suffer lethal damage from constantly increasing damage to the Frost Wind. If done correctly, you will get frozen and avoid death.

Important: When playing a Gunlancer & Paladin with cleanse, make sure to not dispel your teammates while they are frozen, or else they will lose their protection from the geyser and die to the Frost Wind!

In Phase 2 & 3 of the fight Kungelanium will spawn 4 Geysers around him: North, East, South and West or 12, 3, 6, 9 o'clock. Running over them will trigger a geyser explosion, freezing you if caught in it. This explosion can be baited by quickly touching the geyser and stepping off of it. While typically these should be popped and avoided, during the Chill mechanic stepping on the geysers and getting frozen is crucial for survival.


Getting caught in Kungelaniums Ice Breath, Ice Orb or Geyser will Freeze you, rooting you in place for 3 seconds. After the Freeze expires, an ice AoE called Frost Energy will surround you and explode shortly after. If any of your teammates are caught within this explosion, they will get Frozen and get the Frost Energy around themselves. Make sure to avoid spreading this, as this chain reaction can go on forever!

Falling Ice

This interaction only occurs in Phase 3 of the fight. All slam and jump attacks performed by Kungelanium will spawn Falling Ice from the sky targeted randomly around him, inflicting small amounts of damage and giving players hit by it 1 stack of Chill.


A slow debuff that gets inflicted to you when hit by various attacks of Kungelanium. It lasts 3 seconds and can stack up to 5 times, with each stack reducing your movement speed by 15%. This can reduce your movement speed below the base speed of 100%.

General Patterns

Snowflake Jump
Side Slam
Frontal Slam
Ice Breath
Ice Orb
Ice Cage

Snowflake Jump

Kungelanium stomps his front legs on the floor one by one, shakes his shell and performs a Snowflake Jump. On the first jump a snowflake pattern around him gets created with safe zones at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 o'clock positions. The second jump repeats this explosion and creates a secondary ice explosion on the outer circle of the snowflake. If hit by these areas, you get inflicted with Freeze and stunned for 3 seconds.

Side Slam

This attack pattern is similar to Counterable Frontal Charge. This time the Guardian targets the areas to the left or right and knocks down the player on hit.

Frontal Slam

Kungelanium raises his frontal body and slams down with both of his hands.



Kungelanium performs a stationary jump and can turn around while doing it or face the same direction he's in initially.

Kungelanium jumps twice in a row and deals damage after each impact. Everything else is similar to the normal jump.

Be aware that these two Jump attack variants have no internal cooldown. The Guardian can redo these variations successively.

Kungelanium raises his back legs and jumps backwards shortly after, knocking down and damaging anyone in its path.

Ice Breath

An easy to dodge breath attack that hits everyone in front of the Guardian in a wide cone. It has a long reach, which is why you should always try to dodge to the sides and not away from the Guardian. Getting hit by it inflicts Freeze.

The long breath in animation while tracking the targeted player with its entire body is an unmistakable animation for the Breath attack and its variants. There is enough time between the breath goes off to jump or move away from the AoE. Don't panic and turn the Guardian towards your teammates if you are being targeted.

Kungelanium shoots out an Ice Orb onto a player, it follows you around until it explodes, leaving behind a whirlpool AoE that inflicts the Chill debuff to players who step on it. If caught by the orb, you get inflicted with Freeze and stunned for 3 seconds.

Two ways to deal with this mechanic are:

  • Use your space bar to dash through the Ice Orb, exploding it and becoming immune to being frozen at the same time.
  • Kite it until it explodes by itself, ideally away from the Raid Guardian.

Kungelanium gathers energy within its shell and creates a cage of ice around himself, spikes grow from the ground trapping everyone inside. Before escaping, make sure to dodge the ice circles forming from the outer ring going inside and a final targeted circle beneath each player. Escape the Ice Cage by destroying the spikes with your skills and running outside. The Guardian will perform an ice nova within the Cage, so anyone who failed to escape in time will take large amounts of damage and will be knocked down by it.

Gameplay Video


Written by Choilicious
Reviewed by Starlast

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