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LoD Poison Scythe Necromancer Guide

Last Updated:October 7, 2024|Change Log


LoD Grim Scythe Solo Push
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When Season 21 introduced the new Masquerade of the Burning Carnival Set based on both Simulacrums and Bone Spear, Haunted Visions witnessed a rework that allowed Simulacrum to last indefinitely as well as enabling Grim Scythe as a duplicated skill. This change paved the way for the LoD Grim Scythe Necromancer to shred everything in sight with the amazing power of Grim Scythe Cursed Scythe, which you'll regularly hear referred to as "Poison Scythe" as this build is all about stacking Poison Skills and Nayr's Black Death.

The build however took quite a hit in Season 22 as a bug allowing Simulacrums to benefit twice from Trag'Oul's Corroded Fang got fixed. Yet, in conjunction with Leger's Disdain and its special interaction with Simulacrums (see Mechanics), the Grim Scythe Necromancer still scales its damage a lot with density and stays an absolute beast when surrounded by hordes of monsters!

The gameplay of the build is pretty straightforward and easy to engage with at first glance, it turns out that mastering the playstyle of perfectly positioning your Simulacrums to maximize their damage with the small AoE of Grim Scythe is actually challenging and requires some practice. With the ability to flatten an entire room of monsters in Greater Rift 150 while being relatively tanky and providing Curses, it is a very potent Trash Killer in group play. Pair that with its ability to perform at the top of the solo leaderboards and you have one of the best Necromancer builds. Let's dive in and learn what makes it so great!

Very tanky ✔
Simple rotation ✔
Insane AoE damage ✔
Satisfying melee swings ✔

❌ Lacks clear speed
❌ Simulacrums can die
❌ Positioning is critical
❌ Low single target damage

Core Setup

Core Item Build


  • Haunted Visions allows Simulacrums to cast Grim Scythe when you do.
  • Leger's Disdain is the core damaging item of the build, providing us with a stacking 80% separate damage multiplier per point of Essence generated to Grim Scythe.
  • Nayr's Black Death for up to a 500% separate damage multiplier to Grim Scythe.
  • Trag'Oul's Corroded Fang for its 200% separate damage multiplier and to easily apply Curses for Dayntee's Binding and Decrepify damage reduction, Leech sustain and obviously Frailty.
  • Krysbin's Sentence grants us a 300% separate damage multiplier to stunned enemies, coming from Bone Armor Dislocation.
  • Convention of Elements is a staple because of its 200% separate damage multiplier during our Poison cycle.
  • Depth Diggers provides us with a 100% separate damage multiplier to Grim Scythe.
  • Razeth's Volition grants 50% damage reduction as long as Essence is not full.
  • Aquila Cuirass for further 50% damage reduction.

Season 33 Shades of the Nephalem

For the duration of Season 33, you gain one extra slot in Kanai’s Cube that allows to choose any Legendary Powers for a total of 4 slots. While normally a player can equip one power each from the Weapon, Armor, and Jewelry categories, now you can add a second of one of these categories! Some builds enjoy major damage buffs while others are able to run completely different setups, for example through otherwise impossible combinations of weapon effects.

In addition, whenever you press a shrine or pylon, you spawn a Shadow Nephalem of your class to assist you for 1 minute. These use various abilities and provide helpful extra damage in the early game and for lower tier Greater Rifts. Learn more in our Season 22 overview.

In this build, we add Reilena's ShadowhookCycle for lots of additional damage output.

Global Stat Priorities

Our offensive priorities are: Poison Damage > Critical Hit Chance & Critical Hit Damage > Area Damage, along with as much Grim Scythe damage as possible. Attack Speed is helpful, especially for faster Bane of the Stricken stacking in solo, but you don't need to aim for any specific Attack Speed Breakpoint. Cooldown Reduction is useless for this build as you only cast Simulacrum at the beginning of a Greater Rift and if they die along the way.

For defensive rolls always take Armor > All Resistance, since we get All Resistance by default from Intelligence in our Paragon points. Crowd Control Reduction is an incredibly valuable secondary Affix to roll on both Rings, Amulet and Helmet as we are very sensitive to Hard Crowd Control effects and mitigating these will ease up our gameplay significantly. Make sure to get the Primary Affixes locked in before attempting to get CCR though.

Assembling the Build

Item Stat Priorities




Paragon Points

Altar of Rites





Nephalem Rifts
GR Solo Push
GR Group Trash Killer
LoD Grim Scythe Solo T16

For speed content we're pumping up our movement speed with Steuart's Greaves Warzechian Armguards Rechel's Ring of Larceny Blood Rush Metabolism Devour Devouring Aura and Fueled by Death. Rechel's Ring will be buffed by any further fear on hit secondary rolls you get.

The combination of Goldwrap + Avarice Band + Boon of the Hoarder will make us invincible once we kill an enemy and pick up some gold. Finally we take St. Archew's Gage and Krelm's Buff Belt for some shields and Movement Speed.

Speed content is easy to play as we don't have to time anything with Convention of Elements. Summon your Simulacrum Blood and Bone at the start, use Blood Rush Metabolism to move, cast Death Nova Blight once every 15 seconds, and finally use Bone Armor Dislocation when encountering Elites to activate Krysbin's Sentence before cutting them down.

If you are oneshotting everything and can afford to lose some damage, wear Echoing Fury for its high Fear on Hit chance to proc Rechel's Ring of Larceny, cube Trag'Oul's Corroded Fang and drop Death Nova Blight for Frailty Aura of Frailty.

In groups, replace Warzechian Armguards, Razeth's Volition and Rechel's Ring of Larceny with Nemesis Bracers, Homing Pads and Avarice Band.

LoD Grim Scythe Solo Push

This is the standard set up we covered above in the items section. Bane of the Stricken is needed as the third gem to kill the Rift Guardian. We will also pick up significant damage reduction from Stone Gauntlets, Dayntee's Binding and Unity.

Solo is the most challenging version of this build as we have to pull everything, stay alive, and kill everything all on our own. Your Simulacrum will move with you, and you need to keep them out of gigantic hits like grotesque explosions and molten explosions. If they die you can re-summon them, but your damage will drop significantly if they die again before Simulacrum is back up.

Cast each Poison skill once every 15 seconds to build your Nayr's Black Death up, and use Bone Armor Dislocation on your Poison cycle of Convention of Elements. Try to save a pylon for the Rift Guardian so you can use Nemesis Bracers (on your follower) to proc Area Damage, but only spawn the Elite pack after you've stacked Bane of the Stricken on the Rift Guardian for awhile.

At extremely high paragon levels you can take Frailty Early Grave with Briggs' Wrath over Unity if you can survive without it.

If your positioning and survivability are amazing and you think you can live without Blood Rush, drop it for Siphon Blood Power Shift for an extra Nayr's Black Death stack.

LoD Grim Scythe Trash Killer

In groups, we will have supporters to do most of the job for us. We just need to make sure to curse everything, position our Simulacrum well and swipe at the right moment.

Similar to the solo version, except we don't have to gather the monsters and staying alive is much easier thanks to the zBarb's pulling and stomping and the zDH's buffs (or zMonk if you have one). Just move to the zBarb's Ground Stomp and cut everything down.

Make sure that your first swing in Poison has every buff up (using Bone Armor last for the stun) and correct positioning as all the little trash will die instantly, costing us Area Damage on successive swings. In other words, don't swing your scythe randomly, swing with purpose! If there is an Oculus Ring nearby, stand in it for 85% increased damage.

You can take Blood Rush instead of Bone Spikes for speed farming in groups.

If you focus on one big swipe to clear the entire pack, use Overwhelming Essence instead of Swift Harvesting for synergy with Reilena's Shadowhook.

Video Guide

Guide Video



Leger's Disdain

Nayr's Black Death


  • Put together the core items and level up the Legacy of Dreams gem.
  • Learn to position your Simulacrum in density, activate your Poison skills in order, and stun with Bone Armor Dislocation on your Poison Convention of Elements cycle to activate Krysbin's Sentence.
  • Gather large groups of enemies with Bone Spear Blighted Marrow to mow them down with Area Damage.
  • Enjoy one of the strongest builds Diablo III has ever seen!

Town Is Lava!


Original guide by Raxxanterax
Contributions by Chewingnom
Updates by wudijo

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