Mistweaver Monk Raid Guide

11.0.2 - The War Within

Last Updated:October 8, 2024|Change Log|FAQ

Welcome to the Mistweaver Monk Raid guide for the World of Warcraft patch 11.0! This guide covers everything you need to know to understand your character! Are you starting out and leveling up from 70? Check out the leveling guide!


Patch 11.0.2 - The War Within
Mistweaver Monk
Mistweaver MonkRaid
Overall Healing
Cooldown Strength
Mistweaver Monk Raid Best in Slot Gear

Hero Talents

Patch 11.0.2 - The War Within
Mistweaver Monk
  • Conduit of the Celestials gives you another cooldown Celestial Conduit, which offers very strong healing and damage for a 1.5 min cooldown. It also offers you great talent nodes such as Heart of the Jade Serpent that lowers the cooldown of some of your abilities, after a total of 20 stacks of Sheilun's Gift has been used. Conduit of the Celestials also enhances your other spells and gives you some utility as well.
  • Master of Harmony focuses more on increasing giving you another stack of Thunder Focus Tea and making it the enabler for Aspect of Harmony which splashes out the healing you have gathered in your Vitality resource that you will see as a buff.
  • But overall Conduit of the Celestials is the stronger choice for Raid, so this guide will focus mainly on Conduit of the Celestials as the Hero Talent choice.
Conduit of the Celestials
Master of Harmony
  • You gain the ability Celestial Conduit on a 1.5 min cooldown, this is a very strong cooldown for healing, you may move while channeling, and its healing and damage are increased up to 30%, for 6% per target.
    • You can recast this ability during its duration, to have all the August Celestials assist at 200% increased effectiveness, it will do it automatically if not used before the end of the cast.
  • Heart of the Jade Serpent gives you 75% reduced cooldown time on Renewing Mist, Rising Sun Kick, Life Cocoon and Thunder Focus Tea whenever you consume a total of 20 stacks of Sheilun's Gift.
  • Jade Sanctuary gives 15% damage reduction whenever you cast Celestial Conduit and it lingers for 8 seconds after.
  • August Dynasty enhances the next Rising Sun Kick by doing 30% more damage, or Vivify by doing 50% more healing.
  • Aspect of Harmony stores "vitality", up to a certain amount, from 10% of your damage, and 20% of your healing, with overhealing at a reduced amount. Casting Thunder Focus Tea activates Aspect of Harmony for 10 seconds, making your spells draw out the amount of vitality stored, to deal 25% additional damage or healing over 8 seconds on the targets.
    • Through Coalescence which makes Aspect of Harmony have a chance of spreading to a nearby target, by dealing damage or healing. You also deal 10% more damage and healing to targets you healed with Aspect of Harmony.
  • Path of Resurgence makes your Chi Burst increases all vitality store by 25% for 10 seconds.
  • Harmonic Gambit enables Aspect of Harmony through your single target abilities to draw vitality to deal damage.
  • Endless Draught gives your Thunder Focus Tea another charge.
  • Overwhelming Force makes your single target abilities deal 15% more damage in a line in front of you.


Patch 11.0.2 - The War Within
Mistweaver Monk
Rising Mist Build
Soothing Mist Build
Mistweaver Monk Rising Mist Raid Talents

When to use this Spec

This is the Rising Mist build for Mistweaver Monk, which makes you a melee healer, focusing on casting many Rising Sun Kick to extend the duration of your HoT's with Rising Mist. Use this Spec if you like being in melee, and if the encounter is not too anti-melee.

Gameplay Altering Talents

  • Discover all talents that significantly alter your gameplay within the Spec and Class Talent trees. This section gives a concise overview of these talents and their applications but for a more detailed look check out the Rotation and Deep Dive sections below.

Spec Tree

  • Rising Mist
    • The core talent for this build, that makes your Rising Sun Kick heals all allies with your Renewing Mist and Enveloping Mist and extends those effects by 4 sec, up to 100% of their original duration.
  • Chi Harmony
    • The target you cast Renewing Mist on take 50% more healing from you for 8 seconds, but it cannot jump to a new target during that time.
  • Crane Style
    • Since you will be using lots of Rising Sun Kick this is the best talent to pick out of the options available.
  • Uplifted Spirits
    • This talent also benefits from lots of uses of Rising Sun Kick and Vivify which we will be using.
  • Mending Proliferation
    • Your Enveloping Mist will sometimes spread it's healing bonus to an injured ally.

Class Tree

  • Improved Detox
    • Making Detox also dispel all Poison and Disease effects.
  • Vivacious Vivification
    • Making your Vivify sometimes be instant and do more healing, very good for healing when you have to move around.
  • Save Them All
    • When you heal an ally lower than 35% hp you gain a nice 10% healing increase for the next 4 seconds.
  • Yu'lon's Grace
    • Passive magic absorbs that refreshes every 2 seconds to a maximum of 10% of your max health.

Hero Talents

  • Heart of the Jade Serpent gives you 75% reduced cooldown time on Renewing Mist, Rising Sun Kick, Life Cocoon and Thunder Focus Tea whenever you consume a total of 10 stacks of Sheilun's Gift.
  • Strength of the Black Ox makes your next Enveloping Mist cast time be reduced by 50% and give 5 allies a small absorb shield.
Mistweaver Monk Soothing Mist Raid Talents

When to use this Spec

  • This is the Soothing Mist build which sort of makes you able to play as a ranged healer. You have to adjust the class talent tree based on the utility needed for the encounter. To make your life easier, boss-specific talent loadouts are available in the Nerub-ar Palace section.

Talent Adjustments

Spec Tree

  • Added
    • Tear of Morning
      • The core talent for this build, that makes all your allies with your Renewing Mist, when you cast on an ally that already has a Renewing Mist on them, take 12% of the total healing from Enveloping Mist upfront, and 15% healing increased from Invigorating Mists cleave.
    • Peer Into Peace
      • This talent makes you able to keep casting Soothing Mist and switch targets when casting either Vivify or Enveloping Mist. It also increases the Soothing Mist channel by 4 seconds and 5% of overhealing you do on targets with Soothing Mist goes onto 3 nearby injured allies.
    • Trait #124873
      • The absorb amount of Life Cocoon is increased by 80%.
    • Unison
      • Your Soothing Mist also heals a second injured ally for 25% of the amount healed.
  • Removed
    • Mending Proliferation
      • You will be casting Soothing Mist a lot and gain a lot of value from the other choice node talent.
    • Crane Style
      • You will not cast that many Rising Sun Kick with this build.
    • Uplifted Spirits
      • Less value with this build due to not casting as many Rising Sun Kick, but if this talent would make you gain another cast of Revival that would be crucial to defeat a boss, then take this talent and remove Healing Elixir.


Patch 11.0.2 - The War Within
Mistweaver Monk

Tier Set

  • 2-SetEnveloping Mist and Renewing Mist healing increased by 10%.
  • 4-SetVivify extends the duration of Renewing Mist and Enveloping Mist by 3.0 sec, up to 3.0 sec.

This set emphasizes your casting-focused playstyle by enhancing the output of Enveloping Mist and Renewing Mist, and Vivify increases the duration of those buffs by 3 seconds when you cast on them, making Peer Into Peace work together very well with this Tier Set.

Priority List

Rising Mist Build
Soothing Mist Build
  1. Cast Renewing Mist so you never reach 3 stacks.
  2. Cast Rising Sun Kick on cooldown, which extends your HoT durations through Rising Mist.
  3. Cast Mana Tea before casting any Vivify and Enveloping Mist for the 30% mana cost reduction.
  4. Cast Thunder Focus Tea on Renewing Mist to gain Haste throughSecret Infusion.
  5. Cast Enveloping Mist when you have Strength of the Black Ox.
  6. Cast Vivify to heal an ally and the raid.
  7. Cast Tiger Palm to gain Teachings of the Monastery stacks.

Cast Renewing Mist so you never reach 2 stacks.
Cast Mana Tea before casting any Vivify and Enveloping Mist for the 30% mana cost reduction.
Cast Thunder Focus Tea on Renewing Mist to gain Haste through Secret Infusion.
Cast Soothing Mist on a target with Chi Harmony on them.
Cast Enveloping Mist for the healing itself and the healing increase.
Cast Vivify to heal the target and the raid.

For Damage

  1. Cast Rising Sun Kick on cooldown.
  2. Cast Blackout Kick on cooldown.
  3. Cast Tiger Palm.
  4. Cast Spinning Crane Kick if there are 4 or more enemies.


Celestial Conduit

  • This is a very strong healing cooldown that you can channel while moving, use it when you need a lot of healing as it deals increased healing based on targets hit.

Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent

  • Your main healing cooldown as Mistweaver Monk, which heals allies, reduces the Mana cost of your Enveloping Mist, and paired with other talent nodes also gives you:
    • Celestial Harmony that gives a shield to 5 allies and your Enveloping Mist applies an extra HoT and 10% heal increase with Enveloping Breath.
    • Gift of the Celestials which reduces the cooldown by 2 min, making it a 1 min cooldown, but decreases duration to 12 sec.
    • Invoker's Delight that gives you a 33% Haste buff for 8 seconds when you summon Yu'lon.
  • You may cast more or less ‍Enveloping Mist, but you really wanna cast Vivify for when you need the big burst healing
Mistweaver Monk Rising Mist Yu'lon ramp in Raids
  • Ramp with the Soothing Mist build example. You may cast more or less Enveloping Mist but you really wanna cast Vivify for when you need the big burst healing
Mistweaver Monk Soothing Mist Yu'lon ramp in Raids


  • To maximize Revival, check for crucial magic, poison, or disease dispels in the encounter. Pairing it with 3 out of 4 buffs from Shaohao's Lessons boosts healing by a good amount. Its instant cast is ideal for heavy movement phases.

Sheilun's Gift with Shaohao's Lessons

  • Sheilun's Gift with Shaohao's Lessons, is a powerful cooldown for both the initial heal and the 4 buffs: Lesson of Doubt, Lesson of Despair, Lesson of Fear, and Lesson of Anger. Cast Sheilun's Gift before you cast your healing cooldowns Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent and Revival.

Thunder Focus Tea with Secret Infusion

  • Using Thunder Focus Tea with Secret Infusion provides both the empowerment and a 15% secondary stat buff, depending on the next spell cast. Generally use Renewing Mist for a 10-second duration increase and 15% haste from Secret Infusion. Use this ability before you cast your Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent to maximize the haste benefit.

Life Cocoon

  • A high absorb external which can be a lifesaver for both other allies and yourself. Use it to save allies from dying, or combine it with Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent because of the talent Mists of Life that will grant Renewing Mist and Enveloping Mist on the target for increased total healing output.

Deep Dive

Patch 11.0.2 - The War Within
Mistweaver Monk

Min maxing Tier Set 4pc

  • Your 4pc incentivizes you to cast Vivify to extend the duration of Renewing Mist and Enveloping Mist by 3.0 sec on the target, you can min max this by specifically planning out who you are going to deal a lot of healing to. Say you are casting several Enveloping Mist on the raid, and then you specifically cast Vivify on those players to extend the HoT. When you also extend the duration with Rising Sun Kick by playing the Rising Mist build, you can have almost a 10 sec long Enveloping Mist duration on your targets.

Min maxing Sheilun's Gift with Shaohao's Lessons

  • Use Sheilun's Gift before every Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent, regardless of how many stacks, and regardless of what buff it is. You can use 3 out of 4 buffs from Shaohao's Lessons to boost Revival output, but ideally, you don't mess up your Shaohao's Lessons buff that you want for your Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent.

Understanding Mechanics

Rotational min-maxing is just one aspect of mastering a specialization, but there are numerous other key mechanics that influence your performance. Use the following guides to improve them.

Nerub-Ar Palace

Patch 11.0.2 - The War Within
Mistweaver Monk

The following tips are mainly applicable to Heroic Bosses. Mythic tips will be released after our progression finishes.

← Scroll for more Bosses →

Bloodbound Horror
Silken Court
Queen Ansurek
Mistweaver Monk Ulgrax Raid Talents

How To Use Your Healing Cooldowns

Boss Tips

  • Defensives
    • Use Fortifying Brew when soaking Carnivorous Contest.
  • Externals
    • Use Life Cocoon as a personal defensive.
  • Paradox
    • Ask for Spatial Paradox when you are gonna use Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent and there is movement needed during it.
  • General
    • Avoid getting hit by Juggernaut Charge at ALL cost.
Mistweaver Monk Bloodbound Horror Raid Talents

How To Use Your Healing Cooldowns

  • These cooldowns were assigned with the primary goal of defeating the boss, rather than maximizing raw HPS.

Boss Tips

  • Defensives
    • Use Fortifying Brew when soaking Gruesome Disgorge.
  • Externals
    • Use Life Cocoon as a personal defensive.
  • Paradox
    • Ask for Spatial Paradox when you are gonna use Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent and there is movement needed during it.
  • General
    • Use Tiger's Lust on an ally to help them reach their Gruesome Disgorge in time.
Mistweaver Monk Sikran Raid Talents

How To Use Your Healing Cooldowns

  • These cooldowns were assigned with the primary goal of defeating the boss, rather than maximizing raw HPS.

Boss Tips

  • Defensives
    • Use Fortifying Brew when targetd by Decimate.
  • Externals
    • Use Life Cocoon as a personal defensive.
  • Paradox
    • Ask for Spatial Paradox when you are gonna use Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent and there is movement needed during it.
  • General
    • Use Tiger's Lust to help Decimate targets reach their assigned position.
Mistweaver Monk Rasha'nan Raid Talents

How To Use Your Healing Cooldowns

These cooldowns were assigned with the primary goal of defeating the boss, rather than maximizing raw HPS.

Boss Tips

  • Defensives
    • Use Fortifying Brew when you are targeted by multiple Infested Spawn.
  • Externals
    • Use your Life Cocoon on people targeted by multiple Infested Spawn without their own defensive cooldown.
  • Paradox
    • Ask for Spatial Paradox when you are gonna use Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent and there is movement needed during it.
  • General
    • Use Tiger's Lust on an ally to help them reach the boss quicker when he relocates.
Mistweaver Monk Ovi'nax Raid Talents

How To Use Your Healing Cooldowns

These cooldowns were assigned with the primary goal of defeating the boss, rather than maximizing raw HPS.

Boss Tips

  • Defensives
    • Ensure you have Fortifying Brew active when targeted with Experimental Dosage.
  • Externals
    • Use your Life Cocoon on people targeted with Experimental Dosage.
  • Paradox
    • Ask for Spatial Paradox with your Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent to dodge the swirlies.
  • General
    • Always keep Enveloping Mist on the tank targeted by Volatile Concoction to reduce raid damage.
Mistweaver Monk Nexus-Princess Raid Talents

How To Use Your Healing Cooldowns

These cooldowns were assigned with the primary goal of defeating the boss, rather than maximizing raw HPS.

Boss Tips

  • Defensives
    • Use your Fortifying Brew when affected by Queensbane.
  • Externals
    • If an ally does not have any defensive cooldown of their own left use Life Cocoon on them, otherwise keep it as a personal defensive.
  • Paradox
    • Ask for it when the Nether Rift drag is happening and you are assigned to do a lot of healing with your Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent.
  • General
    • Cast Enveloping Mist on Queensbane targets.
Mistweaver Monk Silken Court Raid Talents

How To Use Your Healing Cooldowns

  • These cooldowns were assigned with the primary goal of defeating the boss, rather than maximizing raw HPS.

Boss Tips

Phase 1

  • Defensives
    • Use Fortifying Brew when Reckless Eruption and Venomous Rain overlap.
  • Externals
    • Use your Life Cocoon on Binding Webs targets without strong defensive cooldowns as those are the people most likely to die.
  • Paradox
    • Ask for it if you are assigned to play Binding Webs as you will have to do strong spot healing while on the move.
  • General
    • The people in danger in this phase are the ones playing Binding Webs. Ensure you keep them healthy so they can fully focus on the mechanic without having to worry about other things.
    • Dispel your tank as often as possible whenever he has multiple stacks of Poison Bolt as this mechanic will easily kill your tank if ignored.

Intermission 1

  • General
    • Use Tiger's Lust for when you have to dodge.

Phase 2

  • Defensives
    • Use Fortifying Brew when Web Vortex happens.
  • Externals
    • Use your Life Cocoon on targets who accidentally received multiple stacks of Stinging Swarm.
  • Paradox
    • Ask for Spatial Paradox when you are gonna use Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent and there is movement needed during it.
  • General
    • In phase 2, failing the dispel mechanic Stinging Swarm is the most common wipe. Ensure you keep these people healthy so they don't have to worry about anything but playing the mechanic.
    • Dispel your tank as often as possible whenever he has multiple stacks of Void Bolt, as this mechanic will easily kill your tank if ignored.

Intermission 2

  • General
    • Use Tiger's Lust for when you have to dodge.
    • Whenever a raid member gets Impaled, ensure you spot heal them until they are freed.

Phase 3

  • Defensives
    • Use Fortifying Brew when Web Vortex happens.
  • Externals
    • Use your Life Cocoon on Binding Webs targets without strong defensive cooldowns as those are the people most likely to die.
  • Paradox
    • Ask for Spatial Paradox when you are gonna use Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent and there is movement needed during it.
  • General
    • The People in danger in this phase are the people playing Binding Webs. Ensure you keep them healthy so they can fully focus on the mechanic without having to worry about other things.
    • Dispel your tank as often as possible whenever he has multiple stacks of Void Bolt as this mechanic will easily kill your tank if ignored.
Mistweaver Monk Queen Ansurek Raid Talents

How To Use Your Healing Cooldowns

  • These cooldowns were assigned with the primary goal of defeating the boss, rather than maximizing raw HPS.

Boss Tips

Phase 1

  • Defensives
    • Use Fortifying Brew any time you have more stacks then expected from Frothy Toxin, or if you are not healthy before Silken Tomb hits.
  • Externals
    • Use your Life Cocoon on the tank with Feast absorb if needed, otherwise you can use it on targets without strong defensive cooldowns as those are the people most likely to die.
  • Paradox
    • Ask for it if whenever you get knocked up in the air during your Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent, allowing you to keep ramping during the knock up and dodge the waves coming in from the soaks.
  • General
    • There are a lot of very dangerous one-shot mechanics in this phase, make sure to prioritize your own survival and play mechanics to survive, the healing requirement in phase 1 is not as high as you may think, so play to live rather than maximizing your output will make you progress this boss faster.
    • You can make use of Transcendence a lot on this fight for knock ups and you can break your root or anyone else's root with Tiger's Lust.


  • General
    • Use the double jump from the talent Lighter Than Air to negate the Wrest grip mechanic, and use all your healing to top the raid before Wrest rather than after, play to win, not to maximize your output and letting people die.

Phase 2

  • Defensives
    • Use Fortifying Brew when people are going through the Shadowgate for dispels and there is a Wrest grip at the same time.
  • Externals
    • Use your Life Cocoon on targets who walk through the Shadowgate to get a dispel, or if someone is very low health before Wrest.
  • Paradox
    • Ask for Spatial Paradox when you are gonna use Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent in this phase.
  • General
    • Here you can also use Lighter Than Air to easily negate the Wrest grip mechanic.
    • Try to time your healing for when people walk through the Shadowgate and you are about to dispel, you want your side of the raid to be healthy before you dispel as it does a lot of damage.

Phase 3

  • Defensives
    • Use Fortifying Brew if you get Royal Condemnation.
  • Externals
    • Use your Life Cocoon on targets with Royal Condemnation.
  • Paradox
    • Ask for Spatial Paradox with your last Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent in this phase.
  • General
    • Your Ring of Peace will be crucial in this phase when the small adds spawn, make sure to time this, and place it well, as a small misplacement of the ring will make the small adds walk into the boss and it's a wipe.
    • You can completely dodge the incoming ring from Abyssal Infusion with Transcendence, this make you a excellent carrier of an essence on the 2nd set of this mechanic, where it usually is a bit more chaotic.
    • There is a lot of running in this phase, and mainly using personals and externals correctly on the 3 targets with Royal Condemnation, if the 3 targets, and everyone else survives, there will not be a big issue in healing the raid up afterwards, even with plenty of adds up, this phase is also very heavily play-to-win based, not about actual hps throughput.

Stat Priority

Patch 11.0.2 - The War Within
Mistweaver Monk

Understand your secondary stat priority and the tertiary stats needed for optimal performance during Raid boss fights as a Mistweaver Monk. For more detailed information, visit the Stats and Attributes guide.

Mistweaver Monk Stat Priority in Raid

The Conclusion here is that you want to equip the highest item level generally.

  • Blizzard introduced Stat drs, which you should be aware of. To get to know what those are and why you have to care about them click here to get to our detailed stat DR resource post!


  • Avoidance - Reduces damage taken from AoE effects.
  • Leech - Returns a portion of your damage and healing done as healing to you. (Excludes self healing)
  • Speed - increases movement speed. (Does stack with other movement speed abilities)

The only time you should think about picking a lower item level is if it has Leech or Avoidance. Speed is nice to have, but you shouldn't consider this stat when choosing between two items.

  • Here is a showcase of how powerful Leech is for a Healer: Breakdown of Mythic Fyrakk
Mistweaver LEEC Hraid Ezgif
Mistweaver Monk healing breakdown from Warcraftlogs


Patch 11.0.2 - The War Within
Mistweaver Monk
Best in Slot
Farmable Alternatives

Due to the way stat weights work for Mistweaver Monks, there isn't a strict best-in-slot list. Although it is theoretically possible to obtain items with all the correct Tertiaries, doing so requires extraordinary luck or several human lifespans because of the weekly reset system in World of Warcraft.

HeadGatecrasher's HornsTier/Catalyst
NeckSureki Zealot's InsigniaSikran
ShoulderShadowchill AmiceCity of Threads
CloakWings of Shattered SorrowRasha'nan
ChestGatecrasher's GiTier/Catalyst
WristRune-Branded ArmbandsCrafted
GlovesGatecrasher's ProtectorsTier/Catalyst
BeltBehemoth's Eroded CinchRasha'nan
LegsGatecrasher's KiltTier/Catalyst
BootsChitin-Spiked JackbootsSikran
Ring 1Devout Zealot's RingThe Dawnbreaker
Ring 2Band of the Ancient DredgerSiege of Boralus
Trinket 1Gale of ShadowsGrim Batol
Trinket 2Ara-Kara SacbroodAra-Kara, City of Echoes
WeaponVagabond's Bounding BatonCrafted

Authors Note:

This list shows the best items for healing in Raids from all sources. Keep in mind that getting different tier pieces with Leech / Avoidance changes which off-piece is best for you. Likewise, any other non-trinket item with Leech / Avoidance replaces the one suggested here.

Below you are presented with a good list of farmable alternatives that are obtainable outside of WoW’s weekly lockout system. While replaced in time as you progress, these offer immediate character power.

HeadGuise of the ConstructThe Stonevault
NeckElder's Hemolymphal PeriaptCity of Threads
ShoulderShadowchill AmiceCity of Threads
CloakShroud of Dark MemoriesGrim Batol
ChestRainshadow HauberkMists of Tirna Scithe
WristScheming Assailer's BandsThe Dawnbreaker
GlovesGorebound StranglersCity of Threads
BeltPort Pillager's BeltSiege of Boralus
LegsGlimmerthread PantaloonsGrim Batol
BootsViscera-Stitched FootpadsThe Necrotic Wake
Ring 1Band of the Ancient DredgerSiege of Boralus
Ring 2Devout Zealot's RingThe Dawnbreaker
Trinket 1Gale of ShadowsGrim Batol
Trinket 2Ara-Kara SacbroodAra-Kara, City of Echoes
Two-Hand WeaponKrix'vizk's Speech RodCity of Threads
One-Hand WeaponAmarth's SpellbladeThe Necrotic Wake
Off-HandOverflowing Umbral PailThe Dawnbreaker


Below you can find active and passive alternatives to our recommended trinkets. Do note that some trinkets are better than others depending on the scenario.

Active Trinket alternatives

  • Viscous Coaglam
    • Transforms overhealing into a shield that is capped at a very small amount.
  • Creeping Coagulum
    • Redirect healing into the trinket up to a certain cap, to then bursts healing onto 5 allies.

Passive Trinket alternatives

  • Gruesome Syringe
    • Either provides you with a big intellect buff or a strong HoT to targets below 70% HP.
  • Empowering Crystal of Anub'ikkaj
    • A very strong stat stick, granting you a huge random secondary stat proc.


  • Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension 1x
    • Gives you a random secondary stat every 8 seconds when in combat, that stacks up to 10 times.
  • Writhing Armor Banding 1x
    • Doubles the effect of your Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension embellishment.

Remaining Sparks

  • Crafted items are 636 item level and regular items are 639 on max item level, therefore, it's not beneficial to equip crafted items outside of your 2x embellishments unless you don't have access to other high item level gear on that slot.


Patch 11.0.2 - The War Within
Mistweaver Monk
  • Phials
    • Flask of Tempered Swiftness
  • Food
    • Feast of the Divine Day
  • Combat Potion
    • Algari Mana Potion -- Recommended
    • Potion Bomb of Recovery
  • Health Potion
    • Algari Healing Potion
  • Weapon Oil
    • Algari Mana Oil
  • Augment Rune
    • Crystallized Augment Rune
  • Sockets
    • Deadly Emerald
    • Culminating Blasphemite -- Unique, use one of each gem colour to enhance your Blasphemite.
      • Quick Ruby
      • Quick Onyx
      • Quick Sapphire


HelmNerubian Gemweaver
NeckMagnificent Jeweler's Setting 2x
CloakEnchant Cloak - Chant of Leeching Fangs
ChestEnchant Chest - Council's Intellect
WristEnchant Bracer - Whisper of Armored Leech
Nerubian Gemweaver
BeltNerubian Gemweaver
LegsDaybreak Spellthread
BootsEnchant Boots - Scout's March
Ring 1Enchant Ring - Radiant Haste
Magnificent Jeweler's Setting 2x
Ring 2Enchant Ring - Radiant Haste
Magnificent Jeweler's Setting 2x
Weapon Enchant Weapon - Authority of Fiery Resolve
Mistweaver Monk Enchantments

You buy Nerubian Gemweaver from the Great Vault Vendor to add sockets to your Helm, Wrists and Belt.


Patch 11.0.2 - The War Within
Mistweaver Monk

For Mistweaver Monk there's almost no variance between races, but some have some potentially useful racials that could be good in certain raid encounters.

  • Stoneform -- Dwarf
    • Can dispel Magic and Bleed debuffs. Has been useful in the past on some bosses with Bleeds.
  • Arcane Torrent -- Blood Elf
    • 2 minute cooldown that gives you some mana back and rarely can be used to dispel enemies.
  • Shadowmeld -- Night Elf
    • In raid rarely used, but you can use this racial to ignore certain targeted mechanics.
  • Cannibalize -- Undead
    • Famously used in certain encounters, this racial can be used on corpses that are Humanoid or Undead to regenerate 7% of your health and Mana every 2 sec for 10 sec.


Unless you are really min-maxing, you should play whatever you want, whether it's lore or aesthetics. However, Dwarf with their Stoneform helped out on Tindral Sageswift & Fyrakk the Blazing in the latest Race to World First by having easy access to dispelling yourself at crucial points of the fights mentioned. And on Fyrakk the Blazing, Cannibalize could be used in Phase 2 on the smaller Undead adds that spawned.

So if I had to recommend any race in general, it would be Blood Elf for Arcane Acuity and Arcane Torrent, or Dwarf for Stoneform and Might of the Mountain.


Patch 11.0.2 - The War Within
Mistweaver Monk

Discover recommended macros for Mistweaver Monk during Raid encounters and watch a quick video guide on creating simple macros for your character.

Macro Import Guide Video

Mouseover Macros

All spells in this Mistweaver Monk Mythic+ Guide are available as mouseover macros for your convenience!


/cast [@mouseover, help] Vivify; Vivify

Enveloping Mist

/cast [@mouseover, help] Enveloping Mist; Enveloping Mist

Renewing Mist

/cast [@mouseover, help] Renewing Mist; Renewing Mist

Soothing Mist

/cast [@mouseover, help] Soothing Mist; Soothing Mist

Sheilun's Gift

/cast [@mouseover, help] Sheilun's Gift; Sheilun's Gift

Life Cocoon

/cast [@mouseover, help] Life Cocoon; Life Cocoon


/cast [@mouseover, help] Detox; Detox

Recommended Macros


Patch 11.0.2 - The War Within
Mistweaver Monk

Below, you see a screenshot of the author's User Interface for their Mistweaver Monk, outlining which addons are used and how they are utilized in Raids to make your life easier.

Mistweaver Monk User Interface in Raids
Mistweaver Monk Interface in Raids



Changes this Patch

Patch 11.0.2 - The War Within
Mistweaver Monk

Patch 11.0.1

Patch 11.0.2


Patch 11.0.2 - The War Within
Mistweaver Monk

Q: Why do I keep dying?

Q: Why do I keep running out of mana?


Written By: Velo

Reviewed By: Rycn

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