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Korea’s New Region: Talandre

Last Updated:August 21, 2024

The new region coming to the Korean version of the game is called Talandre. The Global Launch version of Throne and Liberty won't have it on release, but we are probably going to get it within 6 months. To give you an idea, it took 8 months for Korea to get it, but we expect an accelerated cadence of updates.

Here's what we know so far from the Korean release.

Map of Talandre

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Talandre Dungeons

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Crimson Manor House

From the outside, the Crimson Mansion, named for the famed hunting family that called it home, looks no different from the mansion of any other noble family. However, its unassuming walls hide the family's dark history and a secret laboratory. After it was made ruins in a mysterious accident, only dangerous mutant creatures and evil spirits wander its once elegant halls.

Bercant Mansion

Long ago, the Lord Bercant created a secret lair in the depths of the basement of the mansion. There, he tasked his Spineflower Royal Guards with keeping his younger sister Norn, now known as the Glorified Witch, hidden away. Years later, Limuny, a descendant of the family that inherited the Spineflower Royal Guards, foolishly released Norn in his quest for more power. As a result, the Spineflower Royal Guards gained the power of fortification, but lost their minds, becoming protective but soulless guardians of the mansion.

Temple of Truth

After the elves left, human wizards feared losing their new knowledge and established the Temple of Truth. Using their golems to carve into the stone, they hoped to preserve and protect their inherited knowledge. However, when the temple's secret location was unexpectedly revealed to the world, Shadowmancers seeking the power of ancient elven magic invaded. As a result of the Shadowmancers' invasion, the temple's golem guardians became contaminated with dark magic.

Talandre Bosses


Though primarily aquatic, Daigon occasionally ventures onto land, massacring and eating anything and anyone who gets too close. Daigon is a horrific, amalgamated monster, formed from the remnants of Quietis's vile weapon and human corpses. People started calling the horrific beast "Daigon" after a storybook featuring a monstrous merfolk of the same name.

Boss Daigon V 1


The giant shark Leviathan, once buried deep under the sea with a mysterious power, has surfaced after being awakened by an earthquake. After centuries under the earth, its teeth, claws, and skin became as hard as steel. Blind after eons living in the depths, it relies on its remaining keen senses to locate prey. Leviathan is not just strong and fast, but also cunning. This terrifying beast has firmly positioned itself as the apex predator of the swamp.

Boss Leviathan V 1

Pakilo Naru

After founding the mine in the mountain ranges north of Talandre, Pakilo Naru initially fostered a prosperous relationship with the nearby human settlements through trade. However, after his son perished during the Bercant Family's power struggle, he sought vengeance against all humans. Having lost both his son and his sanity, Pakilo Naru kills humans on sight.

Boss Pakilo Naru V 1

Manticus Brothers

After receiving a request from the Crimson Family to create a mighty, never-before-seen weapon, a dark shaman used forbidden magic to summon mighty beasts called the Manticus Brothers. Unfortunately, things did not go according to plan, as is common with demonic summoning. The otherworldly demonic beasts tore apart their would-be masters immediately. Years have passed, and now these fearsome foes wander the land, going by the names of Akman and Deckman.

Boss Manticus Brothers V 1


Deluzhnoa, a wizard belonging to the Lightbringer Society, used the Heart of Quietis, an artifact of immense forbidden magic, to stop the Shadowmancers invading the Temple of Einar. Although she triumphed over the Shadowmancers, she sadly succumbed to the Heart's power and lost all sense of her former, heroic self. Thus, Deluzhnoa became a merciless monster, armed with wicked-sharp, frozen spears and armored in ice as hard as stone.

Boss Deluzhnoa V 1

Talandre Regions

Swamp of Silence

The Swamp of Silence is covered in a dangerous substance called the Red Fog, making it difficult for creatures other than mutated sharks or frogs to survive there. The Resistance keeps the monster population in check while providing assistance to scholars studying the Red Fog, in hopes of purifying the swamp.

Forest of the Great Tree

In the Forest of the Great Tree, the adorable Wolpertingers hold a Passage Ceremony to guide the souls of elves to the afterlife. Unfortunately, ogres living nearby are attracted to the shiny souls, and they regularly attack the Wolpertingers, preventing them from carrying out their sacred duty.

Herba Village

Herba Village is the highest habitable location in Talandre. The area was once considered uninhabitable, surrounded by sheer cliffs and treacherous waterfalls. Centuries ago, refugees fleeing the horrors of the Crimson Manor discovered it and eventually settled there. The refugees' tenacity and resourcefulness created the Crimson Family, a thriving community that is there today.

Black Anvil Forge

Commander Pakilo Naru led the Black Anvil Dwarves into the mountains north of Talandre to establish a base near the rich deposits of obsidian. However, Pakilo was driven mad after the death of his son, making his daughter Bonnie the de-facto leader of the group. She is secretly colluding with the Arkeum Legion.

Crimson Manor

One day, hordes of monsters poured out of the seemingly peaceful Crimson Manor and spread an infection to all the residents and villagers that lived near the estate. Once a bustling village and bountiful ranch, the area has been reduced to desolate ruins. Immortal and other monsters run rampant, preying on travelers and adventurers alike.

Bercant Manor

Alimony, a descendent of the Bearcat Family, released the sealed-away Not, obtaining the vile power of fortification in return. After being freed, Norn spread the curse to all the people living around Bercant Mansion, transforming them into glorified monsters. Glorified monsters have lost their memories and reason, and now indiscriminately attack anyone they come across.

Quietis's Demense

Quietis's Demesne is a frigid expanse that is still influenced by the remains of the great giants who once ruled the world long ago. The notorious Deluzhnoa, who was turned into a monster by the giant Quietis's heart, causes regular blizzards in the area.

Written by: Yaen

Reviewed by: Nymphellas

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