Outlaw Rogue Raid Guide

11.0.2 - The War Within

Last Updated:September 29, 2024|Change Log|FAQ

Welcome to the Outlaw Rogue Raid guide for the World of Warcraft patch 11.0! This guide covers everything you need to know to understand your character! Are you starting out and leveling up from 70? Check out the leveling guide!


Patch 11.0.2 - The War Within
Outlaw Rogue
Outlaw RogueRaid
Outlaw Rogue Raid Best in Slot as Hidden Opportunity

Hero Talents

Patch 11.0.2 - The War Within
Outlaw Rogue
  • Every 5 Combo Point or more finisher that you use has a chance to flip a coin.
    • Landing on Fatebound Coin (Heads) increases your damage by 10%. Additional flips landing on Fatebound Coin (Heads) increase damage by 2%. Stacking
    • Landing on Fatebound Coin (Tails) does Cosmic damage. Additional flips increase Fatebound Coin (Tails) damage by 10%. Stacking
  • Fateful Ending
    • Very strong stat buff that you want to get as soon as possible in a fight.

Neither of these flips offer much in terms of gameplay, and you could do without tracking any of them.

  • Inevitability.
    • This could in theory make you hit your Fateful Ending earlier by using Cold Blood when you are at 5 stacks of Fatebound Coin (Heads) or Fatebound Coin (Tails). Unfortunately with current tuning this talent doesn't seem worth it.
  • Double Jeopardy.
    • Rolling double of the same coin. Can be used in combination with Inevitability.
  • Edge Case.
    • Rolling both flips for the next finisher can be pretty useful to get closer to your Fateful Ending capstone.
  • Fate Intertwined
  • Delivered Doom

This Hero Tree is currently not recommended.

  • Makes your Ambush and Sinister Strike hit your target with an Unseen Blade. 10sec duration, 20sec Cooldown.
    • Unseen Blade applies Fazed, making the target take 5% more damage from you and being unable to parry, which is pretty nice. Especially on bosses where you have to sit on front of the boss for extended periods of time.
    • Unseen Blade also applies 1 stack of Escalating Blade as a buff on you.
      • At 4 stacks of Escalating Blade, your next Dispatch becomes Coup de Grace.
    • Coup de Grace hits your target as if your Dispatch had an extra 5 Combo Points.
      • This ability currently has a 1.2GCD lock and a lot of bugs.
      • I could start listing the bugs of this ability and the tree itself, but I'm afraid there will be a lot of new ones popping up by the time the guide is out.

The rest of the tree in general has some interesting talents, but current tuning, plus the GCD lock of Coup de Grace among other bugs makes Fatebound a better choice.

  • Mirrors
    • This is a pretty nice defensive that adds some tankyness to your kit.
  • Flawless Form
    • This is a synergistic talent in the tree that outside of being a flat % buff on your finishers, work with Nimble Flurry and Coup de Grace.
  • So Tricky
    • This is a pretty nice quality of life talent.
  • Nimble Flurry
    • Flawless Form has pretty good uptime so a flat damage buff on your cleave is decent.
  • Disorienting Strikes
    • Unfortunate that Killing Spree is the ability that triggers this for Outlaw, but a significant talent for the spec nonetheless.


Patch 11.0.2 - The War Within
Outlaw Rogue
Fatebound Hidden Opportunity Single-Target
Fatebound Hidden Opportunity AoE
Fatebound Keep it Rolling AoE
Fatebound Outlaw Rogue Single-Target talents in Raids

This build works best with at least 9%~ haste.

Gameplay Altering Talents

Discover all talents that significantly alter your gameplay within the Spec and Class Talent trees. This section gives a concise overview of these talents and their applications but for a more detailed look check out the Rotation and Deep Dive sections below.

Spec Tree

  • Hidden Opportunity
    • Make you want to use Ambush during your Subterfuge window.
    • Ambush in turn procs your Opportunity to spend outside of your Stealth windows, which in turn Procs Audacity.
  • Crackshot
    • This is the talent that every spec is currently playing and is centered around, making your Between the Eyes have no cooldown when used from stealth, which is where the Subterfuge synergy comes in. Also, it auto casts Dispatch with your Between the Eyes.
  • Underhanded Upper Hand
    • Used mostly to extend Adrenaline Rush uptime with Vanish.

Class Tree

  • Without a Trace
    • With the removal of Shadow Dance, having double Vanish charges to extend your Subterfuge windows is a great advantage.
  • Thistle Tea
    • Along with Vigor, provides more stability when you inevitably get bad procs from things like Opportunity, Audacity, etc.

Hero Talents

  • Death's Arrival
    • This is one of the better mobility talents to have when you have to cover a large amount of space.
  • Destiny Defined
    • We pick this talent since Outlaw doesn't like playing Cold Blood.
Fatebound Outlaw Rogue AoE talents in Raids

This build works best with at least 9%~ haste.

When to use this Spec

Standard cleave build, you can use this on any encounter that has any sort of cleave with minimal single target loss.

Talent Adjustments

Listing all the changes within the Class and Spec tree compared to the default build.

Spec Tree

  • Added
    • Deft Maneuvers
    • You use Blade Flurry as a builder on 5 targets or more targets with this talent.
    • Dancing Steel
      • Increases your target cap which is a big issue for this spec.
    • Combat Stamina
      • Simply better than Blinding Powder.
  • Removed
    • Heavy Hitter
      • Small dps hit to pick up Deft Maneuvers.
    • Killing Spree
      • You lose a bit of dps by dropping this talent but in dungeons you are far more likely to die when you use it, very risky. If you still want to play it, drop Thief's Versatility for it.
    • Blinding Powder
Fatebound Outlaw Rogue Keep it Rolling Cleave Build.

This build works best with at least 19%~ haste.

When to use this Spec

This spec should perform a bit better than the Hidden Opportunity alternative in cleave situations but has a much higher haste requirement at 19%~

Talent Adjustments

Listing all the changes within Class and Spec tree compared to the default build.

Spec Tree

  • Added
    • Keep it Rolling
      • This talent allows you to "save" your buffs by extending them by 30 seconds, and also making you unable to reroll them away with Roll the Bones. You generally want to press this ability as soon as you have 4+ buffs to get it on cooldown.
    • Summarily Dispatched
      • Fairly strong node that smooths out the rotation a bit.
    • Deft Maneuvers
      • You use Blade Flurry as a builder on 5 or more targets with this talent.
    • Dancing Steel
      • Increases your target cap which is a big issue for this spec.
    • Triple Threat
      • Needed to get further down the tree.
  • Removed
    • Audacity
      • You don't use Ambush with this build.
    • Hidden Opportunity
    • Take 'em by Surprise
    • Heavy Hitter
      • Small dps hit to pick up Deft Maneuvers.
    • Killing Spree
    • Blinding Powder

Class Tree

  • Added
    • Echoing Reprimand
      • Makes your 3, 4 and 5 Combo Points act as if you used a 7 combo point finisher. This is an energy efficient ability that makes you hit your finisher faster and with more ease.
    • Resounding Clarity
  • Removed
    • Vigor
    • Lethality


Patch 11.0.2 - The War Within
Outlaw Rogue

Tier Set

  • 2-Set: Your Sinister Strike, Pistol Shot, and Ambush have a 20% chance to Ethereal Rampage, dealing 15% increased damage as Shadow.
  • 4-Set: Ethereal Rampage additionally increases the damage of your next Between the Eyes by 6%, stacking up to 3 times.

This tier is pretty badly tuned and using random offpieces is almost better in the ST setup.


Fatebound Hidden Opportunity
Fatebound Keep it Rolling


  • This build uses Ambush as the main builder with Audacity procs and during Subterfuge windows through Vanish or during the opener.


  1. Cast Stealth
  2. Cast Roll the Bones

As always, Opportunity, Audacity procs, Broadside proc, can alter this rotation a bit.

Outlaw Rogue opener on Single Target in Raids
  • Because of Double Jeopardy not working with Adrenaline Rush prepull, you use Adrenaline Rush on combat start.

Priority List

This is a general priority you aim to maintain throughout the fight.

  1. Cast Roll the Bones if you have 1 buff with Loaded Dice Active.
  2. Cast Adrenaline Rush on cooldown with 2 or less Combo Points.
  3. Cast Ghostly Strike on cooldown ideally before a finisher.
  4. Cast Killing Spree on cooldown with 6 or more Combo Points if talented.
  5. Cast Vanish with 6 or more Combo Points to use Between the Eyes right after.
  6. Cast Between the Eyes as a finisher in Subterfuge windows with 5 Combo Points or more. More information on Between the Eyes usage under Deep Dive.
  7. Cast Dispatch at 6 or more Combo Points.
  8. Cast Ambush in Subterfuge at 3 Combo Points or less, or with Audacity at 5 Combo Points or less.
  9. Cast Pistol Shot if you have Opportunity buff at 4 Combo Points or less outside of Subterfuge or Audacity
  10. Cast Sinister Strike at 5 or less Combo Points outside your Stealth windows.


  1. Unlike Hidden Opportunity, Keep it Rolling does not use Ambush at all.

Before Pull

  1. Cast Stealth
  2. Cast Adrenaline Rush
  3. Cast Roll the Bones
  4. Cast Slice and Dice

As always, Opportunity, Audacity procs, Broadside proc, can alter this rotation a bit.

Since KIR prefers using Loaded Dice prepull, you don't get to use your Double Jeopardy buff.

Priority List

  1. Cast Roll the Bones if you have 1 buff with Loaded Dice Active.
  2. Use Keep it Rolling at 4 or more buffs if Broadside is one of them.
  3. Cast Adrenaline Rush on cooldown with 2 or less Combo Points.
  4. Cast Ghostly Strike on cooldown ideally before a finisher.
  5. Cast Echoing Reprimand on cooldown.
  6. Cast Vanish with 6 or more Combo Points to use Between the Eyes right after.
  7. Cast Between the Eyes as a finisher in Subterfuge windows with 5 Combo Points or more. More information on Between the Eyes usage under Deep Dive.
  8. Cast Dispatch at 6 or more Combo Points.
  9. Cast Pistol Shot with Opportunity buff at 3 or less Combo Points or at 6 stacks of Opportunity.
    • Cast Pistol Shot with Opportunity buff at 1 or less Combo Point or at 6 stacks of Opportunity while Broadside is active.
  10. Cast Sinister Strike at 5 or less Combo Points outside your Stealth windows.


For multitarget, your rotation barely changes, but there are a few things to note

  • Blade Flurry cleaves from around your character, so always try to position yourself closer to mobs when possible.
  • Keeping Blade Flurry active is the highest priority with 2 or more targets.
  • When you have Deft Maneuvers talented, you use your Blade Flurry as the highest priority builder at 5 or more targets

Deep Dive

Patch 11.0.2 - The War Within
Outlaw Rogue

Stealth Windows

  • You have to maximize your Between the Eyes casts throughout your pull and thus have to make the most out of your Subterfuge Window. The safest way of doing this is only using Between the Eyes in your Subterfuge window. However, you can maximize the usage of your Between the Eyes casts and use it outside of your Subterfuge if
    • Your Adrenaline Rush has 45 seconds or more on cooldown.
    • Your Vanish is at 0 stacks and has more than 45 seconds cooldown.

Adrenaline Rush Usage

  • This is your "Big" cooldown. It reduces your Global Cooldown through haste, down to 0.8 during its duration. It increases energy, energy regeneration, and fills your combo points with Improved Adrenaline Rush. These are the things you are going to feel when you press it.
  • Generally, you use it as soon as it's ready, but there are some rules you can utilize to maximize the uptime.
    • If your Adrenaline Rush is about to expire, and you have Vanish ready, but you are not at full Combo Points, you can press it even at lower combo points just to extend Adrenaline Rush.
    • Only use your Vanish charges to extend Adrenaline Rush and never outside of it.
    • With Adrenaline Rush being the ability that makes your spec work, it's important that you do not waste it needlessly. Only use/refresh it when you know you are staying on the boss for a good time period. Make sure you are going to have uptime on boss or adds.
    • To hit the threshold for the global cooldown cap, Hidden Opportunity builds require 9%~ haste, while Keep it Rolling builds require 19%~. As always make sure to use raidbots to come up with the best stat weights for your character

Roll the Bones

  • Always use Roll the Bones with 1 buff if Loaded Dice is active.
  • With the KIR Build, use Keep It Rolling if you have 4 buffs or more and Broadside is one of them.
    • After Keep it Rolling is active, your buffs are "saved" and cannot be rerolled away. While they are active, and when you get your next Loaded Dice, use Roll the Bones to try and get extra buffs. Only do this when your current buffs are at ~39s or less as you can roll the same buffs again.
  • Ideally always reroll before your Subterfuge window if your buffs are about to drop, the only time not to is when True Bearing is active as Hidden Opportunity build or Broadside as Keep it Rolling Build.

Pistol Shot

You only want to use this ability when you have an Opportunity proc active, but even so, there are a few rules to follow.

With Hidden Opportunity

  • Only use Pistol Shot when
    • Ambush is not available from Audacity.
    • Subterfuge is not active.
  • During your Subterfuge, when you have Broadside active, use Pistol Shot at 1 Combo Point or less, or if you are low on energy and can't use Ambush.

With Keep it Rolling

  1. If Broadside is active, use Pistol Shot at 1 Combo Point or less or at max stacks of Opportunity.
  2. If Broadside is not active, use Pistol Shot at 3 Combo Points or less or at max stacks of Opportunity.

Understanding Mechanics

Rotational min-maxing is just one aspect of mastering a specialization, but there are numerous other key mechanics that influence your performance. Use the following guides to improve them.

Nerub-ar Palace

Patch 11.0.2 - The War Within
Outlaw Rogue

The following tips are mainly applicable to Heroic Bosses. Mythic tips are released after our progression concludes.

← Scroll for more Bosses

Bloodbound Horror
Silken Court
Outlaw Rogue Ulgrax talents in Raids

Boss Tips

  • Use your Shadowstep or Grappling Hook to stick to the boss while he is casting Carnivorous Contest to gain uptime and not get eaten.
  • Use your Sprint to clear Stalker Netting on normal and heroic difficulties with your Cloak of Shadows.
  • You can use utility such as Shadowstep and Sprint to feed the boss quickly.
Outlaw Rogue Bloodbound Horror talents in Raids

Defensive Cooldown Usage

If you're assigned to Group 1:

If you're assigned to Group 2:

Boss Tips

  • You can use your Cloak of Shadows on Goresplatter to gain uptime.
  • Use your Grappling Hook and Shadowstep on friendly targets to move around the platform quickly, especially if you are out of range of Gruesome Disgorge and you need to go downstairs.
Outlaw Rogue Sikran talents in Raids

Boss Tips

  • Use Feint on Shattering Sweep and Decimate.
  • Cloak of Shadows doesn't work on Shattering Sweep.
  • You can use your Cloak of Shadows to drop the stacks of Cosmic Shards.
Outlaw Rogue Rasha'nan talents in Raids

Boss Tips

  • Try to always look at the intermission timer and have your Sprint and/or Grappling Hook ready so you don't lose too much uptime.
  • Move out with Spinneret's Strands and quickly Shadowstep and Grappling Hook back on the boss.
Outlaw Rogue Broodtwister talents in Raids

Defensive Cooldown Usage

Boss Tips

  • Move out away from other players and use your Cloak of Shadows on the Unstable Web to trigger Web Eruption and cleanse yourself.
  • Use your Kick on Poison Burst.
  • Look for the Experimental Dosage timer so you are aware when this mechanic is coming as you might have to go and break an egg with Rupture.
Outlaw Rogue Nexus-Princess talents in Raids

Defensive Cooldown Usage

Boss Tips

  • Watch out for other players having Queensbane on them. If you have it yourself, position in a way so that you don't hit anyone else.
  • Multiple stacks of Queensbane can be quite dangerous. Consider using Cloak of Shadows to drop the stacks, or Algari Healing Potion.
  • The main thing to keep an eye out for on this boss is the position of each Nether Rift. Their placement dictates how much you get pulled towards them. If they are not positioned properly, you will have to use your Shadowstep or Sprint.
Outlaw Rogue Silken Court talents in Raids

Defensive Cooldown Usage

Boss Tips

  • Use your Shadowstep or Grappling Hook to break the Binding Webs quickly.
  • Make sure you always have some sort of utility if the boss charges away too far so you don't lose uptime.
  • If you get Stinging Swarm make sure you position yourself properly under the boss to get dispelled.

Stat Priority

Patch 11.0.2 - The War Within
Outlaw Rogue

Understand your secondary stat priority and the tertiary stats needed for optimal performance during Raid boss fights as an Outlaw Rogue. For more detailed information, visit the Stats and Attributes guide.

Outlaw Rogue Stat Priorities in Raid

Assuming you have 9%~ haste with Hidden Opportunity Build, or 19%~ Haste with Keep It Rolling Build.

Higher Item level items are better in most scenarios. For an accurate representation of what item to equip you should use Simcraft! A static "Stat Priority" is just a starting point and can easily shift depending on your individual gear.

  • All secondary stats are affected by diminishing returns. Click here to learn more!


  • Avoidance - Great stat to reduce the damage intake of "Area of Effect" abilities.
  • Leech - Provides additional healing through damage dealing.
  • Speed - Niche tertiary that can be very useful and has been proven useful in the past. Makes playing certain mechanics a lot easier.


Patch 11.0.2 - The War Within
Outlaw Rogue
Best in Slot
Farmable Alternatives
HeadK'areshi Phantom's EmptinessTier / Catalyst
NeckElder's Hemolymphal PeriaptCity of Threads
ShoulderK'areshi Phantom's ShoulderpadsTier / Catalyst
CloakWings of Shattered SorrowRasha'nan
ChestK'areshi Phantom's Nexus WrapsTier / Catalyst
WristRune-Branded ArmbandsCrafted
GlovesK'areshi Phantom's GripsTier / Catalyst
BeltSapgorger BeltMists of Tirna Scithe
LegsSeawalker's PantaloonsSiege of Boralus
BootsViscera-Stitched FootpadsThe Necrotic Wake
Ring 1Seal of the Poisoned PactQueen Ansurek
Ring 2Ring of Earthen CraftsmanshipCrafted
Trinket 1Void Reaper's ContractNexus-Princess
Trinket 2Ara-Kara SacbroodAra-Kara, City of Echoes
WeaponVoid Reaper's Warp BladeNexus-Princess
WeaponBlood-Kissed KukriThe Bloodbound Horror
Outlaw Rogue BiS Gear with Hidden Opportunity

Below you are presented with a good list of farmable alternatives that are obtainable outside of WoW’s weekly lockout system. While replaced in time as you progress, these offer immediate character power.

HeadGuise of the ConstructThe Stonevault
NeckElder's Hemolymphal PeriaptCity of Threads
ShoulderWhispering Umbral MantleThe Stonevault
CloakSwarmcaller's ShroudAra-Kara, City of Echoes
ChestRainshadow HauberkMists of Tirna Scithe
WristBands of the UndergrowthMists of Tirna Scithe
GlovesGorebound StranglersCity of Threads
BeltSapgorger BeltMists of Tirna Scithe
LegsSeawalker's PantaloonsSiege of Boralus
BootsViscera-Stitched FootpadsThe Necrotic Wake
Ring 1Experiment 08752's BandCity of Threads
Ring 2Ritual Commander's RingThe Necrotic Wake
Trinket 1Ara-Kara SacbroodAra-Kara, City of Echoes
Trinket 2Dead-Eye SpyglassSiege of Boralus
WeaponZephyrous Sail CarverThe Dawnbreaker
WeaponParson's Ornamented BladeThe Dawnbreaker


Below you can find active and passive alternatives to our recommended trinkets. Do note that some trinkets are better than others depending on the raid boss.

First Trinket alternatives

  • Mad Queen's Mandate
  • Scroll of Momentum
  • Dead-Eye Spyglass
    • A good crit trinket alternative but you have to attack one target to get the full benefit.
  • Bottled Flayedwing Toxin
    • Passive single target trinket that you have to use every hour, similar to poisons.
  • Empowering Crystal of Anub'ikkaj
    • Fairly close to the previous trinket, and doesn't require you to hit the same target. A bit rng with what stat you end up getting.


  1. Duskthread Lining x2

Remaining Sparks

  • Crafted items are 636 item level and regular items are 636 on max item level, therefore, it's not beneficial to equip crafted items outside of your 2x embellishments unless you don't have access to other high item level gear on that slot.


To find the best combination of gear available to you or identify the best possible upgrades, visit our Simcraft guide to learn how to utilize Simcraft easily and effectively.


Patch 11.0.2 - The War Within
Outlaw Rogue
  • Phials
    • Flask of Tempered Versatility
  • Food
    • Feast of the Divine Day
  • Combat Potion
    • Tempered Potion
  • Health Potion
    • Algari Healing Potion -- a big burst of healing
  • Weapon Oil
    • Ironclaw Whetstone
  • Augment Rune
    • Crystallized Augment Rune
  • Sockets
    • Quick Ruby
    • Deadly Sapphire
    • Culminating Blasphemite -- Unique, use one of each gem color to enhance your Culminating Blasphemite.
      • Quick Sapphire
      • Versatile Emerald
  • Running a sim is advised for optimal stats.


HeadNerubian Gemweaver
NeckMagnificent Jeweler's Setting 2x
CloakEnchant Cloak - Chant of Winged Grace
ChestEnchant Chest - Crystalline Radiance
WristEnchant Bracer - Chant of Armored Avoidance
Nerubian Gemweaver
WaistNerubian Gemweaver
LegsStormbound Armor Kit
BootsEnchant Boots - Scout's March
Ring 1Enchant Ring - Cursed Versatility
Magnificent Jeweler's Setting 2x
Ring 2Enchant Ring - Cursed Versatility
Magnificent Jeweler's Setting 2x
WeaponEnchant Weapon - Authority of the Depths
WeaponEnchant Weapon - Authority of the Depths
Outlaw Rogue Enchantments in Raids

You buy Nerubian Gemweaver from the Great Vault Vendor to add sockets to your Helm, Wrists & Waist.


Patch 11.0.2 - The War Within
Outlaw Rogue

For min-maxing an Outlaw Rogue in raiding, different racial traits can provide a tremendous benefit to your character. If this is not your top goal, picking a race that fits your style works just as well.

  • Stoneform -- Dwarf
    • Dispels Magic and Bleed debuffs. Has been useful in the past on some bosses with Bleeds.
  • Brawn -- Tauren
    • Similar to Dwarf in terms of DPS, but you don't get to have Stoneform.
  • Rocket Jump -- Goblin
    • Do a small jump in the direction your character is facing.
    • While you're in the Rocket Jump animation you are placed on a global cooldown until your character lands.
  • Berserking -- Troll
    • Fairly weak DPS racial on a 3min cooldown.
    • Reduce the duration of movement-impairing effects by 20%. This was only useful once in the recent history of progression raiding but is still worth noting.
  • Blood Fury -- Orc
    • 20% reduced stun duration on you which can be useful in some situations.
  • Spatial Rift -- Void Elf
    • Spawn a shadow traveling into your facing direction, and activate it again to teleport to it.
    • Maximum range of 100 yards.
  • Combat Analysis -- Mechagnome
    • Fairly strong passive trait that scales with level, hence why it's so strong now
Outlaw Rogue 5min ST Race sims in Raid


In general, it's safe to say that if you care about min-maxing your DPS, you should go with the highest DPS racial. That being said, the story is a bit different if it's about progression raiding. Some help out massively to speed up the progression on certain bosses. Notably, Dwarf with their Stoneform helped out on Tindral Sageswift and Fyrakk the Blazing in the latest Race to World First by having easy access to dispelling yourself at crucial points of the fights mentioned.


Patch 11.0.2 - The War Within
Outlaw Rogue

Discover recommended macros for Outlaw Rogues during Raid encounters and watch a quick video guide on creating simple macros for your character.

Macro Import Guide Video

Mouseover Macros

Sets a market when you mouseover a mob. This is great for letting you teammates know what you are planning on using your Kick on.

/focus [@mouseover][]
/run SetRaidTarget("mouseover",6)

Shadowstep on your mouseover target

#showtooltip Shadowstep
/cast [@mouseover] Shadowstep

Mouseover Kick if you prefer that over focus target.

#showtooltip Kick
/cast [target=mouseover] Kick

Grappling Hook on Cursor

#showtooltip Grappling Hook
/cast [@cursor] Grappling Hook

Focus Macros

Utility Macros


Patch 11.0.2 - The War Within
Outlaw Rogue

Below, you see a screenshot of the author's User Interface for their Outlaw Rogue, outlining which addons are used and how they are utilized in Raids to make your life easier.

Outlaw Rogue Interface in Raids



Changes this Patch

Patch 11.0.2 - The War Within
Outlaw Rogue

Patch 11.0.2

Patch 11.0


Patch 11.0.2 - The War Within
Outlaw Rogue

Q: Why is my damage so low?


Written By: Perfecto

Reviewed By: Kush

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