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Taedal’s Tower Guide

Last Updated:August 18, 2024|Change Log

This guide covers all 20 floors of Taedal's Tower, teaching you all the tips and tricks for efficiently clearing these floors.

Throne and Liberty has Secret Dungeons, which include Taedal's Tower and the Gate of Infinity. Taedal’s Tower is similar to a Challenge Tower in other games. Make sure to purchase the weekly Allied Resistance Forces Contract Scroll II: Taedal's Tower from the Stonegard Sundries Merchant and complete them to receive great rewards. You can only receive the initial rewards from each floor of Taedal's Tower once, which range from Growthstones, Quality Recovery Crystal and Amitois.

Consider using Rare Quarba Sandwich and Rare Attack Remedy if you need extra damage to clear each floor. Auto Attack damage is usually unavoidable. It's a delicate balance between doing enough DPS and surviving long enough to do it in the first place. The most important thing is to practice avoiding telegraphed Fury Attacks and boss mechanics.

1st Floor - Charging Gatekeeper

Chief Orc Gatekeeper (Entry at Level 15)

  • The first Taedal's Tower boss is not much different when fighting as Melee or Ranged DPS.
  • As a Melee DPS, the only patterns you need to watch out for are the Fury Attacks and the Double Slam.
  • The Double Slam animation is distinctly different from his auto-attack animation. He roars and then brings his club over his head two times to deal damage in a line.
  • If you kite as a Ranged DPS, the only patterns you need to be wary of are his Fury Attacks. His Fury Attacks against ranged targets change from a melee attack into a hook or charge. You won't have to worry about his Double Slam if you're constantly kiting.

2nd Floor - Rushing Queen Spider

Venomous Queen Spider (Entry at Level 19)

  • Regardless of whichever weapon you use, this floor plays the same way.
  • The spider's Fury Attacks are jump attacks. The boss can do them twice in a row. After jumping once or twice, the boss fires a web AoE that persists for a few seconds.

3rd Floor - Screams and a Healing Song

Starving Giant Zombie (Entry at Level 23)

  • On this Taedal's Tower floor, the Lost Adventurer protects you from one of the boss's patterns. When she shouts, "Come behind me! I'll protect you!" stand behind her to avoid the poison spit from the Starving Giant Zombie. Your Q Block does not prevent damage.
  • Other than when the above pattern occurs, do not stand in line with the Lost Adventurer. The boss regularly uses a line attack that can splash the Lost Adventurer and deal significant damage.
  • Only let the NPC take damage when necessary; otherwise, you might find her dying too early, leaving you unable to survive long enough to defeat the boss.

4th Floor - Whirling Goblins

Incomplete Giant Goblin (Entry at Level 27)

  • The only pattern you need to watch for is when he glows red. If he shouts, "Intruder! Kill! Them all!" he starts spinning to win. You can morph and run away. If he doesn't shout, he headbutts you away and stuns you.
  • His Fury Attacks are jumps.

5th Floor - Warrior's Cry

Rusted Armor Warrior (Entry at Level 31)

  • "Kill. Kill. Kill" - Not a lock-on attack. Move to the side of him if you're melee to dodge his frontal melee swing.
  • "Die. Die. Die" - 2 hit Fury Attack. The first hit stuns, and the second hit deals damage.
  • "No one... can... pass." - Gathers red energy before spinning like a Beyblade.
  • "Do not... interfere." - Triple red projectile that is hard to dodge as a Melee.

6th Floor - Finding the Piton in the Flames

Mad Red Pyromancer (Entry at Level 35)

  • Cardinal Direction Teleport - The boss uses a Fury Attack after teleporting in a cardinal direction. After this Fury Attack, he calls down three fire explosions on your position.
  • Center Teleport Mechanic - Above 50% health, 4 pillars spawn. The floor becomes lava, so grapple onto one of the pillars to be safe. If you are below 50% health, only 1 pillar spawns. The pillar spawns in the direction the boss is facing.

7th Floor - The Bound

This Taedal's Tower floor is unique because there are two bosses here, but only one must be killed. Whether you're a Melee or Ranged DPS, the Bound Shadowmancer is the easier target to defeat.

Bound Shadowmancer (Entry at Level 39)

  • The Bound Shadowmancer has three patterns.
    • His auto attack spawns a circle underneath the player that has delayed damage.
    • His second pattern is just a Fury Attack. It's a laser that has a knockback.
    • In his third pattern, he teleports onto the player's location to do AoE damage.

Despair Dark Enforcer

  • "Must pay for interrupting research" - A Fury Attack leading to an AoE beyblade attack.

8th Floor - Poisons, Explosions, and Detox Herbs

Giant Ant Commander (Entry at Level 43)

  • Explosive Ants spawn at regular intervals. Once they stop moving, they explode shortly after. Move a little bit away to avoid damage.
  • The Giant Ant Commander releases three gas explosions that apply three Poison stacks. Three Detox Herbs spawn simultaneously. Move over each to remove a stack of Poison and heal up.
  • Ranged DPS have it easier than Melee DPS as kiting the boss allows the Ranged DPS to avoid all autos and Fury Attacks. The boss tries to gap close by charging but misses every time.
  • On the other hand, Melee DPS have to take auto-attack damage and worry about blocking Fury Attacks.

9th Floor - Dance of the Flashing Sword

Dancing Giant Butcher (Entry at Level 47)

  • This boss has two Fury Attacks. One is used in Melee range, and the other is used right after teleporting away. The Melee range one has a quicker windup, whereas the one after teleport has a longer windup.
  • General Teleport - This teleport is followed by a slow Fury Attack, which leads to a gap closer and then a quick homing Fury Attack.
  • "Death... Eternal... Death!" - Teleports to another location. The Butcher proceeds to launch two throwing knives into a Fury Attack. He then tries to gap close with a charge and follow up with a quick homing Fury Attack.

10th Floor - Commander's Shadow Strike

Oblivion Skeleton Commander (Entry at Level 50)

[4 Autos ➔ Fury AttackCharge Fury Attack ➔ (2 Autos) ➔ 1 or 2 Jumps]
[Charge Fury Attack into Auto or 2 Autos ➔ Fury Attack Charge Fury Attack]

  • The Taedal's Tower 10th floor boss goes through a set attack pattern before using special patterns. As you continually re-try this boss, you start to anticipate its attack patterns.
  • The 2 Autos in parentheses above can either be 1 Auto or skipped directly into the Jump by the boss. The boss alternates between the two rotations listed above.
  • The second Jump becomes a delayed explosion when the boss gets low enough. You are then pulled in towards the boss and must morph and run away from him. The further you are, the less damage you take.
  • If you're a Ranged DPS and kiting, one of the Autos becomes a Saw Wheel attack instead that pulls you back toward the boss upon hit.

11th Floor - Maze of Death

Roaring Avolos Umbramancer

  • His Fury Attack is nothing special, just block.
  • "You cannot... run!" - Spawns a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line centered on you that explodes after a certain amount of time. You can simply sidestep this move. Under 50% health, this move gets upgraded. Think of Tic-Tac-Toe with you at the center box. One line always spawns centered on you, horizontally or vertically. Another line spawns in the next column or row. Just move to the side that doesn't have the line.
  • "You shall not... get away!" - This is the only mechanic you must worry about. When this voice line occurs, the boss spawns a maze with you at the center. You must find your way out of the maze. Before you run, don't panic! Take a brief look at your surroundings to see where the closest exits are, and plan your route mentally!

12th Floor - Answers in the Sand


  • The central mechanic here revolves around Tower Explosive Scorpions being led into the center of the sand whirlpool.
  • To initially spawn Scorpos, you must do exactly the above mechanic.
  • When the boss burrows in the center of the floor, one Tower Explosive Scorpion and two normal Tower Scorpions appear. You then see three objects moving underground with dust trailing behind them. Scorpos is the one whose dust has purple particle effects. The purple dust trail starts from the center and moves three times in separate directions. After, three sand whirlpools appear. Aggro the Tower Explosive Scorpion towards the sand whirlpool Scorpos is at. The scorpion then explodes and Scorpos emerges stunned.
  • Scorpos takes more damage when stunned.

13th Floor - Fall, Shock, Destroy!

Lightning Jump Attacker

  • To spawn the Taedal's Tower 13th floor boss, you must complete a certain mechanic. Stand in between the red rock and the center rock. When doing so, a laser connects to you from the red rock and then from you to the center rock. The center rock then turns red.
  • Proceed to stand in between the center and blue rock now. The blue rock activates. Stand next to the blue rock for a shield. This protects you when Lightning Jump Attacker lands.
  • "Lightning...!" - This is a Fury Attack that spawns a line of lightning that moves across the map. There are two openings to avoid the lightning. Under 50% health, there is only one.
  • "Drop... Destroy!" - This mechanic is similar to the one used to get the floor boss to appear initially. Connect the rocks to gain the blue shield. Ensure you acquire the blue shield before moving away, as you can connect the rock but not necessarily gain the shield.
  • If you're a Ranged DPS that usually tries kiting bosses, be wary of the Fury Attack Jump that the floor boss uses to gap close. He continually uses it if you're not in Melee range. I recommend always fighting at Melee range.

14th Floor - Out of Sight

Old Wizard's Eye

  • The most difficult mechanic for this floor is the pattern where Old Wizard's Eye covers half of the arena with an AoE. This pattern slows you and deals significant damage sometime later. Consider always moving into Melee range to be ready to move to the safe area. If you have a Staff, Smokescreening Frost instantly teleports you to the safe area if used correctly. With a dagger, you can use Shadow Strike to easily avoid the mechanic as well.
  • Jump Mechanic - When you see a red wave on the floor centering the boss, you must jump to avoid the damage from the resulting quake. The boss does this two more times.
  • Other than his Fury Attacks and Auto-Attacks, he does circle AoEs that you can just move to the side for.

15th Floor - Thieves and Retrievers


  • "Can I recover the Light?" - The arena turns dark. You are then teleported to one side with a light orb on the other side of the floor. You must path to the light orb while avoiding the shadow silhouettes that appear. I like moving through the center, as the shadows don't wander around much. Hugging the left or right edge of the floor also works, as you only have to watch for one side.
  • Other than Fury Attacks, there isn't much to watch out for. However, they apply many Bleed stacks, so be careful not to get hit by too many.

16th Floor - Precise Moment

Immortal Guardian

  • If beginning the fight as Ranged, the boss only uses the attack pattern that requires you to jump. He swings his hammer in a circle vertically before slamming down.
  • A short while later, the boss jumps onto one of the platforms. On the platforms, the boss likes using an attack pattern where he pushes you off the platform. He enters a stance while holding his hammer behind him before shortly attacking. When you see this, move to the side, as it is not a homing attack.
  • There are red and blue areas on the platforms. The red area applies an Attack Speed and Move Speed debuff. Always stand in the blue area.
  • If you are short on DPS, he eventually switches platforms. Do your best to travel to the new platform, as he regains Health when not attacked.

17th Floor - Unbreakable Shield of Cooperation

Chaos Archwizard

  • When the fight starts, stand away from the Adventurer NPC. The Chaos Archwizard uses a flame attack that does not only damage you but also the NPC.
  • The floor boss periodically spawns a purple circle underneath you or the NPC that teleports the target away to the arena's edge. He does this to the NPC and then to you, so get ready to move shortly after when you see the NPC get teleported. The boss continues to alternate until the end.
  • "Die!" - This is a 2-part Fury Attack chain the boss uses. Use the time before the first Fury Attack goes off to get between the boss and the NPC before blocking. The second Fury Attack targets the NPC. Block this for the NPC and the NPC deals 7000 damage to the boss. If the NPC gets hit, no damage is dealt. If the NPC dies, you automatically wipe soon afterward.
  • "This is no place for you!" - You get teleported opposite the NPC. Run counterclockwise to get to the NPC to be protected from the resulting damage.

18th Floor - Swirling Firestorm

Exploding Flame Desert Wizard

  • "Hotter... Hotter!" or "Intruder... Kill...!" - She backsteps into two pizza AoEs. The second AoE stuns you if you're hit. It's easier to dodge if you're in Melee range and run to the side as soon as you hear this voice line.
  • "Taste my... flame!" - After teleporting to the center, she spawns two quakes underneath you. You must get these quakes in the path of the flame tornado that moves around the arena. The quakes charge the flame tornado, launching you into the air if you walk over it. You need to glide in the air to avoid the resulting flame explosion used by the boss. Land in the safe area behind the boss once the mechanic is over.

19th Floor - Reaching Higher

Nightmare Conductor

  • "Die, die, die! Just die!!" - Three orbs spawn above his head, 2 red and 1 blue in a random order. After a short duration, the boss fires the orbs one after another at you, starting from the left. The red orbs spawn an AoE underneath you, which you can easily sidestep. The only orb you need to block is the blue orb, which stuns you if you get hit.
  • "Overwhelming!" - Six platforms are raised from the ground. You have to hop between each platform as they rise to get to the highest one. Only on the highest platform allows you to avoid the AoE.

20th Floor - Revenge and Resurrection

Revenger Skeleton Commander

  • Random mobs spawn periodically during this fight. They have 100 HP, so they are easily killed. They deal high damage if left alone.
  • Jump Mechanic - Much like Floor 10, this boss does the mechanic where you must jump to avoid damage. However, he precedes the mechanic this time by placing a red AoE circle underneath your location. Once you see this occur, you know the jump mechanic is next.
  • After killing him once, he resurrects with the same attack patterns. The only difference is that he reduces the area of the arena you can walk on based on the remaining time in the fight.


Written by Yaen
Reviewed by Tenkiei and Nymphellas

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