Welcome to the guide for The War Within Season 1 Tier Sets and Bonuses, featuring the first raid of the expansion. This guide includes a comprehensive list of the Nerub-ar Palace Tier Sets for each of the 13 classes, along with a quick look at the appearance for each difficulty level. You can also...
Here you’ll find a list of pre-patch hotfixes from August 1, 2024, that address various issues related to World of Warcraft: The War Within, such as the anticipated Radiant Echoes Event buffs. Some of the hotfixes below take effect the moment they are implemented, while others may require scheduled realm restarts to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch update. Updated the event so that now, after the zone boss is defeated, memories begin resurfacing again, repeating the event immediately. The event now rotates between zones once each hour, and while the […]
The scaling of secondary stats and their diminishing returns underwent several changes after Battle for Azeroth, primarily due to the borrowed power system at the end of that expansion, which allowed players to stack enormous amounts of secondary stats. To address this, Diminishing Returns were...
The Spell Queue Window is a mechanic in World of Warcraft that allows players to queue up their next ability or spell before the current one has finished casting. By default this window is set to 400 ms, meaning you can press the next ability up to 400 ms before the current cast ends. This makes...
SimulationCraft is a software that enables you to simulate raid and dungeon encounters thousands of times in a matter of seconds. Raidbots is a cloud-based service which offers its users access to SimulationCraft through a user-friendly interface. Its use cases range from identifying the best...
The Revival Catalyst is a system introduced to help players convert non-tier gear into tier gear, aiding in the completion of their tier sets. This feature provides an alternative method for obtaining the powerful tier set bonuses. By allowing players to transform eligible gear into tier pieces, the Revival Catalyst mitigates the reliance on luck and raid drops, making it easier to achieve optimal gear setups. To unlock the Revival Catalyst you simply pick up and complete the quest Reviving the Machine, which you receive from Watcher Koranos in Valdrakken. Questgiver Location [inplace_ad 1] The Revival Catalyst is located at […]
Diminishing returns (DR) in World of Warcraft refer to the mechanic where certain crowd control (CC) effects become less effective if used repeatedly within a short period. This guide covers how diminishing returns works, the categories of DR, and which specific abilities are affected by this mechanic. Diminishing returns reduce the effectiveness of CC abilities when they are applied to the same target multiple times in quick succession. The first application of the effect has a full duration, the second is halved, and the third and subsequent applications are reduced even further or completely ineffective. Diminishing returns for most forms […]
Mythic+ Dungeons and are parts of a system that was introduced at the start of the Legion expansion and replaced the Challenge Mode system that existed up until Warlords of Draenor. Since Mythic+ is infinitely scaling it enables all levels of players to enjoy the content. The best place to start...
Every spell and ability in the game belongs to one out of seven Magic schools, these are Arcane, Fire, Frost, Holy Nature, Physical, Shadow. Even utility and crowd control (CC) abilities have a Magic school. To find out what Magic school a damaging spell belongs to you can simply look at the...
Heirlooms are items that scale with your character’s level, providing consistent stat boosts as you progress. They are equipped from level 1 and continue to be useful until you reach level 70. Heirlooms come with experience bonuses, which significantly speeds up the leveling process. There are...
The “Pandemic” mechanic in WoW is a crucial element for min-maxing. It allows you to add 30% of the normal duration of a DoT (Damage over Time) or HoT (Heal over Time) to its new application, effectively extending it. This enables you to fully focus on your cooldowns or other important windows without having to spend a global cooldown on something that doesn’t contribute significantly to direct damage or healing. You cast on a target, with a baseline duration of 20 seconds. The Pandemic threshold is 30% of 20 seconds. We calculate this as 20 * 0.3 = 6, so […]
This Tier List defines the performance of Tank specializations in Raids. Higher-ranked specializations are better additions to your raid group. While a raid group's success does not depend on the presence of any one specialization, having higher-ranked specializations present in your raid group...
This Tier List defines the performance of Healer specializations in Raids. Higher-ranked specializations are better additions to your raid group. While a raid group's success does not depend on the presence of any one specialization, having higher-ranked specializations present in your raid group...
This Tier List defines the performance of DPS specializations in Raids during the pre-patch. Higher-ranked specializations are better additions to your raid group. While a raid group's success does not depend on the presence of any one specialization, having higher-ranked specializations present...
This Tier List defines the performance of Tank specializations in Low - Mid level Mythic+ Dungeons, specifically from level 2 to level 8. Higher-ranked specializations are expected to clear higher levels with more ease. While a group's success does not depend on the presence of any one...
This Tier List defines the performance of Healer specializations in Low - Mid level Mythic+ Dungeons, specifically from level 2 to level 8. Higher-ranked specializations are expected to clear higher levels with more ease. While a group's success does not depend on the presence of any one...
This Tier List defines the performance of DPS specializations in Low - Mid level Mythic+ Dungeons, specifically from level 2 to level 8.. Higher-ranked specializations are expected to clear higher levels with more ease. While a group's success does not depend on the presence of any one...
This Tier List defines the performance of Tank specializations in High Mythic+ Dungeons, specifically from level 9 and onwards. Higher-ranked specializations are expected to clear higher levels with more ease. While a group's success does not depend on the presence of any one specialization,...
This Tier List defines the performance of Healer specializations in High Mythic+ Dungeons, specifically from level 9 and onwards. Higher-ranked specializations are expected to clear higher levels with more ease. While a group's success does not depend on the presence of any one specialization,...
This Tier List defines the performance of DPS specializations in High Mythic+ Dungeons, specifically from level 9 and onwards. Higher-ranked specializations are expected to clear higher levels with more ease. While a group's success does not depend on the presence of any one specialization, having...
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