The War Within 10.0.2 Patch Notes

11.0.2 - The War Within

Last Updated:August 8, 2024

In these notes, you'll find all the changes coming in The War Within 10.0.2 patch. It includes class changes for PvE and PvP, Item, User Interface and accessibility changes, and more.


Patch: 10.0.2
Patch Notes

Death Knight

General Changes
  • Death Strike can now only heal the Death Knight for a percentage of damage taken from a given damage event once. Death Strikes that heal the minimum health amount do not count as using damage events in this way.
  • Unholy Strength (Rune of the Fallen Crusader) now heals for 4% maximum health (was 6%).
  • Enfeeble reduces damage dealt to you by 12% (was 15%).
  • Null Magic reduces Magic damage taken by 8% (was 10%).
  • An issue causing Raise Abomination to deal less damage than it should has been fixed.
  • All damage increased by 10%.
  • A new aura, Coagulating Blood, shows the amount of recently taken damage that will be used to calculate the value of your next Death Strike. The aura description lists the value as a flat amount and the number of stacks shows it as a percentage of your current health. 
  • Blood Shield's cap is now 50% of the Death Knight's maximum health (was 100%) and the cap is no longer temporarily increased by Vampiric Blood. 
  • Bone Shield increases Armor by 100% of Strength (was 80%). 
  • Leeching Strike now heals for 0.25% maximum health for each target hit (was 0.5%). 
  • Dancing Rune Weapon increases Parry chance by 35% (was 40%). 
  • Each active Dancing Rune Weapon generates 3 Runic Power when mirroring Heart Strike (was 5). 
  • Everlasting Bond increases Dancing Rune Weapon's duration by 6 seconds (was 8 seconds). 
  • Blood Drinker reduces the damage the enemy deals to you by 15% (was 20%). 
  • Bonestorm damage increased by 20%.
  • Bonestorm heals you for 2% of your maximum health (was 3%), up to a maximum of 10% (was 15%). 
  • Bonestorm now consumes up to 5 Bone Shield charges (was 10).
  • Bonestorm now lasts 2 seconds per Bone Shield charge spent (was 1 second).
  • Consumption's Blood Plague damage occurs 30% more quickly (was 50%) and duration reduced to 6 seconds (was 8 seconds).
  • Rapid Decomposition's Blood Plague and Death and Decay now deal damage 15% faster (was 18%).
  • Coagulopathy now increases Blood Plague damage by 25% per stack (was 30%).
  • All ability damage reduced by 5%.
  • Glacial Advance damage reduced by 15%.
  • Icy Death Torrent damage reduced by 15%.
  • Frost Strike damage increased by 8%.
  • Obliterate damage increased by 8%.
  • Breath of Sindragosa damage increased by 12%.
  • Shattered Frost now deals 60% of the damage to nearby enemies (was 65%).
  • Enduring Strength now grants 15% Strength (was 20%).
  • Shattering Blade now causes the next Frost Strike when consuming 5 Razorice stacks to be increased by 115% (was 125%).
  • Glacial Advance's global cooldown is now properly reduced by Haste.
  • Frostsycthe's global cooldown is now properly reduced by Haste.
  • Cryogenic Chamber now has a 30 second duration.
  • Cryogenic Chamber now resets at the beginning of a raid encounter and Mythic+ dungeon.
  • Cryogenic Chamber now displays the amount of damage event it stored as stacks.
  • Icy Death Torrent now deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets (was 8). The tooltip will be updated to reflect this change at a later date.
  • Pillar of Frost is now displayed on the personal resource display.
  • All ability damage reduced by 10%.
  • Clawing Shadow damage increased by 25%. 
  • Ebon Fever now increases damage diseases deal by 12% (was 15%).
  • Bursting Sores now increases Festering wound damage by 16% (was 20%).
  • Bursting Sores damage reduced by 8%.
  • Superstrain now applies Blood Plague and Frost Fever at 75% (was 80%).
  • Raise Abomination now costs 1 Rune to summon.
  • An issue with Unholy Blight applying Virulent Plague to the player's current target instead of enemies in proximity has been resolved.

Demon Hunter

General Changes
  • Live By the Glaive now restores 2% of maximum health (was 4%).  
  • All ability damage increased by 13%.
  • Eye Beam damage increased by 100%.
  • Consuming Lesser Soul Fragments now heals for 6% of maximum health (was 10%).
  • A Fire Inside chance to refund a charge of Immolation Aura increased to 30% (was 25%).
  • All ability damage increased by 15%.
  • Thick Skin increases Stamina by 60% (was 65%).  
  • Demonic Wards reduces physical and magic damage taken by 8% (was 10%).  
  • Soul Cleave healing reduced by 20%.  
  • Frailty heals for 8% of damage done (was 10%).  
  • Void Reaver reduces damage you take from targets afflicted by Frailty by 3% (was 4%).
  • Illuminated Sigils grants 12% Parry chance (was 15%).  
  • Down in Flames reduces Fiery Brand cooldown by 12 seconds (was 15 seconds). 
  • Metamorphosis increases maximum health by 40% (was 50%).  
  • Darkglare Boon now refreshes 15-30% of Fel Devastation's cooldown (was 20-40%) and refunds 15-30 Fury (was 20-40).  


General Changes
  • Regrowth initial heal increased by 27% and its healing over time decreased by 3%.
  • Swiftmend healing increased by 38%.
  • Ironfur increases Armor by 112% of Agility (was 120%).
  • All spell damage increased by 6%.
  • Force of Nature melee damage increased by 60%.
  • Wild Mushroom damage increased by 20% and it generates up to 20 Astral Power (was 16).
  • Umbral Inspiration damage bonus increased to 35% (was 30%).
  • Denizen of the Dream damage reduced by 6.5%.
  • Denizen of the Dream's attacks are now affected by all abilities that increase all your spell damage or critical strike chance.
  • Astral Communion grants 25 Astral Power (was 20).
  • Wrath or Starfire cast with Umbral Embrace are now affected by both passive bonuses from Mastery: Astral Invocation.
  • Wraths cast by Convoke the Spirits can now trigger Umbral Embrace and Astral Smolder.
  • If a player has a free cast available from Touch the Cosmos and Starweaver, only the bonus from Starweaver is consumed on the next cast.
  • Touch the Cosmos now highlights Starfall or Starsurge when your next cast will be free.
  • Melee auto-attack damage increased by 30%.
  • Rip damage increased by 15%.
  • Rake initial damage increased by 30% and periodic damage increased by 5%.
  • Shred initial damage increased by 30%.
  • Swipe initial damage increased by 30%.
  • Brutal Slash initial damage increased by 30%.
  • Thrash initial damage increased by 30% and periodic damage increased by 5%.
  • Lunar Inspiration Moonfire initial damage increased by 30%.
  • Primal Wrath direct damage increased by 20%.
  • Adaptive Swarm direct damage increased by 20%.
  • Rampant Ferocity's damage increased by up to 100% (was 50%) when players spend extra Energy on Ferocious Bite.
  • Taste For Blood increases Ferocious Bite damage by 12% (was 15%) and an additional 12% (was 15%) during Tiger's Fury.
  • Apex Predator's chance to proc against multiple targets increased slightly.
  • Berserk now increases all ability and auto-attack damage by 15% (was 10%).
  • Berserk: Frenzy now causes enemies to bleed for 150% of all direct damage dealt by combo point generating abilities (was 135%).
  • Incarnation reduces the Energy cost of all abilities by 25% (was 20%).
  • Ashamane's Guidance's effect now lasts 40 seconds after Incarnation ends (was 30 seconds).
  • Savage Fury increases your Haste by 10% (was 8%) and Energy recovery rate by 25% (was 20%).
  • Melee auto-attack and all bear ability damage increased by 20%.
  • Moonfire damage reduced by 15%.
  • Twin Moonfire increases Moonfire damage by 8% (was 10%).
  • Reinvigoration reduces Frenzied Regeneration’s cooldown by 10/20% (was 20/40%).
  • Earthwarden reduces damage taken by 25% (was 30%).
  • Survival of the Fittest reduces cooldowns by 12/24% (was 15/30%).
  • Tooth and Claw reduces damage taken by 12% (was 15%).
  • After the Wildfire triggers after spending 300 Rage (was 200).
  • Ursoc’s Fury grants a shield equal to 25% of Thrash and Maul damage (was 45%).
  • Elune’s Favored heals you for 25% of Arcane damage dealt (was 40%).
  • Rage of the Sleeper duration reduced to 8 seconds (was 10 seconds).
  • Rage of the Sleeper damage taken reduction reduced to 20% (was 25%).
  • Rage of the Sleeper Leech decreases to 20% (was 25%).
  • Pulverize duration reduced to 8 seconds (was 10 seconds).
  • Ursoc’s Guidance reduces the cooldown of Incarnation: Guardian of Ursoc by 1 second for each 25 Rage spent (was 20).
  • Frenzied Regeneration heals you for 20% of your maximum health (was 32%).
  • Dream of Cenarius increases the healing of the affected Regrowth by 130% (was 200%).
  • Fixed an issue with the increase to the amount of Rage required to trigger After the Wildfire.
  • Lifebloom heal over time increased by 5% and bloom healing increased by 30%.
  • Tranquility healing increased by 15%.
  • Rejuvenation healing increased by 15%.
  • Rejuvenation now costs 2.1% base mana (was 2.2%).
  • Wild Growth healing increased by 15%.
  • Cenarion Ward healing increased by 20%.
  • Embrace of the Dream healing increased by 50%.
  • Nourish healing increased by 100%.
  • Grove Guardians Nourish and Wild Growth healing decreased by 10%.
  • Convoke the Spirits now casts an additional 4 spells over its duration for Restoration Druids.
  • Flourish's duration is now 8 seconds (was 6 seconds).
  • Regenesis now increases the healing of Rejuvenation by up to 15/30% (was 10/20%).
  • Power of the Archdruid now has a 60% chance to activate (was 40%).
  • Tree of Life now increases healing done by 10% (was 15%) and increases the healing of Rejuvenation by 40% (was 50%).
  • Rip damage decreased by 15%. Does not affect PvP combat.
  • Rake damage decreased by 15%.
  • Shred damage decreased by 15%.
  • Ferocious Bite damage decreased by 15%. Does not affect PvP combat.
  • Sunfire damage decreased by 15%.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Mastery: Harmony to gain an extra stack on all targets.


General Changes
  • Disintegrate damage increased by 10%.
  • Fire Breath damage increased by 10%.
  • Azure Strike damage increased by 10%.
  • Deep Breath damage increased by 10%.
  • Verdant Embrace healing increased by 20%.
  • Living Flame healing increased by 30%.
  • Black Attunement increases the maximum health of you and 4 nearby allies by 2% (was 4%).
  • Aspects’ Favor increases Black Attunement by 1% max health per talent point invested (was 2%).
  • Ebon Might increases primary stat by 5% (was 6.5%).
  • Close as Clutchmates has been removed.
  • Eternity Surge damage increased by 26.5%.
  • Pyre damage increased by 10%.
  • Shattering Star damage increased by 10%.
  • Unravel damage increased by 10%.
  • Firestorm damage increased by 10%.
  • Animosity causes empower spells to increases the duration of Dragonrage by 5 seconds (was 4 seconds) up to a max of 20 seconds (was 16 seconds).
  • Titanic Wrath is now a 1-point node (was 2).
  • Imminent Destruction is no longer a capstone talent, and has swapped positions with Feed the Flames.
  • Spiritbloom healing increased by 20%.
  • Reversion will now extend its duration by 30% when it is refreshed.
  • Emerald Blossom and Echo casts will no longer consume Essence Burst when they are released from Stasis.
  • Lifebind will now trigger its healing from heals that are considered procs.
  • Field of Dreams procs will no longer incorrectly benefit from Titan’s Gift.


General Changes
Beast Mastery
  • Rejuvenating Wind now heals 12% maximum health over its duration (was 20%).
  • An issue with Ghillie Suit not activating when uncovered by Flare effect has been resolved.
  • Pet melee damage reduced by 10%.
  • Laceration damage reduced to 8% (was 15%).
  • Kill Command damage reduced by 20%.
  • Huntmaster's Call Hati and Fenryr attack damage reduced by 33%.
  • Dire Beast damage reduced by 10%.
  • Smack damage reduced by 10%.
  • Stomp damage reduced by 10%.
  • Barbed Shot damage reduced by 25%.
  • Laceration now has proper support attribution.
  • Fixed an issue with Territorial Instincts summoning an extra pet when talented into Animal Companion.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing Laceration to contribute 100% of pet critical strike damage instead of 8%.
  • Wind Arrows now fire after you cast Aimed Shot, rather than during their cast.
  • Many issues with Wind Arrows failing to fire or breaking have been resolved.
  • Rapid Fire’s cooldown between procs of Wind Arrow has been reduced to 0.2 seconds (was 0.7 seconds).
  • Grenade Juggler has been updated – Casting Explosive Shot reduces the cooldown of Wildfire Bomb by 2 seconds.
  • Grenade Juggler and Sulfur-Lined Pockets procs will no longer grant the cooldown reduction effect.
  • Bombardier is no longer consumed by Sulfur-Lined Pockets or Grenade Juggler procs.
  • Wildfire Bomb damage reduced by 5%.
  • Flanking Strike damage reduced by 40%.
  • Flanking Strike and Harpoon now pull you to the edge of your target’s hitbox, rather than the center.
  • Wildfire Bomb initial damage dealt to primary target increased to 80% (was 40%).
  • Wildfire Bomb damage reduced by 25%.
  • Raptor Strike damage increased by 5%.
  • Mongoose Bite damage increased by 5%.
  • Flanking Strike damage increased by 10%.
  • Explosive Shot damage reduced by 5%.
  • Fixed an issue preventing Flanking Strike’s pet damage from scaling with the Hunter’s attack power.
  • Fixed an issue preventing Flanking Strike and Kill Command from scaling with Hunter’s Mastery.


General Changes
  • Reabsorption now heals for 3% maximum health (was 5%).
  • Cryo-Freeze now causes Ice Block to heal for 25/50% of maximum health over its duration (was 40/80%).
  • Mass Barrier now has a cooldown of 3 minutes (was 2 minutes).
  • Clearcasting is now learned at level 10 (was level 11).
  • Mastery: Savant's Arcane Barrage damage bonus increased by 100%.
  • Mastery: Savant's Arcane Blast damage bonus increased by 50%.
  • Arcane Blast damage increased by 4%.
  • Arcane Missiles damage increased by 11%.
  • Arcane Barrage damage reduced by 60%.
  • Arcane Barrage damage increase per Arcane Charge increased to 90% (was 30%).
  • Arcane Familiar damage increased by 50%.
  • Arcane Orb damage reduced by 10%.
  • Arcane Echo damage increased by 25%.
  • Arcane Echo now has a 0.2 second cooldown between procs.
  • High Voltage base chance decreased to 10% (was 20%).
  • High Voltage proc chance increase per failure increased to 10% (was 5%).
  • Aether Attunement damage bonus decreased to 100% on primary target and 50% on secondary targets (was 150% and 100% respectively).
  • Concentration now procs 3 times per minute (was 2).
  • Magi's Spark now has a 2 second grace period after the initial Arcane Missiles proc where the caster will continue to echo Arcane Missiles damage.
  • Fixed an issue where Magi’s Spark damage echo windows for Arcane Missiles and Arcane Barrage were shorter than Touch of the Magi’s duration.
  • Fixed an issue that was allowing procs such as Orb Barrage and Energy Reconstitution to generate Clearcasting.
  • Fixed an issue preventing Energized Familiar from granting Mana.
  • Pyroblast damage increased by 5%.
  • Phoenix Flames damage increased by 10%.
  • Fireball damage increased by 20%.
  • Scorch damage increased by 25%.
  • Improved Scorch now increases damage taken by 7% (was 6%).
  • Flamestrike damage increased by 10%.
  • Quickflame Flamestrike damage bonus increased to 25% (was 20%).
  • Flame Patch damage increased by 30%.
  • Living Bomb damage decreased by 63%.
  • Living Bomb is now target-capped at 8 targets and no longer splashes.
  • Living Bomb visual effects now have reduced visual fidelity in raid groups.
  • Lit Fuse chance to trigger reduced to 4% (was 15%).
  • Explosive Ingenuity chance to trigger reduced to 3% (was 10%).
  • Explosivo's Living Bomb trigger chance during Combustion is reduced to 15% (was 30%).
  • Explosivo's Living Bomb damage increase during Combustion reduced to 40% (was 50%).
  • Deep Impact's cooldown reduction reduced 10 seconds (was 15 seconds).
  • Ice Lance damage increased by 10%.
  • Glacial Spike damage increased by 10%.
  • Flurry damage increased by 12%.
  • Blizzard damage increased by 50%.
  • Frozen Orb damage increased by 10%.
  • Comet Storm damage increased by 10%.
  • Ray of Frost damage increased by 20%.
  • Splintering Ray's Ray of Frost damage bonus increased to 30% (was 25%).
  • Splitting Ice's Ice Lance damage to nearby enemies increased to 90% (was 80%).
  • Cone of Cold damage is increased by 100%.
  • Death’s Chill now stacks up to 15 times (was 10).
  • Death’s Chill spell damage bonus decreased to 1% (was 2%).
  • Time Anomaly now grants a temporary Water Elemental when it procs Icy Veins.
  • Refreshing Icy Veins no longer breaks Fractured Frost, Slick Ice, Death’s Chill, or Thermal Void for the duration of the refreshed Icy Veins.
  • Cryopathy and Splintering Ray are no longer a choice node.
  • The location of nodes in Gate 3 have been adjusted.


General Changes
  • Healing Elixir now heals for 10% of maximum health (was 15%).
  • Yu’lon’s Grace grants an absorb equal to 1% of your maximum health (was 2%) every 3 seconds (was 2 seconds).
  • Healing Winds restores 10% of maximum health (was 15%).
  • Clash is now a 1 minute cooldown (was 45 seconds).
  • Mastery: Elusive Brawler chance to dodge reduced by 12%.
  • All ability damage increased by 15%.
  • Brewmaster ’s Balance increases Armor by 45% (was 25%).
  • Celestial Fortune heals you for 70% of the amount healed (was 80%).
  • Amount of damage staggered increased by 5%.
  • Percentage of magic damage staggered increased to 58% (was 45%).
  • Dance of the Wind chance to dodge reduced to 5% (was 10%).
  • Staggering Strikes healing reduced by 28%.
  • Spirit of the Ox chance to summon a Healing Sphere reduced by 40%.
  • Elixir of Determination healing reduced to 30% of recently purified damage (was 50%), or a minimum of 8% of your maximum health (was 20%).
  • Celestial Brew healing reduced by 10%.
  • Pretense of Instability grants 10% Dodge (was 15%).
  • Dance of the Wind chance to dodge reduced to 5% (was 10%).
  • Detox now costs 10 energy (was 20).
  • Chi Wave damage reduced by 10%.
  • Chi Burst damage reduced by 10%.
  • Vivify healing increased by 56%.
  • Revival healing increased by 15%.
  • Restoral healing increased by 15%.
  • Gust of Mist healing increased by 10%.
  • Overflowing Mist now heals for 0.6%/1.2% maximum health (was 1%/2%).
  • Life Cocoon absorb amount reduced by 40%.
  • Ancient Teachings now transfers 170% of damage to healing (was 150%).
  • Tear of Morning now causes 12% of Enveloping Mist healing to transfer to allies with Renewing Mist (was 20%) and increases Vivify healing by 10% (was 20%).
  • Jade Bond now increases the Mastery healing from Chi-Ji by 60% (was 40%).
  • Jade Bond now decreases the cooldown of Chi-Ji by 0.5 seconds (was 0.3 seconds) and increases the healing of Yu'lon's Soothing Breath by 500% (was 300%).
  • Yu'lon's Whisper healing increased by 30%.
  • Yu’lon’s Grace now absorbs 1% health (was 1.5%) and may stack up to 10% max health (was 15%).
  • Fixed an issue causing Revival to dispel stacks of a debuff rather than the entire debuff.
  • The locations of Invigorating Mists and Healing Elixir have swapped.
  • Blackout Kick damage reduced by 8%.
  • Tiger Palm damage reduced by 8%.
  • Rising Sun Kick damage reduced by 8%.
  • Fists of Fury damage reduced by 8%.
  • Spinning Crane Kick damage increased by 13%.
  • Rushing Jade Wind damage increased by 20%.
  • Thunderfist damage reduced by 8%.
  • Strike of the Windlord damage reduced by 8%.
  • Whirling Dragon Punch area of effect damage reduced by 8%.
  • Dual Threat damage reduced by 8%.
  • Chi Burst damage decreased by 20%.
  • Chi Wave damage increased by 80%.
  • Chi Burst’s activation effect can now stack up to 2 times and its duration has been increased to 30 seconds (was 20 seconds).
  • Yu’lon’s Grace now absorbs 0.6% health (was 1%) and may stack up to 6% max health (was 10%).
  • Detox now costs 10 energy (was 20).
  • Touch of the Tiger now increases the damage of Tiger Palm by 40% (was 25%).
  • Hardened Soles now increases the critical strike chance of Blackout Kick by 10% (was 5%).
  • Communion With Wind now increases the damage of Strike of the Windlord by 100% (was 80%).
  • Memory of the Monastery now increases Tiger Palm’s chance to activate Blackout Kick! by 25% (was 15%).
  • Xuen’s Bond now increases Xuen’s damage by 30% (was 15%).
  • Brawler’s Intensity now increases Blackout Kick’s damage by 12% (was 15%).
  • Crane Vortex now increases the damage of Spinning Crane Kick by 30% (was 20%).
  • Meridian Strikes now reduces the cooldown of Touch of Death by 0.6 seconds (was 0.35 seconds) when Combo Strikes is activated.
  • Darting Hurricane trigger rate has been doubled.
  • Martial Mixture now increases the damage of Tiger Palm by 8% per stack (was 10%) but can stack up to 30 times (was 12).
  • Rising Star now increases Rising Sun Kick’s damage by 15% (was 10%).
  • The duration of Fury of Xuen's stacking buff has been increased to 30 seconds (was 20 seconds).
  • Whirling Dragon Punch now has a slight grace period where it will remain usable when Rising Sun Kick or Fists of Fury complete their cooldowns.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Chi to drop below Combat Wisdom’s threshold at the start of raid encounters.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Ferociousness to not grant its increased effect during Fury of Xuen procs.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Rushing Jade Wind’s duration to be longer than intended.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Martial Mixture to be consumed by Fist of Fury.


General Changes
  • Lightforged Blessing now affects 2 additional allies (was 4).
  • Flash of Light healing increased by 20%.
  • Seal of the Crusader healing increased by 50%.
  • Shield of the Righteous increases your Armor by 160% of your Strength (was 170%).
  • The Dusk buff from Of Dusk and Dawn reduces your damage taken by 4% (was 5%).
  • Sanctified Plates’ armor increase no longer applies to bonus armor from Shield of the Righteous.
  • Holy Light healing decreased by 28%.
  • Holy Shock healing decreased by 18% and damage decreased by 10%.
  • Word of Glory healing decreased by 5%.
  • Light of Dawn healing decreased by 5%.
  • Flash of Light healing decreased by 5%.
  • Hammer of Wrath damage decreased by 10%.
  • Crusader Strike damage increased by 75%.
  • Shield of the Righteous damage increased by 25%.
  • Liberation effect increased by 50%.
  • Judgment damage decreased by 10%.
  • Consecration damage decreased by 10%.
  • Holy Prism healing and damage decreased by 10%.
  • Barrier of Faith initial healing decreased by 10%.
  • Truth Prevails healing decreased by 10%.
  • Merciful Auras healing decreased by 10%.
  • Touch of Light healing decreased by 10%.
  • Judgment of Light healing decreased by 10%.
  • Imbued Infusions now reduces the cooldown of Holy Shock by 1 second (was 2 seconds).
  • Righteous Judgment now has a 50% chance to create a Consecration (was 30%).
  • Blessing of Dawn now increases the damage and healing of holy power spenders by 5% per stack (was 20%).
  • Blessing of Summer now transfers 12% of healing into damage (was 20%) and transfers 12% of damage into healing (was 10%).
  • Fading Light and Seal of Order now increase Blessing of Dawn's effect by an additional 5% (was 10%).
  • Hammer of Wrath damage increased by 50%, but its cooldown has been increased by 15 seconds (was 12 seconds).
  • Awakening now requires 15 stacks to activate (was 12) and increases the damage of Judgment by 40% (was 30%).
  • Tyr's Deliverance healing increased by 17% and now increases healing taken by 12% (was 10%).
  • Crusader's Might now reduces the cooldown of Judgment and Holy Shock by 2 seconds (was 1.5 seconds).
  • Sanctified Wrath now decreases the cooldown of Holy Shock by 50% for its duration (was 20%).
  • Overflowing Light now converts 30% of Holy Shock's healing into an absorb shield (was 15%).
  • Strength of Conviction now increases the healing and damage of holy power spenders by 5/10% (was 10/20%).
  • Moment of Compassion now increases the healing of Flash of Light by 50% (was 15%). Does not apply in PvP combat.
  • Saved by the Light now activates when an ally drops below 50% health (was 30%). Does not apply in PvP combat.
  • Power of the Silver Hand now increases the healing of your next Holy Shock by 20% of all damage and effective healing done (was 10%).
  • Blessing of Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring are now off of the global cooldown.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Versatility to increase the absorb amount of Light of the Martyr.
  • A few talents have changed locations.
  • Holy Infusion has been removed.
  • All ability damage increased by 15%.
  • The damage reduction effect while standing in Consecrate of Mastery: Divine Bulwark is reduced by 20%.
  • Improved Holy Shield increases your chance to block spells by 8% (was 10%).
  • Sentinel’s duration reduced to 16 seconds (was 20 seconds).
  • Eye of Tyr’s duration reduced to 6 seconds (was 9 seconds).
  • Righteous Protector: Holy Power abilities reduces cooldowns by 1.5 seconds (was 2 seconds).
  • Word of Glory healing increased by up to 300% based on your missing health (was 250%).
  • Bulwark of Order now shields you for 60% of your Avenger's Shield damage (was 50%).
  • New Talent: Holy Flames – Divine Storm deals 10% increased damage and when it hits an enemy affected by your Expurgation, it spreads the effect to up to 4 targets hit. You deal 3% increased Holy damage to targets burning from your Expurgation.
  • Crusader Aura talent is no longer granted by default in the Class tree for Retribution.
  • Greater Judgment talent is now granted by default in the Class tree for Retribution.
  • Consecrated Blade is no longer a talent and now learned at level 11.
  • Word of Glory healing increased by 44%.
  • Final Verdict damage reduced by 10%.
  • Templar's Verdict damage reduced by 10%.
  • Justicar's Vengeance damage reduced by 10% and now heals for 3% of maximum health (was 5%).
  • Hammer of Wrath damage reduced by 15%.
  • Blade of Justice damage reduced by 20%. Does not effect Blade of Vengeance.
  • Blade of Vengeance damage increased by 25%.
  • Expurgation damage reduced by 10%.
  • Divine Storm damage increased by 25%.
  • Templar Strike damage reduced by 10%.
  • Templar Slash damage reduced by 10%.
  • Crusading Strikes damage reduced by 10%.
  • Crusader Strike damage reduced by 10%.
  • Blessed Champion now deals 25% reduced damage to secondary targets (was 50% reduced damage) and is now a 1-point talent (was 2).
  • An issue causing Radiant Glory to not function with fast back to back procs has been resolved.
  • The following talents are now 2 points (was 1):Heart of the Crusader
  • Zealot’s Fervor
  • Vanguard of Justice has been removed.
  • Empyrean Legacy moved to where Vanguard of Justice was on the talent tree.
  • Holy Flames is now in a choice node with Blade of Vengeance.


General Changes
  • Flash Heal healing increased by 20%.
  • Power Word: Shield absorb amount increased by 20%.
  • Power Word: Life healing increased by 20%.
  • Cauterizing Shadows healing increased by 60%.
  • Healing done from Void Shift to the Priest’s ally is now capped at twice the Priest’s Health.
  • From Darkness Comes Light now increases the healing of Flash Heal by 3% (was 1%), and stacks up to 20 times (was 50).
  • Prayer of Mending is now removed from all allies except for the last ally that received one from the Priest when a raid encounter begins.
  • Fixed an issue causing Holy Nova to not benefit from Phantom Reach.
  • Fixed an issue causing Halo to damage enemies out of combat.
  • Updated the visuals and animations for Void Shift.
  • Fixed an issue causing Divine Image’s teleport to fail on transports.
  • Added a counter to the Heal spell for tracking the status of Lightweaver.
  • The following talents are now 1 point:
    • Manipulation
    • Surge of Light
  • All healing is no longer reduced by 3%.
  • All damage increased by 5%.
  • Holy Nova healing increased by 23%.
  • Power Word: Shield absorption increased by 30%.
  • Power Word: Radiance healing increased by 10% and its cooldown reduced to 18 seconds (was 20 seconds).
  • Pain Transformation now heals for 15% of maximum health (was 25%).
  • Penance healing increased by 20%.
  • Rapture cooldown now starts when pressed, and it lasts up to 30 seconds.
  • Bright Pupil now reduces the cooldown of Power Word Radiance by 3 seconds (was 5 seconds).
  • Abyssal Reverie now increases Atonement healing from Shadow spells by 5%/10% (was 10%/20%).
  • Fixed an issue causing Indemnity to not increase Atonement duration by its intended amount.
  • Fixed an issue where Atonement healing was only being increased by 50% outside raid instead of the intended 70%.
  • The following talents are now 1 point:
    • Contrition
    • Heaven's Wrath
  • All damage increased by 10%.
  • Heal healing increased by 44%.
  • Flash Heal healing increased by 20%.
  • Prayer of Healing healing increased by 30%.
  • Circle of Healing healing increased by 30%.
  • Holy Word: Serenity healing increased by 20%.
  • Divine Image’s Healing Light spell healing increased by 20%.
  • Healing Chorus now increases the healing done by Circle of Healing by 3% (was 5%).
  • Lightweaver now increases Heal healing by 25% (was 15%).
  • Fixed an issue causing the values for Gales of Song to be incorrect.
  • Trail of Light is now a 1-point talent.
  • All damage increased by 3%.
  • Dark Ascension now increases non-periodic damage dealt by 20% (was 25%).
  • Mind Flay damage increased by 50%.
  • Mind Flay: Insanity now channels the same amount of damage over 1.5 seconds (was 2 seconds).
  • Mind Flay: Insanity and Mind Spike: Insanity can now accumulate up to 4 charges (was 2).
  • The overrides for Mind Flay: Insanity and Mind Spike: Insanity now last 30 seconds (was 15 seconds).
  • Mind Spike damage increased by 50%.
  • Mind Spike: Insanity damage increased by 15%.
  • Mind Spike: Insanity now generates 12 Insanity (was 8).
  • Mind Blast damage increased by 30%. Void Blast damage is unaffected by this change.
  • Mind Melt now stacks up to 3 times (was 4).
  • Mind Melt now increases the critical strike chance of Mind Blast by 30% (was 20%).
  • Mind Flay and Mind Sear from Idol of C'Thun now deal damage 10 times over their channel's duration (was 15).
  • Mind Flay and Mind Sear damage from Idol of C'Thun increased by 50%.
  • Fixed an issue causing Psychic Link to not always hit when near the max range of its effect.
  • Fixed an issue causing the targeted version of Shadow Crash to not follow a moving target.
  • Fixed an issue causing Void Lashers and Void Tendrils from Idol of C'Thun to fail to attack sometimes.
  • Fixed an issue causing Void Lashers and Void Tendrils from Idol of C'Thun to attack enemies the Priest is not in combat with.
  • Divine Star no longer generates Insanity when cast out of combat.
  • Shadow Crash now refunds its Insanity gain if it doesn't deal damage to any targets when cast out of combat.


General Changes
  • Cloaked in Shadows now creates an absorb for 18% of maximum health (was 30%).
  • Soothing Darkness now heals for 15% maximum health over its duration (was 24%).
  • Recuperator now triggers every 3 seconds (was 2 seconds).
  • Gouge cooldown has been increased to 25 seconds (was 20 seconds).
  • Kidney Shot cooldown has been increased to 30 seconds (was 20 seconds).
  • Kidney Shot duration has been increased to a maximum of 8 seconds (was 6 seconds maximum). Does not affect PvP combat.
    • Developer's note: We're intending to increase the impact of Kidney Shot in solo and dungeon content as its opportunity cost is higher than similar stuns due to costing combo points. In PvP, we feel the control Rogues bring relative to others has become problematic alongside new tools gained in Dragonflight and The War Within, so we're increasing its cooldown to bring it in line with similar abilities.
  • All ability damage increased by 14%.
  • Auto-attack damage increased by 20%.
  • Envenom damage increased by 10%.
  • Crimson Tempest damage increased by 19%.
  • Venomous Wounds energy restored increased to 8 (was 7).
  • Poison Bomb's visual will begin to dissipate much faster to prevent covering up other important ground visuals.
  • All ability damage increased by 21%.
  • Auto-attack damage increased by 20%.
  • Sinister Strike damage increased by 10%.
  • Pistol Shot damage increased by 10%.
  • Blade Flurry initial damage increased by 50%.
  • Killing Spree damage increased by 8%.
  • Sleight of Hand additional chance for Roll the Bones to grant multiple effects increased to 15% (was 10%).
  • Count the Odds chance to grant a Roll the Bones effect increased to 15% (was 10%).
  • Combat Potency now increases Energy regeneration by 30% (was 25%).
  • Ace Up Your Sleeve now grants 5 combo points when triggered (was 4). This change does not affect PvP combat.
  • Auto-attack damage increased by 10%.
  • Eviscerate damage increased by 10%.
  • Black Powder damage increased by 10%.
  • Secret Technique damage reduced by 6%.


General Changes
  • Healing Surge healing increased by 20%.
  • Stone Bulwark Totem now has a 3 minute cooldown, but its effect has been significantly increased.
  • Wind Rush Totem and Static Field Totem now cost 1% of base mana (previously had no cost).
  • Fixed an issue causing Stone Bulwark Totem to not be affected by Dampening.
  • Fixed a couple of unnecessary sounds and animations from Stone Bulwark Totem.
  • Fixed an issue causing Spirit Wolf to be removed and not continue stacking after changing zones.
  • Fixed an issue causing Lightning Shield to be removed if another Shaman with Elemental Orbit has an Earth Shield on the Shaman.
  • Fixed an issue causing Skyfury buff to drop off after transferring zones and disconnecting.
  • Earth Elemental summon no longer resets the swing timer.
  • Fixed an issue causing Totemic Projection to fail on transports.
  • Fixed an issue causing Spiritwalker's Grace to cancel Lightning Lasso when used.
  • Lightning Bolt damage increased by 3%.
  • Thunderstrike Ward damage increased by 150%.
  • Earth Shock damage increased by 25%.
  • Icefury damage increased by 85%.
  • Earthen Rage damage increased by 60%.
  • Lava Burst damage reduced by 25%.
  • Lava Beam damage increased by 10%.
  • Elemental Blast damage reduced by 25%.
  • Earthquake damage reduced by 6%.
  • Flame Shock damage reduced by 15%.
  • Chain Lightning damage increased by 10%.
  • Chain Lightning damage from Greater Lightning Elemental increased by 200%.
  • Chain Lightning from Greater Lightning Elemental now hits 5 targets (was 6).
  • Call Lightning damage increased by 350%.
  • Call Lightning duration increased to 20 seconds (was 15 seconds).
  • Call Lightning cooldown increased to 20 seconds (was 10 seconds).
  • Call Lightning cast time reduced to 2 seconds (was 3 seconds).
  • Call Lightning's damage bonus is now 30% (was 300%).
  • Storm Elemental Tempest damage increased by 400%.
  • Wind Gust damage increased by 400%.
  • Lightning Blast damage from Fury of the Storms increased by 200%.
  • Splintered Elements now grants 10% Haste (was 20%).
  • Power of the Maelstrom now has a 60% chance to trigger (was 25%).
  • Liquid Magma Totem damage reduced by 30%.
  • Liquid Magma Totem now has a 30 second cooldown (was 1 minute).
  • Additional Lava Bursts from Primordial Wave now deal 50% of normal damage (was 80%).
  • Surge of Power's Lava Burst benefit is now a 4 second cooldown reduction to elementals (was 6 seconds).
  • Echo of the Elemental’s Lesser Elementals now deal 65% of the main Elemental’s damage.
  • Thunderstrike Ward now has its own spell visual.
  • An issue with Thunderstrike Ward dropping off has been fixed.
  • Earthquake now triggers Storm Frenzy on cast only.
  • An issue with Fusion of Elements buff activating from the Icefury override instead of the cast has been fixed.
  • Fusion of Elements buffs are now removed at the start of raid encounters and mythic plus dungeons.
  • Fusion of Elements now only works with damaging Nature spells.
  • Storm Frenzy is now on the personal resource display.
  • Fixed an issue causing Earthen Rage to not benefit from Elemental Fury.
  • Fixed an issue with Elemental Equilibrium that causes it to not function properly depending on which elements were cast first.
  • Fixed an issue causing Lava Surge’s chance to trigger to increase when Searing Flames is talented.
  • Fixed an issue causing Flash of Lightning to not reduce the cooldown of Stone Bulwark Totem and Primordial Wave.
  • Fixed an issue causing Elemental Blasts from Fusion of Elements to consume Magma Chamber.
  • Fixed an issue causing Elemental Blasts from Fusion of Elements to trigger Storm Frenzy.
  • Fixed an issue causing Lava Beam to not benefit from Storm Frenzy.
  • Fixed an issue causing Thunderstrike Ward to not trigger from Lava Beam.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Icefury aura to be hidden. It will now properly display as an aura and is on the Personal Resource Display.
  • Fixed an issue causing Earthquake Overload damage to be higher than intended.
  • Fixed an issue causing Storm Elementals to not cast Call Lightning sometimes.
  • Fixed an issue causing Primordial Bond to sometimes persist through death.
  • Fixed an issue causing several damaging abilities to not be affected by Elemental Unity.
  • Elemental Blast damage increased by 25%. This reverts a previous change.
  • Primordial Wave is now a 30 second cooldown (was 45 seconds).
  • Primordial Wave baseline passive buff lowered to 250% (was 500%).
  • Primordial Wave now properly scales with Enhancement Shaman’s Mastery and Elemental Spirits' elemental damage buffs.
  • Doom Winds is now a 60 second cooldown (was 90 seconds).
  • Splintered Elements now grants 10% Haste (was 20%).
  • Casting Flame Shock, Frost Shock, and Sundering will now initiate combat with melee auto attacks.
  • Molten Assault range increased by 4 yards.
  • Molten Assault now plays an impact visual on impacted targets.
  • Crash Lightning range increased by 4 yards.
  • Crash Lightning is now on personal resource display.
  • Earthen Weapon is no longer on personal resource display.
  • Elemental Spirits is no longer displayed on the personal resource display.
  • Hailstorm is now displayed on the personal resource display.
  • Elemental Blast now correctly replaces Lava Burst in spell book.
  • Fire and Ice now properly buffs Primordial Wave.
  • Nature’s Fury now properly affects Primordial Wave.
  • The following talents are now 1 point:
    • Molten Assault
    • Improved Maelstrom Weapon
    • Witch Doctor’s Ancestry
  • All healing reduced by 5%. Not applied to PvP combat.
  • Earthen Wall Totem’s health reduced by 40%.
  • Torrent now increases Riptide’s initial healing by 20% and its critical strike rate by 10%.
  • Riptide initial heal increased by 20%.
  • Unleash Life healing increased by 20%.
  • Healing Wave healing increased by 20%.
  • Reactive Warding healing increased by 75%.
  • Ascendance now duplicates 70% of all healing (was 80%).
  • Ancestral Guidance now transfers 10% of all healing into healing (was 25%).
  • Ancestral Awakening now heals for 25%/50% of the amount healed (was 15%/30%).
  • Earthliving Weapon’s heal over time duration is now 6 seconds (was 12 seconds), and healing has been increased by 75%.
  • Spouting Spirits healing reduced by 35%.
  • Undulation can now be tracked through a counter on the Healing Wave and Healing Surge spell icons.
  • Undulation can no longer trigger from additional Healing Waves from Primordial Wave.
  • Undulation now displays and highlights Healing Surge or Healing Wave when it triggers instead of being consumed immediately.
  • Tidebringer is no longer consumed if Chain Heal is cast while Nature’s Swiftness or Ancestral Swiftness is active.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Earth Shield to sometimes be removed if another Earth Shield was present.
  • Fixed an issue causing spell queuing Lava Burst after a Healing Surge to incorrectly consume Master of the Elements when Lava Burst is instant cast.
  • Fixed an issue causing Ancestral Protection Totem to not benefit from Totemic Focus or Oversized Totems.


General Changes
  • Demon Skin now creates an absorb for 0.12/0.24% maximum health (was 0.2/0.4%) and may stack up to 5/10% of your maximum health (was 8/15%).
  • Fixed an issue where Lifeblood was giving Leech higher than the intended amount.
  • Unstable Affliction damage increased by 45%.
  • Darkglare damage increased by 55%.
  • Soul Rot damage increased by 60%.
  • Agony damage increased by 40%.
  • Malefic Rapture damage increased by 20%.
  • Fixed an issue where Phantom Singularity was not correctly applying Infirmity to secondary targets.
  • Fixed an issue where Tormented Crescendo was not correctly checking if the target had Unstable Affliction, Corruption/Wither, and Agony.
  • Fixed an issue where Cull the Weak was not correctly increasing the damage of the first 4 targets damaged by Malefic Rapture.
  • Wild Imp damage increased by 15%.
  • Demonbolt damage increased by 55%.
  • Demonic Core now has a 50% chance to grant a Demonic Core when your summoned Dreadstalkers fade away (was 35%).
  • Fixed an issue where Shadowtouched did not benefit Felseeker, Implosion, Gloom Slash, or Guillotine.
  • Fixed an issue where Demonic Brutality would not increase the critical strike damage of your demons.
  • Fixed an issue where Impending Doom would not summon a Wild Imp when Doom expires.
  • Chaos Bolt damage increased by 40%.
  • Shadowburn damage increased by 125%.
  • Conflagrate damage increased by 25%.
  • Incinerate damage decreased by 10%.
  • Soul Fire damage increased by 5%.
  • Channel Demonfire damage increased by 10%.
  • Channel Demonfire damage dealt to nearby enemies increased by 25%.
  • Summon Infernal damage increased by 10%.
  • Rain of Fire damage increased by 35%.
  • Pyrogenics now increases damage taken from your Fire spells by 3% (was 5%).
  • Ritual of Ruin now activates after spending 20 Soul Shards (was 15).
  • Avatar of Destruction now generates 1 Soul Shard Fragment every 1 second (was 0.5 seconds).
  • Summon Infernal now generates 1 Soul Shard Fragment every 1 second (was 0.5 seconds).
  • Fixed an issue where Power Overwhelming incorrectly gave 1% Mastery instead of 0.5% Mastery per stack.
  • Fixed an issue where 3 stacks of Power Overwhelming were granted when using Rain of Fire while talented into Inferno.
  • Fixed an issue where Rain of Fire could damage enemies through walls.


General Changes
  • Shield Slam damage increased by 8%.
  • Pain and Gain now heals for 2% of your max health (was 3.5%).
  • Mortal Strike damage decreased by 15%.
  • Overpower damage decreased by 20%.
  • Storm Wall now heals for 5% of maximum health (was 8%).
  • Invigorating Fury now heals for 10% of maximum health (was 15%).
  • Melee attack and all ability damage increased by 30%.
  • Revenge damage increased by 25%.
  • Execute damage increased by 50%.
  • Devastator damage increased by 25%.
  • Shield Charge primary target damage increased by 25%.
  • Ravager damage increased by 25%.
  • Defensive Stance reduces damage taken by 16% (was 20%).
  • Fight Through the Flames causes Defensive Stance to reduce magic damage you take by 6% (was 5%).
  • Into the Fray increases Haste up to 8% (was 10%).
  • Punish reduces damage enemies deal to you by 2% (was 3%).
  • Enduring Alacrity increases Stamina and Armor by 8% (was 10%).
  • Indomitable increases your maximum health by 6% (was 10%) and heals you for 1% of your maximum health per 20 Rage spent (was 10 Rage).
  • Defender’s Aegis reduces Shield Wall’s cooldown by 60 seconds (was 30 seconds).
  • Impenetrable Wall causes Shield Slam to generate an additional 4 Rage (was 3 rage) and reduces the remaining cooldown of Shield Wall by 6 seconds (was 5 seconds).
  • Disrupting Shout cooldown increased to 90 seconds (was 75 seconds).
  • Impending Victory heals you for 20% of your maximum health (was 30%). 


Patch: 10.0.2
Patch Notes
  • Cross-Realm Guild bank functionality is now available.
  • High Inquisitor Whitemane in Scarlet Monastery of Old now correctly drops loot.

User Interface and Accessibility

Patch: 10.0.2
Patch Notes
    • Fixed an issue that caused the exit button to disappear during the Value Added Services process after running into an error.
    • Fixed an issue with the character list in the AddOn panel going off screen.
    • When attempting to Enter World with a character that has a Gear Update available, a popup will provide context about how to switch realms to receive the update.
    • Role icons in the Group Finder have been replaced with new art for improved readability.
    • Options in the Group Manager to clear all unit and ground markers have been removed from the panel.
    • When fulfilling Patron (formerly NPC) crafting orders, hovering over the reward chest will display the rewards for completing the order in a tooltip.
    • Adjustments have been made to the Concentration tooltips to provide better clarity around the cost.
    • Changed font colors depending on what quest background you're using "Dark mode" should use all white font now.
    • Meta quests now have their own category within the Quest Log.
    • On the main map, the Local Stories filter is now enabled by default.
    • The portrait preview for quest bosses has received updated frame artwork and is now larger.
    • If focus is removed from a quest in the quest tracker (whether by turning in a quest or manually removing focus), nothing new will automatically be focused. Once something new is picked up it will then be focused.
    • Tooltips for the Warband Completed Quests options now provide more context for what will be affected with this option.
    • Added the ability to Hide Warband Completed Quests. Located in Options under Gameplay > Interface > Display.
    • Due to an issue with the in-game navigation marker not functioning with Mage portals as expected, the navigation functionality with the portals have been turned off.
  • UI ART
    • Many cursor and interact icons across the game have updated artwork. These include icons for the most commonly used interactions, with more icon updates coming in the future.
    • Several map icons have updated artwork. These include: archaeology (gold), digsites, portals, and pet battles.
  • Tooltips for completed Mythic+ dungeons will now display only the best time ever completed, rather than separating by specific affix times.
  • After The War Within releases, the PvP category in the Great Vault will be replaced by World category.

Player versus Player

Patch: 10.0.2
Patch Notes
  • The stacking deserter debuff “No-Show” that is applied when leaving a Solo Shuffle or Battleground Blitz match is now applied account wide (was character specific).
  • Gladiator's Distinction 2-set bonus has been adjusted:
    • Damage dealer roles: Now increases Stamina by 5% (was 15%).
    • Healer roles: Now increases Stamina by 10% (was 20%) and Primary Stat by 10% (was 15%).
    • Tank roles: Now increases Stamina by 5% (was 15%).

Class changes

Written by: Xerwo

Reviewed by: Rycn

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