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Butcher’s Canyon Dungeon Guide

Last Updated:August 20, 2024|Change Log

Butcher's Canyon is one of the shortest dungeons, containing only 1 mini-boss before the final boss, Magnaduke. It uses a portion of the Akidu Valley zone as its layout.

Speed Run Route

Butcher's Canyon Lore

Boss - Magnaduke

Magnaduke is the final boss of Butcher's Canyon. If a ranged DPS pulls aggro, they should immediately run into Melee range of the Boss. If not, Magnaduke continues to shoot projectiles with a large damage radius.

Attack Pattern

Fury Attack MeteorFury AttackJumpFury AttackMeteor Altars (1st Rotation) or Sheep (2nd)



  1. A ring of fire is created, and all players are pulled to the center. One person is rooted near the boss. If this occurs when the boss is below 50% health, a portion of the arena becomes engulfed in flames.
  2. Of the 4 altars outside of the ring, 2 will become red.


  1. Players must jump over the fire to get outside and interact with the two red altars to disable them. This removes the root from whoever had it.
  2. If you fail to jump over the fire, you are rooted in place for a short time.


  1. A ring of fire is created, and all players are pulled to the center. One person is transformed into a sheep. The sheep explodes after a certain duration.
  2. 2 Orc Curse Casters spawn outside the ring near the red altars.


  1. Have 2-3 DPS run outside and then target down an Orc Curse Caster so that a blue magic circle drops.
  2. Since you can't jump as a sheep, the other 3-4 party members must pass the sheep through the rings by touching the circle. Once the sheep has been transferred to the person outside the ring, they should go towards the blue magic circle to transform into a human.
  3. With enough damage, players cheese this mechanic by sacrificing the person who has transformed into a sheep.


  1. Magnaduke gathers energy and a red wave converges on the boss.


  1. You must jump preemptively. When you see the boss stomp on the ground, it is too late to jump.


  1. Just move.

Special Mobs

Orc Curse Caster

On your way to the first mini-boss and during the mini-boss fight, you encounter Orc Curse Casters. After a specific time, it transforms one of your party members into a sheep with a detonation timer. Once you kill the Orc Curse Caster, a blue circle appears on the corpse. The player, who is the sheep, can then transform back into a human after stepping into it.

Complete the mechanic before the icon above the sheep's head fills up or the sheep explodes. If you cannot kill the Curse Caster in time, simply pass the sheep by stepping in the circle or have the sheep move away from everyone else.

The blue circle mechanic in Butcher's Canyon.
Killing Curse Caster Leaves a Blue Circle

Butcher's Canyon Mini-Bosses

Orc Shadow Elder

An Orc Shadowmancer spawns at certain health intervals to make the mini-boss immune to damage. CC and/or kill the Orc Shadowmancer to remove the immune buff.



  1. At certain health % intervals, a voice line occurs: "Krarak, help! Come to me!"


  1. An Orc Curse Caster and Torch-Carrying Orc Fighter spawn. Refer to the above section on the mechanics for the Orc Curse Caster.
  2. A party with enough damage can ignore the sheep mechanic by transferring the sheep to the person with the lowest DPS and having them move as far away as possible. If this is the case, consider using Icebound Tomb to freeze the 1st Orc Curse Caster that spawns to delay the initial sheep.
  3. A party lacking damage should complete the mechanic by killing the Orc Curse Caster as soon as possible. Consider freezing the mini-boss with Icebound Tomb to prevent the sheep cast when the Orc Curse Caster spawns.

The Altar

In lieu of a 2nd mini-boss like other dungeons, your party must complete a mechanic to advance to Magnaduke. At this Altar, there are 3 Orc Shadowmancers. Initially, all three are linked with one another and immune to damage.

  • For you and your team to deal damage, you must CC all three Orc Shadowmancers to interrupt their link. Use skills like Icebound Tomb, Shadow Strike, or Stunning Blow to CC the Orcs.
  • CC the first two Orcs, and silence or stun the third Orc to kill the Orc. Repeat this process until all Orcs are dead.
Crowd controlling Shadowmancers in Butcher's Canyon
Two CC'd (Frozen) Shadowmancers Make 3rd Vulnerable to Damage

Codex Exploration Quests

Another Butcher Emerging (Collection Codex Pages)

Butchers Canyon Codex V 1
Butchers Codex 1 V 2
Butchers Codex 2 V 2
Butchers Codex 3 V 2


Written by Yaen
Reviewed by Nymphellas

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