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Cave of Destruction Dungeon Guide

Last Updated:August 20, 2024|Change Log

Cave of Destruction is very much like its level 40 counterpart, Cave of Desperation, except with a few more mechanics sprinkled in. This is the favored dungeon for players using Wand or Dagger because both Lequirus's Grip and Lequirus's Thorny Edge are in the loot table. Beast King's Gilded Bracers is also one of the more desirable cloaks by many DPS.

Speed Run Route


Boss - Lequirus

The successful outcome of this fight depends mainly on the healer and the tank, especially if your party is not geared. The healer should focus their heals on the tank, so the DPS should try not to take any unnecessary damage. Consider bringing an off-healer if your party is not geared. If Lequirus is aggroed onto a ranged party member, Lequirus uses a massive AoE attack that damages all party members. If this happens, whoever has aggro should move into melee range immediately.

Attack Pattern

3x Fury Attack Tankbuster ➔ 3x Fury Attack Tankbuster ➔ 3x Fury AttackTankbusterPillars Mech

Pillars Cheese


  1. Throughout the fight, blue and red ants spawn. These ants stun you if their Fury Attacks connect.
  2. When a blue or red dome appears, the first wave of 2 ants spawn.
  3. Shortly after the second Tankbuster, the second wave of 3 ants spawn.
  4. Killing a specific color of ant drops a zone that gives all players in it a 45-second buff that allows you to enter the dome of the respective color.


  1. When the second wave of 3 ants spawns, kill the ant that is the same color as the dome. Ensure all players are near it when you kill it; otherwise, the players who miss the buff have to cheese the mechanic.
  2. When the boss does a certain dialogue, enter the dome and stand in the middle. A pillar rises, and you have to avoid Lequirus's AoE attack. Doing this mechanic gives you a large attack buff.
  3. After Lequirus's attack destroys the pillar, a Gem Ant spawns on one of the three platforms. Fly to this Gem Ant and kill it for the boss to land.
Cave of Destruction Pillar Mechanic


  1. Once you hear the voice line, run to one of the three platforms or "pillars."
  2. On each of these platforms, you see an Egg. Stand on the lower level of the platform and wait for the Egg to explode. After it explodes, move onto the "pillar" to avoid Lequirus's AoE Damage.
  3. Kill the Gem Ant that spawns on one of the platforms to finish this mechanic.
Cave of Destruction Pillar Mechanic


  1. Lequirus's scythe glows red, and he swings it down on the aggroed target and does a double swipe.
  2. It deals a significant amount of damage and cannot be blocked which is why the healer spends most of their skills on the tank and not other party members.


  1. Shortly after the first pillar mechanic, a different voice line occurs that is distinctly different from the pillar mechanic.


  1. All players receive an orange larvae over their heads. They explode in 10 seconds and do massive damage unless you transfer the larva to another player.


  1. What you should do is designate two players on your team that transfer their larva with each other.
  2. These two players then each pick up 2 additional larvae from the rest of the party. One person usually goes to pick up the larvae from the melee and the other from the ranged. However, whose job depends on your party composition.
  3. After the 2 players have picked up everyone's larvae, they should move away from everyone else so that the resulting explosion does not damage anyone.
Cave of Destruction Larvae Mechanic

Special Mobs

Explosive Ants

These green ants explode shortly after they get into Melee range of whoever has aggro on them. Use block to mitigate the damage otherwise, you take around 3000 damage.

Destruction Block Explosive Ant
Blocking Explosive Ant Damage


Mutant Princess Ant

This is the first mini-boss you encounter.



  1. A voice line in another language.


  1. Two players receive an orange larvae over their heads. If left orange, these larvae explode after 10 seconds, damaging players around them.
  2. If you have the larvae, you must touch another party member. This transfers the larvae over and turns it green. After the larvae become green, no damage is taken.
Destruction Mutant Princess Larvae
True and Nymphellas Acquire Larvae

Mutant Giant Acid Ant

There's no special mechanic with this mini-boss. Just watch out for the poison acid pools and the pull mechanic.



  1. A voice line in another language.


  1. The mini-boss spews acid pools onto players' locations. Your tank should try to pull the boss out of the acid pools, especially if your party has plenty of Melee users.
  2. Shortly afterward, the boss uses a Fury Attack that pulls all players in. The Fury Attack warning indicator is quite short, so you must anticipate the pull and block accordingly.


Written by Yaen
Reviewed by Nymphellas

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