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Dark Destroyers Dynamic Event

Last Updated:September 15, 2024|Change Log

The Dark Destroyers event occurs day or night in the Ruins of Turayne. Rankings are based on how many Chaos Fragments are turned in. If you acquire 1 of the 3 Dark Destroyer buffs that spawn after 17:00, you cannot turn in your acquired Chaos Fragments. Instead, you're ranked based on how many you've accumulated by the end of the event. You can acquire Chaos Fragments by slaying any Zombies or Skeletons in the region.

Event Timing

17m 00s - Dark Destroyer Buff Event

15m 00s - Ranking Update

12m 00s - Dark Destroyer Location Reveal

10m 00s - Ranking Update

7m 00s - Dark Destroyer Location Reveal

5m 00s - Ranking Update

2m 00s - Dark Destroyer Location Reveal

2m 0s - Ranking Update

Dark Destroyers location
Dark Destroyer Location

Event Details

You turn in your tokens at five merchants scattered throughout the event. You are not penalized for turning anything in before the event ends. If you feel you might die and lose all your Chaos Fragments, you should turn them in regularly. Your final ranking is based on your total accumulated by the end.

Dark Destroyer

At 17:00, a mini-event occurs at three locations marked on the map. At these locations, three waves of four Enchanted Mutants spawn. In the 3rd wave, a Mutant Test Subject is included in the wave. Killing this specific mob drops the Vengeful Spirit Core. Interact with it to acquire the Dark Destroyer buff! Be careful during Dominion Events, though, as you are not able to morph, and your location becomes revealed at certain times.

Dark Destroyer Test Subject
Mutant Test Subject Included in 3rd Wave of Mutants
Dark Destroyer Vengeful
Mutant Test Subject Drops Vengeful Spirit Core

With the Dark Destroyer buff, you are granted additional Attack Speed, Weapon Damage, and Mana Regen, making placing high at an event much more manageable. The caveat is that you cannot turn in any Chaos Fragments during the event. Once the event ends, you automatically turn in all the Chaos Fragments you've accumulated.

Tevent Skull

Sometimes, a giant floating Tevent Skull appears during the event. You can't miss it. It causes all mobs in the area underneath it to drop more tokens.

Dark Destroyers Floating Tevent Skull
Floating Tevent Skull during the Dark Destroyers event


  • It's not worth farming the Giant Ravenous Zombie as it only drops around 20-40 Chaos Fragments. Instead, spend your time farming an area.
  • If you don't want to share Chaos Fragments with anyone who tags your mobs, make a party. Being in a party prevents anyone outside your party from sharing drops. You can generate your own party, by clicking the party icon and clicking "Generate Invitation Link". No one else needs to join.
  • Since the Dark Destroyer buff interactable spawns when the Mutant Test Subject dies, you should try spamming your interact key as much as possible. It's all on ping at that point. If you're a SnS user and can time it so that you push the mob away the moment it dies to have an advantage on picking it up. You can also try aggroing that mob away from everyone else and hope they don't notice.
  • During Dominion Events, I do not recommend getting the Dark Destroyer buff. You can't morph in this form, and your tokens are only turned in at the end of the event. Surviving that long is difficult. I only recommend getting it if you want to only PvP.
  • Since there are 5 turn-in points, it is extremely rare for your team to not control at least one point. If you're trying to rank, roam around the map until you see a high concentration of your teammates.


Coming in at the top ranks for Dark Destroyers unlocks the Morph Snow Cygnus. For Peace Events, you are ranked on how well you do individually. In Dominion Events, your team is ranked based on the total contribution of their players, and you are then ranked individually for your own contribution to the team. For Guild Events, your guild is ranked on how well they do versus other guilds.

Peace and Dominion

Ranks #1-10

  • Sollant
  • White Cygnus
  • 125 Activity Points

Ranks #11-40

  • Sollant
  • 100 Activity Points

Ranks #41-90

  • Sollant
  • 75 Activity Points

Ranks #91-150

  • Sollant
  • 50 Activity Points


Ranks #1

  • 80 Guild Coin

Ranks #2

  • 40 Guild Coin

Ranks #3

  • 20 Guild Coin



  • Collect Chaos Fragments from Zombies or Skeletons.
  • 3 minutes into the Dark Destroyers event, three waves of Mutants spawn. Kill the Mutant Test Subject on the 3rd wave and interact with the Vengeful Spirit Core for the Dark Destroyer buff.
  • The Dark Destroyer buff grants increased stats, making farming mobs and ranking high much easier.


Written by Yaen
Reviewed by Nymphellas

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