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Wand / Longbow PvP Build Guide

Last Updated:October 8, 2024|Change Log

Welcome to the Wand / Longbow PvP healer build guide! This weapon combination has the most healing abilities in Throne and Liberty with access to powerful Healing over Time (HoT) skills such as Healing Touch, Flash Wave, Purifying Touch, and Nature's Blessing.

With Swift Healing, Fountain of Life, and Clay's Salvation on Wand, this build takes on Priest or Cleric-like support roles that allows you to constantly heals unlike any other healer weapon combination in the game.

As exciting as it sounds to play this Wand / Longbow PvP build, players must keep in mind that you struggle with a lack of mobility which you notice more during small scale fights. This weapon combination has an easier time during mass PvP because you can position yourself safely within your zerg to greatly reduce the chances of being ambushed by a melee player. Despite this weapon combination's lack of mobility, you are still pretty tanky thanks to your passives, Distorted Sanctuary and Devoted Shield (no cooldown) that pair perfectly with active abilities like Invincible Wall and Blessed Barrier.

Besides smart ability usage and rotation, you need good positioning and field awareness to be an effective Wand / Longbow healer. Make sure to always pan your camera so you know what is going on around you and who may be potentially coming at you. With practice, you will become a difficult healer to kill vs most DPS players other than Greatsword / Dagger users who tend to be a challenge to fight against.

High Defense, Melee and Ranged Endurance
Full Support Wand / Longbow PvP End Game Build

If you're interested in PvE, check out our Wand / Longbow PvE Build Guide!

  • CC Cleanse
  • Anti-Stealth
  • Most Healing Abilities
  • Ability Cooldown Reset
  • Party Mana Regeneration
  • No Mobility
  • Gear Reliant
  • Low Damage
  • Hard to Learn

Skill Builds

Large Scale Support
Small Scale Support
Solo DPS
Event PvPvE

Active Skills

Block Skills

  • Both the Longbow and Wand blocks are beneficial for a Wand / Longbow healer.
  • Use Chaotic Shield to gain access to an additional heal that also restores stamina to the target when Perfect Blocking Fury abilities.
  • Both the standing and directional Perfect Blocks with Overtaker provide you with a mobility skill.
  • The standing block also grants you a 410 Critical Hit buff for 5 seconds. The directional block guarantees your next skill Crits which works on your first cast of Swift Healing and Clay's Salvation.

Healing Skills

  • You use Healing Touch off cooldown to apply the heal over time to your party members or maintain the HoT on a single target.
  • Don't be afraid to use Fountain of Life to keep yourself alive. In many instances it is vital to survive when Knocked Down, or Prone.
  • When using Nature's Blessing with the Vitality Specialization on targets with the buff from Healing Touch or Nature's Blessing, this skill fully heals most targets.
  • Flash Wave is a very strong HoT, but also a strong offensive skill. Line up Flash Wave on your allies and enemies to apply a -300 Hit Debuff on enemies making them miss more often.

Utility Skills

  • Cursed Nightmare and Karmic Haze are used together to mass Sleep enemy clumps and set up great plays for your group. Be mindful of your positioning as you approach an enemy clump to mass Sleep, especially if you become a known target.
  • Use Blitz to reset Invincible Wall, Clay's Salvation, Fountain of Life, or in some instances Karmic Haze to spread Cursed Nightmare twice.
  • Use Purifying Touch to cleanse Stuns and Binds. It doesn't work against Collision and Prone CC.

Passive Skills

  • Devotion and Emptiness, Earth's Blessing, Saint's Oath, and Noble Revival increase your healing. Devotion and Emptiness also provides Cooldown Speed for your healing abilities during the day.
  • Selfless Soul pairs really well with Fountain of Life, Clay's Salvation, Flash Wave, and Nature's Blessing to reach 5 stacks almost instantly.
  • Wand/Longbow healers can achieve the highest possible Endurance in the game because of Distorted Sanctuary.
  • Don't undervalue Devoted Shield. It is a powerful shield that has no Cooldown and gets activated multiple times throughout a fight despite its low percent chance.
  • Sniper's Sense is used to increase your Critical Heal Chance. This passive synergizes well with the Range increase Specializations on your healing abilities.


  • If your party doesn't need a lot of healing or support, replace Blitz with Ensnaring Arrow to help CC targets. You can also equip Time for Punishment instead so when you spread Sleep with Karmic Haze, you also spread the Skill Damage Resistance Debuff.
  • If you want to use Full of Corruption to increase your healing and Mana Regen, swap Purifying Touch for Touch of Despair so you can spread curses in an AoE and efficiently maintain 3 stacks of the passive at all times during a fight.

Limit Break Purifying Cleanse

  • Replace Karmic Haze and Cursed Nightmare with Purifying Touch and Time for Punishment with Enchanting Time. You also spec into Limit Break with this setup to have a full cleanse ability that gets rid of all CC and Debuffs on your target or a much stronger Flash Wave HoT. Cleansing a tank with Limit Break into Purifying Touch is especially helpful when they have 10-15 Debuffs on them that could lead to their quick death.
    • Instead of Time for Punishment with Enchanting Time, you could also slot Deadly Marker to use strictly on Wand/SnS players first and then other SnS afterwards so they die quicker.

Full Healing and Support

Active Skills

  • With this skill bar you do not need high Hit since you're only running heals and support abilities that can't miss. Since this build doesn't need high Hit, you prioritize your tankiness through gear. Endurance is a stat that always subtracts from an enemies Critical Hit. With Distorted Sanctuary, a Longbow user can build their Endurances the highest compared to any other weapon combination in the game making you a healer that is hard to kill.
  • The best way to make use of Purifying Touch is to cleanse Stuns and Binds.
  • Tornado is great to use as a peel or throw towards chokes to disrupt enemies and knock them into the air for 4 seconds. This allows your ranged DPS to freely cast on them. Be careful not to use this ability to ruin mass AoE sleeps from your allies.

Active Skills

Block Skills

  • No changes from the previous tab.

Healing Skills

  • No changes from the previous tab.

Utility Skills

  • Use Ensnaring Arrow against melee and targets your group has decided to focus burst together.
  • The best way to make use of Purifying Touch is to cleanse Stuns and Binds.
  • Use Deadly Marker to weaken SnS users and healers and greatly increase your party's ability to land skills and Critical Hits on them.

Passive Skills

  • No changes from the previous tab.

Active Skills

Block Skills

  • No changes from the previous tabs.

Healing Skills

  • You use Healing Touch off cooldown to apply the heal over time to your party members or maintain the HoT on a single target.
  • Don't be afraid to use Fountain of Life to keep yourself alive. In many instances it is vital to survive being Knocked Down, or Prone.
  • When using Nature's Blessing with the Vitality Specialization on targets with the buff from Healing Touch or Nature's Blessing, this skill fully heals most targets.

Utility Skills

  • Use Blitz to reset Clay's Salvation, Invincible Wall, or Fountain of Life for additional heals or damage mitigation when needed in an intense fight.
  • Use Ensnaring Arrow against melee and targets your group has decided to focus burst together.
  • The best way to make use of Purifying Touch is to cleanse Stuns and Binds.
  • Cursed Nightmare is used to Sleep the enemy healer or squishy damage DPS so they're easier for your team to kill.
  • Use Time for Punishment to increase the damage an enemy receives.

Passive Skills

  • Sniper's Sense is used to increase your Critical Heal Chance. This passive synergizes well with the Range increase Specializations on your healing abilities.
  • Remaining passives do not change from the previous tab.


  • Replace Tornado with Time for Punishment if you have two ranged players in your party. Launching enemies into the air will allow them to freely attack players.

This build is to be mainly used for fun during Dynamic PvP Events you join alone where you want to hunt players and DPS instead of Supporting and Healing allies.

Active Skills

Block Skills

  • No changes from the previous tabs.

Damage Skills

  • Use Touch of Despair to setup your Curse Explosion combo.

Healing Skills

  • No changes from the previous tabs.

Utility Skills

  • Use Ensnaring Arrow against melee targets to prevent them from getting close to you while you cast your Curse Explosion combo.
  • Cursed Nightmare is used to Sleep enemies so you can freely setup your Curse Explosion combo.

Passive Skills

  • Wraith's Beckon increases the duration of all your Curses, including Cursed Nightmare. Increasing the duration of your curses results in more damage with Curse Explosion.
  • Remaining passives do not change from the previous tab.

Active Skills

Block Skills

  • Use Chaotic Shield to spread Curse stacks to unlimited targets within a short radius around the target you Perfect Blocked.

Damage Skills

  • Group a bunch of mobs and build three stacks of Touch of Despair before casting Corrupted Magic Circle into Curse Explosion.

Healing Skills

  • Flash Wave is a very strong HoT, but also a strong offensive skill. Line up Flash Wave on your allies and enemies to apply a -300 Hit Debuff on enemies making them miss more often against your team.
  • When using Nature's Blessing with the Vitality Specialization on targets with the buff from Healing Touch or Nature's Blessing, this skill fully heals most targets.

Utility Skills

  • Use Enchanting Time off cooldown to kill mobs quicker or buff yourself or an ally during PvP.
  • Cursed Nightmare is used to Sleep an enemy target who is trying to ambush you while farming or a teammate. Prioritize on ranged DPS and healers during fights.
  • Use Ensnaring Arrow against melee players and targets your group has decided to burst together.

Passive Skills

  • Full of Corruption increases your healing and explosion combo damage.
  • Wraith's Beckon increases your Curse Explosion combo damage.
  • Remaining passives do not change from the previous tab.

Skill Prioritization

  • Use Quality Marind Ore to craft Quality Active Skill Growth Book and Quality Passive Skill Growth Book.
  • Use Rare Marind Ore to craft Rare Active Skill Growth Book and Rare Passive Skill Growth Book.
  • Prioritize getting all these skills to blue first before getting them to purple. These are universal skills you always use.
  • Upgrade the rest of your skills as you play the game.

PvP Gameplay and Skill Rotation

Large Scale PvP
Curse Explosion

Mass Sleep

  1. Cursed Nightmare
  2. Karmic Haze
  • This is a very simple combo. Make sure your positioning is safe before you cast and you know where to safely reposition afterward.
  • Always target a Wand / Longbow or SnS user with Cursed Nightmare, because they don't usually stack Evasions, so it's more likely your Sleep and Karmic Haze would not miss on them.
  • After you cast Cursed Nightmare on a target, you must use Karmic Haze on that same target to spread Sleep.
    • Note: The tooltip for Karmic Haze is incorrect and you can spread any DoT or Sleep to as many targets within skill's AoE radius.

AoE Heals

  1. Clay's Salvation
  2. Fountain of Life
  3. Nature's Blessing
  • These are your AoE healing abilities commonly used in PvP. Use your AoE heals after multiple party members receive damage that requires your support. Use Swift Healing as your main heal until this happens.
  • Fountain of Life is commonly used to support yourself to survive CC combos.

Single-Target Heal

  1. Swift Healing
  • This is your main heal that has a low cooldown and can be cast up to three times with Consecutive Use.

HoT Heals

  1. Healing Touch
  2. Nature's Blessing
  3. Flash Wave
  4. Purifying Touch
  • These are your healing over time (HoT) skills used in PvP which are enhanced by your Earth's Blessing passive.
  • Purifying Touch only becomes a HoT if you take the Healing Touch Specialization.
  • Healing Touch is what you spam the most to keep 3 stacks on your target. You can also split the HoT on two targets and maintain 3 stacks on both. However, this drains your mana quicker and should only be attempted during an intense fight where you need to heal yourself and an ally or two allies simultaneously.
  • The full healing potential of Nature's Blessing is only activated on targets who already buffed by Healing Touch or a party member's Nature's Blessing.

Damage Mitigation

  1. Blessed Barrier
  2. Invincible Wall
  • These skills help your party tank strong hitting abilities. Blessed Barrier and Invincible Wall can be changed into AoE abilities with Expand Targets and Expand Targets.

Nature's Blessing Full Heal

  • Healing Touch or Nature's Blessing
  • Nature's Blessing


  • Nature's Blessing
  • Blitz
  • Nature's Blessing
  • The Vitality Specialization amplifies the potency of your Nature's Blessing on targets who have the Healing Touch or Nature's Blessing HoT. You can take advantage of this in one of three ways. First, by casting Healing Touch, then following it up with Nature's Blessing to fully heal your target. Second, by coordinating with another Longbow user, having them cast either Healing Touch or Nature's Blessing which is then followed by your Nature's Blessing. Thirdly, you could use Nature's Blessing and reset it with Blitz to cast the enhanced Nature's Blessing yourself, healing all allies within range to full health.
  • For Nature's Blessing, the other Longbow user must be in your party so your party mates receive the HoT.
    • Note: It is strongly recommended that you get in voice comms to coordinate with other healers and keep your party alive.

Double Barrier Protection

  1. Blessed Barrier (target 1)
  2. Blitz
  3. Blessed Barrier (target 2)
  4. Swift Healing (split between both targets)
  5. Clay's Salvation
  • If there are two party members being focused that need help sustaining damage, you can reset Blessed Barrier with Blitz to apply it twice increasing their healing received and Defenses.

Curse Explosion

  1. Touch of Despair
  2. Ensnaring Arrow
  3. Decaying Touch (if target has two stacks of ToD)
  4. Touch of Despair
  5. Curse Explosion
  6. Blitz
  7. Curse Explosion
  • This combo can one shot enemies above 20k Max Health with proper gear. If Ensnaring Arrow fails, use Cursed Nightmare. It's better to use Cursed Nightmare if you're up against a Ranged DPS player because they can cast abilities while Binded.


  • To survive and play well as a Wand / Longbow Healer you must always be mindful of your positioning. Never be in isolated spaces within your zerg and always remain within 15 meters of your party members to ensure you are making full use of your Distorted Sanctuary.
  • Do not use standing block against Greatswords. Always use rolling block in fights against them because they have two Fury abilities that can quickly Prone you if you're using your stationary block.
  • Don't be afraid to use Blessed Barrier on yourself if you are being focused. The increased healing and Defenses from this ability increases your odds of surviving.
  • Use Precious Purification Stone to get out of Sleep and follow-up with Purifying Touch and Blessed Barrier to reduce the damage of a Curse Explosion combo from Wand players.

Stat Priorities

Use the following stat priorities when playing a Wand / Longbow build in PVP:

  • Primary Stats
    • Strength, Perception, and Wisdom

You have 49 Stat Points you can freely allocate to any of the 4 primary Stats. Once you put 20 points into an individual Stat, it takes 2 points to increase the Stat by 1. Do not put more than 20 points into a Stat unless you are trying to reach a certain breakpoint.

You get bonuses for every 10 Stat Points you invest from 30 to 60. You invest our points based on acquiring these bonuses.

Strength adds minimum and maximum Weapon Damage while also increasing your Max Health, Defenses, and Health Regen. Increasing Strength is your best method of increasing your survivability. Wisdom is the third best stat for healers after Perception if you use any offensive abilities, if not, Wisdom is your second best stat. Each added point into Wisdom increases your maximum Weapon Damage and provides extra Cooldown Speed and Mana Regen.

Early Game Gear

In PvP, Hit is important to land your CC, Curses, and offensive abilities. So, with full green gear, you want 30 Perception for 100 extra Hit. You also want 30 Strength for 750 extra Max Health which improves your survivability, as well as 30 Dexterity for 100 Critical Hit which is about a 10% increased chance to Crit Heal or Damage.

Mid Game Gear

With Blue gear, your goal is to have high Max Health, Critical Chance, and a balance of your Endurances.

End Game Gear

At Purple Gear, you have options to either run a Triple Endurance build or a Melee Evasion build with smaller Ranged and Magic Endurances. What you choose to run depends largely on your server. If you're on a heavy Melee server, then a Melee Evasion build would possibly feel more beneficial. Servers with a higher amount of Magic users will require strong Magic Defenses and Damage Mitigation.

Gear Progression

Acquiring Gear pieces and upgrading them is incredibly expensive and time-consuming. If you enjoy both PvE and PvP content, just use these sets for PvE as well.

Note: Longbow should always be kept out in your main-hand, because the masteries for weapons ONLY WORK FOR THAT WEAPON. They never ever apply to the other weapon. Because of this, you should run whichever weapon gives you the best defensive stats while out to help mitigate damage thrown at you throughout fights.

If you're interested in PvE Gear Progression, check out our Wand / Longbow PvE Build Guide here!

Early to Mid Game Gear Builds

Early Game
Mid Game
Triple Endurances
Mid Game
Melee Evasion
Ranged Endurance

Triple Endurance Focused Story Gear
Wand / Longbow PvP Build

Any Melee user who knows how to gear properly approaches 800 Melee Hit Early Game, especially Greatsword users. To effectively combat this, you need around 1,200 Melee Evasion for a 30% chance of evading their attacks. You barely achieve this as a Longbow Healer Early Game, so it's better to run the Triple Endurance build.

  • You achieve 628 Melee Endurance, 848 Ranged Endurance, and 538 Magic Endurance in a full party with Level 1 Distorted Sanctuary passive.
  • Transfer Green gear into Blue as you obtain them.

Remember, the great thing about Endurance is that no matter how much Critical Hit your enemy has, your Endurance is always subtracted against theirs.

  • Because you can't reach high Endurance, Defenses, and Max Health in Early Game gear, the focus is on high Max Health, Mana Regen, and a decent amount of each Endurance while in a party.

For early PvP, Wand / Longbow can feel rough against players who know how to gear. However, once you get further into the game, more paths will open, and playing this weapon combination will feel better.

Gear Sources

  1. Elite Resistance Magic Scepter
    • Chapter 5 Codex rewards
    • Mystical Wands Lithograph Book entry
  2. Elite Resistance Longbow
    • Marksman's Arsenal Lithograph Book entry
  3. Elite Sharpshooter's Cloak
    • Cloaks that Wield Victory Lithograph Book entry
  4. Sophia's Strength Ring
    • Chapter 4 Codex rewards
  5. Sophia's Strength Necklace
    • Syleus's Abyss Floor 1F-2F Exploration Codex rewards
  6. Elite Tracker's Belt
    • Sources of Abdominal Strength! Lithograph Book entry

Triple Endurance Mid Game
Wand / Longbow PvP Build

Triple Endurance builds synergize well with your Distorted Sanctuary passive to decrease the chances of a Critical Hit landing on you from any Melee, Ranged, or Magic attack.

Unless you have this gear set somewhat traited, some of your Green Gear is still better for PvP. Keep that in mind before transferring over.

Over time, you will find having low Magic Endurance is nothing to worry about. You can easily block a full DPS rotation from Staff users or rely on your strong Healing Overtime (HoT) abilities like Healing Touch to keep yourself alive.

  • Your goal with gearing is to have decent Endurance and high Max Health to aid with survivability.
  • This build achieves 1,096 Melee Endurance, 1,096 Ranged Endurance, and 836 Magic Endurance with a Level 3 Distorted Sanctuary.
  • Your base Cooldown Speed is 8%, which is 18% on your Wand healing and support abilities thanks to your Wand Mastery skills.

Co-Op Dungeon Priority

  1. Cave of Destruction
    • Lequirus's Coveted Tome
      • Use Scepter of the Resistance or Foresight Wand before obtaining the Lequirus's Coveted Tome
      • Foresight Wand
        • Temple of Slaughter
  2. Cursed Wasteland
    • Flying Dragon Claw Leather Boots
      • Also drops from Specter's Abyss
  3. Death's Abyss
    • Brawler's Ring

Open World Dungeon Priority

  1. Syleus's Abyss 3F and 4F
    • Imperial Ring from Steelclaw Abomination
  2. Shadowed Crypt
    • Foresight Wand from Dark Shaman
    • Elite Sharpshooter's Cloak from Dark Assassins
      • Gallu Archer in Shattered Temple
    • Guard's Endurance Necklace from Dark Shamans
    • Resolute Crusader Gauntlets from Dark Enforcer
  3. Saurodoma Island
    • Knight's Resistance Bracelet from Reptilian Fighters

Lithograph Book Sources

Use Trait Conversion Stones to roll pieces for the trait not available for purchase on the Auction House.

  • Elite Resistance Mask
    • Chapter 6 Codex rewards
    • Hawk's Eye Lithograph Book entry
  • Elite Resistance Plate Armor
    • Shiny Metal Armor Lithograph Book entry.
    • Gallu Knight in Shattered Temple
  • Elite Resistance Leather Pants
    • Chapter 8 Codex rewards
    • Slayers' Reliable Pants Lithograph Book entry.
    • Kotori in Purelight Hill

Field Boss Drops

  • Resolute Crusader Gauntlets from Talus
  • Knight's Resistance Bracelet from Aridus
  • Guard's Endurance Necklace from Kowazan
  • Imperial Ring from Ahzreil
  • Foresight Wand
    • Chernobog
    • Minezerok
    • Nirma
    • Junobote


If you're experiencing difficulties Traiting your Elite Resistance gear, including your Elite Tracker's Belt, swap to the following pieces that are easier to obtain, but result in a weaker balance of Endurances:

  • Death's Abyss
    • Dark Warrior's Visor
    • Dark Warrior's Resistance Armor
    • Wild Resistance Bracelet
  • Cave of Destruction
    • Furious Sniper's Longbow
      • You can use this Longbow to reach 40 Perception, but your Hit will suffer.
  • Tyrant's Isle
    • Passionate Vigor Belt
    • Deadly Strike Iron Gloves
  • Morokai
    • Great Spirit's Blessing Magic Gaiters
  • Cursed Wasteland
    • Flying Dragon Scale Secret Art Pants
      • Wearing these pants results in lower Max Health.

Melee Evasion and Ranged Endurance
Wand / Longbow PvP Build

This Wand / Longbow PvP build works great on Melee dominated servers and in Arenas. Outside of Arena, be in a full party during PvP so you don't feel too weak against Ranged and Magic users. Use Daybreak Shore Banquet to compensate.

In addition to 1,708 Melee Evasion, you have 970 Ranged Endurance with Level 3 Distorted Sanctuary. A Melee Evasion of 1,708 guarantees over a 30% chance of Evading attacks from the average Mid Game geared Greatsword player with 900 to 1,100 Hit.

MISC Sources

  1. Elite Assassin's Cloak
    • Precious Blessing Pouch
    • Mitran and Contaminated Mitran in Purelight Hill
  2. Rutaine's Mysterious Bracelet
    • Temple of Sylaveth Exploration Codex rewards
  3. Sophia's Bracelet of Strength
    • Syleus's Abyss 1F-2F Exploration Codex rewards

Co-Op Dungeon Priority

  1. Cave of Destruction
    • Lequirus's Coveted Tome
      • Use Scepter of the Resistance or Foresight Wand before obtaining the Lequirus's Coveted Tome
      • Foresight Wand
        • Temple of Slaughter
        • Shadowed Crypt
  2. Temple of Slaughter
    • Regal Jade Band

Field Boss Drops

  • Indomitable Strength Iron Gloves from Talus
  • Resolute Crusader Greaves from Minezerok

Open World Dungeon Priority

  1. Temple of Sylaveth
    • Elite Retainer's Belt from Shade Wizard
      • Grayclaw Sentry and Gray Lycan Sentry in Grayclaw Forest
  2. Shadowed Crypt
    • Resolute Crusader Gauntlets from Dark Enforcer
  3. Sanctum of Desire
    • Resolute Crusader Greaves from Avolos Guardian and Frenzied Avolos Guardian

Lithograph Book Sources

Use Trait Conversion Stones to roll pieces for the trait not available for purchase on the Auction House.

  • Elite Resistance Visor
    • Chapter 6 Codex rewards
    • Overhead Protection
    • Orc Brawler in Fonos Basin
  • Heroic Armor of the Resistance
    • Chapter 10 Codex rewards
    • Unfaltering Protection Lithograph Book entry
  • Sabatons of the Resistance
    • Chapter 9 Codex rewards
    • Feet of the Stalwart Fighter
    • Grayclaw Butcher and Gray Lycan Swashbuckler in Grayclaw Forest


If you're experiencing difficulties Traiting your Elite Resistance gear, including your Elite Tracker's Belt, swap to the following pieces that are easier to obtain, but result in a weaker balance of Evasion:

  • Death's Abyss
    • Dark Warrior's Visor
  • Cave of Destruction
    • Furious Sniper's Longbow
      • You can use this Longbow to reach 40 Perception, but your Hit will suffer.
  • Cursed Wasteland
    • Flying Dragon Scale Secret Art Pants
      • Wearing these pants results in lower Max Health.
  • Tyrant's Isle
    • Deadly Strike Iron Gloves
  • Morokai
    • Great Spirit's Blessing Magic Gaiters
  • Shadowed Crypt
    • Elite Sharpshooter's Cloak
      • Cloaks that Wield Victory
  • Ant Nest
    • Impure Witch's Linen Pants from Acid Ant

End Game Gear Builds

End Game
Melee Endurance
Ranged Endurance
Solo Self-Found
Melee Endurance
Ranged Endurance
End Game
Melee Evasion
Range Endurance
Solo Self-Found
Melee Evasion
Ranged Endurance

High Defense, Melee and Ranged Endurance
Full Support Wand / Longbow PvP Build

High Defense, Melee and Ranged Endurance
High Hit Wand / Longbow PvP Build

Use the Full Support PvP build when using a Full Support skill build that has zero offensive abilities or only Tornado which is a multi-hit ability that has more chances to land on targets despite having low Hit. Use the High Hit PvP build when using a skill build that includes more Offensive abilities like Touch of Despair, Cursed Nightmare, Karmic Haze, Time for Punishment, or Ensnaring Arrow.

  • With a Level 5 Distorted Sanctuary, you reach 1,330 Melee Endurance, 1,160 Ranged Endurance, and 360 Magic Endurance.
  • You have a base Cooldown Speed of 9.7% in the Full Support build and 11% in the High Hit build and 16.2% in the Full Support build and 17.5% in the High Hit build with any Wand abilities thanks to the Cooldown Speed skill in your Wand weapon Mastery.
  • Don't over stack Cooldown Speed as the Diminishing Returns are quite large after 33%, where you experience 10% Diminishing Returns.

Co-Op Dungeon Sources

  • Death's Abyss Co-Op Dungeon
    • Craft two Recipe: Dimensional Essence: Salvation for the Recipe: Karnix's Hell Bow recipe
      • If you are maining the Full Support Skill build, you could take Critical Hit Chance trait over Hit Chance.
  • Cave of Destruction Co-Op Dungeon
    • Beast King's Gilded Bracers
  • Insightful Ring of Dimension
    • Craft Recipe: Dimensional Essence: Salvation for the Precious Epic Accessory Selection Chest.

Open World Dungeons

  • Shadowed Crypt
    • Sabatons of the Field General from Dark Wizard
      • Precious Epic Equipment Selection Chest: Abyss
  • Sanctum of Desire
    • Gauntlets of the Infernal Herald from Avolos Pyromancer
    • Tukun's Cast Iron Belt from Avolos Guardian
    • Precious Epic Equipment Chest: Desire
  • Syleus's Abyss Open World Dungeon
    • Unshakeable Gold Ring from Demonhoof Tracker
    • Precious Epic Equipment Chest: Abyss
  • Shock Commander Plate Armor
    • Precious Epic Equipment Selection Chest: Abyss
  • Abyss Conqueror's Necklace
    • Precious Epic Equipment Chest: Abyss

Field Bosses

  • Malakar Field and Guild Boss
    • Grand General's Command Visor
  • Kowazan and Lycan Kowazan Field and Guild Bosses
    • Slaughterer's Collar
  • Chernobog Field and Guild Boss
    • General's Fury Headgear
  • Talus Field and Guild Boss
    • Holy Warrior's Sacred Armor
  • Excavator-9 Field and Guild Boss
    • Excavator's Mysterious Scepter
      • If you are maining the Full Support build, you could take Critical Hit Chance trait over Hit Chance.
  • Junobote Field and Guild Boss
    • Commandant's Grandeur

MISC Sources

  • Special Resistance Tactical Boots
    • Gray Wolf in Grayclaw Forest
    • Invincible Shoes Lithograph Book entry
    • Craft Recipe: Precious Lithograph: Heroic Boots of the Resistance


Use gear here before obtaining the ones that drop from Field and Guild Bosses.

  1. Darkness Distorted Plate Boots
    • Death's Abyss and Roaring Temple Co-Op Dungeon
  2. Transcendent Magic Ring
    • Queen Bellandir Archboss

SSF High Defense, Melee and Ranged Endurance
Wand / Longbow PvP End Game Build

A Solo Self-Found (SSF) build consists only of items that are obtainable while playing the game solo.

  • With a Level 5 Distorted Sanctuary, you reach 1,290 Melee Endurance, 1,120 Ranged Endurance, and 360 Magic Endurance.
  • You have a base Cooldown Speed of 10% in the and 16.5% with any Wand abilities thanks to the Cooldown Speed skill in your Wand weapon Mastery.
  • Don't over stack Cooldown Speed as the Diminishing Returns are quite large after 33%, where you experience 10% Diminishing Returns.

Gear Sources

  1. Visor of the Infernal Herald
    • Death's Abyss Co-Op Dungeon
  2. Supreme Devotion
    • Cave of Destruction Co-Op Dungeon
  3. Plate of the Infernal Herald
    • Shadowed Crypt from Dark Shaman
    • With 40 Abyss Currency, craft Precious Epic Equipment Chest: Shadow

Melee Evasion and Ranged Endurance
End Game Wand / Longbow PvP Build

  • This Wand / Longbow PvP build is stronger on Melee dominated servers and in Arenas.
  • Use Daybreak Shore Banquet (PvP Stats).
  • In addition to 1,770 Melee Evasion, you have 1,160 Ranged Endurance with Level 5 Distorted Sanctuary.
  • A Melee Evasion of 1,770, guarantees over a 30% chance of Evading attacks from the average End Game geared Greatsword player with 1,100 to 1,300 Hit.
  • You have a base Cooldown Speed of 11.2% and 17.7% with any Wand abilities you use thanks to the Cooldown Speed skill in your Wand weapon Mastery.

Lithograph Book

Use Trait Conversion Stones to roll both pieces for the trait not available for purchase on the Auction House.

  • Heroic Armor of the Resistance
    • Chapter 10 Codex rewards
    • Unfaltering Protection Lithograph Book entry
    • Craft Recipe: Precious Lithograph: Heroic Armor of the Resistance
    • Gallu Archer in Shattered Temple
  • Slaughterer's Collar
    • Marienne's Recommended Necklace Collection Lithograph Book entry

Co-Op Dungeon Sources

  • Temple of Slaughter Co-Op Dungeon
    • Black Lion Black Gaiters
  • Tyrant's Isle Co-Op Dungeon
    • Black Lion Dash
  • Cave of Destruction Co-Op Dungeon
    • Beast King's Gilded Bracers
  • Insightful Ring of Dimension
    • Craft Recipe: Dimensional Essence: Salvation for the Precious Epic Accessory Selection Chest.

Open World Dungeons

  • Temple of Sylaveth
    • Belt of Combat Prowess from Shade Wizard
  • Sanctum of Desire
    • Gauntlets of the Infernal Herald from Avolos Pyromancer
  • Syleus's Abyss
    • Etched Alabaster Band from Demonhoof Tracker
    • With 40 Abyss Currency, craft Precious Epic Equipment Chest: Abyss.

Field Bosses

  • Malakar Field and Guild Boss
    • Grand General's Command Visor
  • Kowazan and Lycan Kowazan Field and Guild Bosses.
    • Slaughterer's Collar


Use gear here before obtaining the ones that drop from Field and Guild Bosses.

  1. Elite Resistance Visor (continue using for more Melee Evasion)
    • Chapter 6 Codex rewards
    • Overhead Protection Lithograph Book entry
      • Use 20 Trait Conversion Stones to roll both pieces for the trait not available for purchase on the Auction House.
    • Fonos Basin from Orc Brawler, Fire Orc Brawler, Enchanted Fire Orc Brawler (event)
    • Sandworm Lair from Sandworm
  2. Transcendent Magic Ring
    • Queen Bellandir Archboss

SSF Melee Evasion and Ranged Endurance
End Game Wand / Longbow PvP Build

A Solo Self-Found (SSF) build consists only of items that are obtainable while playing the game solo.

  • This Wand / Longbow PvP build is stronger on Melee dominated servers and in Arenas.
  • Use Daybreak Shore Banquet (PvP Stats).
  • In addition to 1,930 Melee Evasion, you have 1,120 Ranged Endurance with Level 5 Distorted Sanctuary.
  • A Melee Evasion of 1,930, guarantees over a 40% chance of Evading attacks from the average End Game geared Greatsword player with 1,100 to 1,300 Hit.
  • You have a base Cooldown Speed of 10.5% and 17% with any Wand abilities you use thanks to the Cooldown Speed skill in your Wand weapon Mastery.


  1. Elite Resistance Visor (continue using for more Melee Evasion)
    • Chapter 6 Codex rewards
    • Overhead Protection Lithograph Book entry
      • Use 20 Trait Conversion Stones to roll both pieces for the trait not available for purchase on the Auction House.
  2. Transcendent Magic Ring
    • Queen Bellandir Archboss


Guardians are special transformations that add offensive or defensive buffs or attacks to your character for 30 seconds. These are the recommended Guardians for this class in both PvE and PvP situations.

  • Lady Knight Kamarshea is the common healer Guardian. It helps as an emergency button to survive situations where you are overwhelmed by several players or caught in a CC chain.


  • The Wand / Longbow Healer in PvP is an overall fun mix of both healing and support skills.
  • Wand / Longbow relies on having a good party and peels to ensure your survival against a coordinated multi-target ambush.
  • This build has a unique mix of healing abilities and buffs and support abilities from Longbow that greatly improve your allies' combat effectiveness.
  • The best Wand / Longbow players have great positioning in PvP, skill management, and incredible skill usage to save your party and counter ambush attacks to destroy enemies.
  • Max Traits and proper gear improve your survivability as a Wand / Longbow healer.


Written by EliEli
Reviewed by Yaen and Tenkiei

Special thank you to my friend, Rylock, for helping to review some of the gear builds.

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