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Wand / Longbow PvE Build Guide

Last Updated:October 6, 2024|Change Log

Welcome to the Wand / Longbow PvE build guide! When compared to other healer builds such as Wand / Staff or Wand / Dagger, Wand / Longbow is not the greatest when it comes to DPS or overall build flexibility. In PvE, this weapon combination is more known for the utility they bring to a party in the form of party-wide Cooldown Reduction, Mana Regeneration, and Critical Hit, as well as Accuracy buffs.

By taking advantage of unique longbow skills such as Nature's Blessing you ensure your party has proper Mana sustain throughout a boss fight. Longbow also has the only CC cleanse ability called Purifying Touch. With this ability, you are able to uniquely help your party get past certain Co-Op Dungeon mechanics that would be more challenging for parties without a Longbow.

Longbow is the only weapon in the game that provides party-wide Cooldown Reduction on all abilities with Deadly Marker. This is a strong ability that for example under 10-seconds could reduce a 30-second ability cooldown to about 5 seconds before it can be used again. The Wand / Longbow PvE Build has convenient and unique abilities making them a strong support healer to add to your party.

Wand / Longbow Mother Transcendental PvE Build

  • CC Cleanse
  • Party Hit Chance Buff
  • Ability Cooldown Reset
  • Party Critical Chance Buff
  • Party Mana Regeneration
  • Party Cooldown Reduction
  • Low DPS
  • Low Mobility

Skill Builds

Early Game Healer PvE
Solo AoE Farming
DPS Field and Guild Bosses
Late Game Healer PvE

This build is for Early Game PvE content as a healer when majority of players are gearing up and aren't as strong or tanky as they will be with End Game gear.

Active Skills

Damage Skills

  • Always start the fight with Touch of Despair. Your goal is to stack the Curse from this ability to 3 on a boss before detonating your Curse Explosion.
  • Cast Decaying Touch before you cast your third Touch of Despair. This helps you to min/max your Curse Explosion damage.
  • Use Decisive Sniping for the 300 Critical Hit buff and burst damage.
  • Curse Explosion with Dark Explosion leaves your Curses on the boss. This reduces the cooldown of Curse Explosion so you can use the skill more frequently.

Healing Skills

  • Swift Healing is your main heal to restore the health of yourself and allies. Assign a Self-Use button in your settings to easily self-cast this ability. This skill can be used up to 3 times within about 5 seconds so heal multiple targets when possible.
  • Use Clay's Salvation when multiple party members need health restored, or immediately after a large AoE mechanic.
  • Fountain of Life is used to support a party member tanking hits from a boss, or to heal multiple party members grouped together.
  • Use Healing Touch for additional healing. When combined with Nature's Blessing, you provide a powerful heal to anyone with Healing Touch in your party.

Utility Skills

  • Coordinate with your party to time Deadly Marker around Critical Hit buffs in their burst rotation. This ensures they get the most out of the Cooldown Reduction aspect of the skill.
  • Use Time for Punishment and Nature's Blessing before Deadly Marker to ensure the full duration of the Cooldown Reduction is applied to all three skills.
  • Use Invincible Wall to help your party tank heavy hitting boss mechanics.

Passive Skills

  • One of your best passives to increase your healing output and reduce the Cooldown of healing abilities is Devotion and Emptiness. Remember that during the night you lose the healing bonuses and gain increased damage and Cooldown Reduction on your Curse abilities instead.
  • You can easily keep Selfless Soul at 5 stacks with Fountain of Life, or with Clay's Salvation and Nature's Blessing.
  • Your remaining four passive skills focus on slotting options that increase your damage output against bosses. These include Wraith's Beckon, Roxie's Arrowhead, Sniper's Sense, and Rapidfire Stance.
  • Vampiric Contract provides a small amount of healing to whomever you are targeting. This is great for damage sustain against DoTs in PvE or slowly keeping party member's Health bars topped off without wasting healing abilities.
  • Sniper's Sense increases your chance of critical healing.

Use this Wand / Longbow PVE skill build while solo farming Resistance Contracts and Open World Dungeons.

Active Skills

Damage Skills

  • After grouping mobs, always start with Touch of Despair. With Curse, you always have one mob who has two stacks of Touch of Despair. Swap targets to that mob to continue your Curse Explosion combo.
  • Cast Decaying Touch before you cast your third Touch of Despair.
  • Use Arrow Vortex into Brutal Arrow into Ray of Disaster.

Utility Skills

  • Always use Time for Punishment into Karmic Haze to spread the Skill Damage Reduction debuff within a large AoE.

Passive Skills

  • One of your best passives to increase your healing output and reduce the Cooldown of healing abilities is Devotion and Emptiness. Remember that during the night you lose the healing bonuses and gain increased damage and Cooldown Reduction on your Curse abilities instead.
  • Your remaining four passive skills focus on slotting options that increase your damage output against bosses. These include Wraith's Beckon, Roxie's Arrowhead, Sniper's Sense, and Rapidfire Stance.
  • When you have no one targeted, Vampiric Contract instead heals yourself providing great damage sustain in PvE.


  • If you need extra healing, swap Arrow Vortex for Fountain of Life.

This skill build is only to be used when your party requires minimal to no healing during Field and Guild Boss fights and your only goal is to work together to deal as much damage as possible for a higher chance of receiving boss drops. Use Healer PvE skill build if your party requires more healing.

Active Skills

Damage Skills

  • Always start the fight with Touch of Despair. Your goal is to stack the Curse from this ability to 3 on a boss before detonating your Curse Explosion.
  • Cast Decaying Touch before you cast your third Touch of Despair. This helps you to min/max your Curse Explosion damage.
  • Curse Explosion with Dark Explosion leaves your Curses on the boss. This reduces the cooldown of Curse Explosion so you can use the skill more frequently.
  • Weave in Decisive Sniping for the Critical Hit buff.
  • In between Touch of Despair cooldowns, use Ray of Disaster, followed by Strafing into Zephyr's Nock.

Utility Skills

  • At the start of a fight after your first cast of Touch of Despair, always follow-up with Deadly Marker, followed by Enchanting Time to obtain the Skill Damage Boost, Critical Hit, and Cooldown Reduction buffs.
  • Fighting Spirit Barrier is used right after you cast Decaying Touch to enhance Curse Explosion's damage.
  • Don't forget to use Nature's Blessing off cooldown to restore Mana.

Passive Skills

  • One of your best passives to increase your healing output and reduce the Cooldown of healing abilities is Devotion and Emptiness. Remember that during the night you lose the healing bonuses and gain increased damage and Cooldown Reduction on your Curse abilities instead.
  • Your remaining four passive skills focus on slotting options that increase your damage output against bosses. These include Wraith's Beckon, Roxie's Arrowhead, Sniper's Sense, and Rapidfire Stance.
  • Vampiric Contract provides a small amount of healing to whomever you are targeting. This is great for damage sustain against DoTs in PvE or slowly keeping party member's Health bars topped off without wasting healing abilities.

In Throne and Liberty, healing is your main role, but part of playing a healer to the fullest potential is contributing damage when there isn't much to heal. Doing so inside Co-Op Dungeons helps reduce your clear time. If your party requires additional damage mitigation or healing replace some DPS abilities in this skill build. This especially helps if your party is new to the game and as more challenging Co-Op Dungeons are introduced. Use this skill build for Co-Op Dungeons and when you're required to heal for Field and Guild Bosses.

Active Skills

Damage Skills

  • Always start the fight with Touch of Despair. Your goal is to stack the Curse from this ability to 3 on a boss before detonating your Curse Explosion.
  • Cast Decaying Touch before you cast your third Touch of Despair. This helps you to min/max your Curse Explosion damage.
  • Use Decisive Sniping before your Strafing into Zephyr's Nock combo for the 300 Critical Hit buff.
  • Curse Explosion with Dark Explosion leaves your Curses on the boss. This reduces the cooldown of Curse Explosion so you can use the skill more frequently.

Utility Skills

  • Coordinate with your party to time Deadly Marker around Critical Hit buffs in their burst rotation. This ensures they get the most out of the Cooldown Reduction aspect of the skill.
  • Use Time for Punishment and Nature's Blessing before Deadly Marker to ensure the full duration of the Cooldown Reduction is applied to all three skills.

Passive Skills

  • One of your best passives to increase your healing output and reduce the Cooldown of healing abilities is Devotion and Emptiness. Remember that during the night you lose the healing bonuses and gain increased damage and Cooldown Reduction on your Curse abilities instead.
  • You can easily keep Selfless Soul at 5 stacks with Fountain of Life, or with Clay's Salvation and Nature's Blessing.
  • Your remaining four passive skills focus on slotting options that increase your damage output against bosses. These include Wraith's Beckon, Roxie's Arrowhead, and Sniper's Sense.
  • Vampiric Contract provides a small amount of healing to whomever you are targeting. This is great for damage sustain against DoTs in PvE or slowly keeping party member's Health bars topped off without wasting healing abilities.


  • If your party requires more support abilities or help tanking a strong boss mechanic, replace Decisive Sniping with Invincible Wall. Remove Mana Recovery from Fountain of Life to get Expand Targets.

Skill Prioritization

  • Use Quality Marind Ore to craft Quality Passive Skill Growth Book and Quality Active Skill Growth Book
  • Use Rare Marind Ore to craft Rare Passive Skill Growth Book and Rare Active Skill Growth Book.
  • Prioritize getting all these skills to blue first before getting them to purple. These are universal skills you always use.
  • Upgrade the rest of your skills as you play the game.

PvE Gameplay and Skill Rotation

Single Target

The healing abilities listed below are to be used as you need in any content that requires you to heal allies or yourself.

AoE Heals

  1. Clay's Salvation
  2. Fountain of Life
  3. Nature's Blessing
  • These are your AoE healing abilities commonly used in PvE. Use your AoE heals after multiple party members receive damage that require your support.
  • Swift Healing is used as your main heal until this happens.

Single-Target Heals

  1. Swift Healing
  • This is your main heal that has a low cooldown and can be casted up to three times with Consecutive Use.

Damage Mitigation

  1. Blessed Barrier
  2. Invincible Wall
  • These skills help your party tank strong hitting mechanics.
  • Blessed Barrier and Invincible Wall can be changed into AoE abilities with Expand Targets and Expand Targets.

The following rotations should be used while completing your Resistance Contracts and solo farming mobs in Open World Dungeons.

Long AoE Rotation

  1. Group mobs
  2. Ray of Disaster
  3. Touch of Despair
  4. Time for Punishment
  5. Decaying Touch (make sure there are three stacks of ToD)
  6. Touch of Despair
  7. Karmic Haze
  8. Curse Explosion
  9. Arrow Vortex
  10. Brutal Arrow
  11. Decisive Bombardment

This is the long combo. Weave in DPS skills as you wait for your Karmic Haze cooldown.

Short AoE Rotation

  1. Touch of Despair
  2. Time for Punishment
  3. Decaying Touch (make sure there are three stacks of ToD)
  4. Touch of Despair
  5. Karmic Haze
  6. Curse Explosion

This combo is used to quickly kill normal mobs that are a lot squishier. You frequently use this rotation while completing your resistance contracts.


  • Always group mobs and use Chaotic Shield to block Fury attacks and easily spread Touch of Despair. If done correctly, you can skip building 3 stacks of ToD and go right into the final part of the Curse Explosion combo.
  • Always spread Time for Punishment with Karmic Haze before exploding.

The rotations listed below should be used on Field and Guild Bosses, as well as bosses inside Co-Op Dungeons.

Long Single-Target Rotation

  1. Ray of Disaster
  2. Touch of Despair
  3. Enchanting Time
  4. Deadly Marker
  5. Decaying Touch (make sure to have three stacks of ToD)
  6. Touch of Despair
  7. Fighting Spirit Barrier
  8. Curse Explosion
  9. Decisive Sniping
  10. Strafing
  11. Zephyr's Nock
  • This combo delivers your highest DPS output.
  • Some practice is required to get the timing right.
  • The DoT stacks remain if using Curse Explosion so make sure you practice balancing your skill use effectively.

Short Single-Target Rotation

  1. Ray of Disaster
  2. Touch of Despair
  3. Deadly Marker
  4. Enchanting Time
  5. Strafing
  6. Zephyr's Nock
  7. Touch of Despair
  8. Decaying Touch (make sure to have three stacks of ToD)
  9. Curse Explosion
  • This combo is a shortened version of the long single-target rotation for when you need to get a quick burst of damage off on a target.

Stat Priorities

Use the following stat priorities when playing a Wand / Longbow build in PVE:

  • Primary Stat
    • Dexterity and Wisdom
  • Secondary Stat
    • Strength and Perception

You have 49 Stat Points you can freely allocate to any of the 4 primary Stats. Once you put 20 points into an individual Stat, it takes 2 points to increase the Stat by 1. Do not put more than 20 points into a Stat unless you are trying to reach a certain breakpoint.

You get bonuses for every 10 Stat Points you invest from 30 to 60. Invest your points based on acquiring these bonuses.

Dexterity not only adds maximum Weapon Damage but also increases your Crit Chance, Evasion, and Attack Speed. Increasing Dexterity is your best method of increasing your damage output. Wisdom is the next best stat for improving your Weapon Damage. Each added point into Wisdom also provides extra Cooldown Speed and Mana Regen.

Mid Game

For PvE, you care mainly about maximum damage output so put points into Dexterity and Wisdom. Reaching 30 Strength is worthwhile if you think you need the extra Health to survive. You can have two Presets for max Dexterity and Wisdom or 30 Strength.

End Game

With enough Purple Gear, you can optimally hit certain stat breakpoints. 50 Wisdom gives you extra Cooldown Speed which is great to get your healing and support abilities back quickly.

Gear Progression

If you're interested in PvP Gear Progression, check out our Wand / Longbow PvP Build Guide here!

Story Gear
Mid Game Gear
End Game Gear
Solo Self Found

Mid Game Wand / Longbow PvE Build

As you progress further into the game, you gather more blue gear with flat Stat buffs such as Dexterity and Wisdom to boost your raw damage. It's also more costly to trait due to the low supply in the early game. It's okay to still use green accessories. Slowly transition to Blue Gear as you play the game and acquire the necessary pieces.

Melee and Ranged Evasion are prioritized on your gear because most mobs use these attack types. These defenses help you survive in dungeons and during PvE Events.

Gear Sources

  • Longbow of the Resistance
    • Long Ranged Nuisance
  • Scepter of the Resistance
    • Mystical Wands
  • Deadeye's Cloak
    • Beginner Cloaks of Victory
  • Violent Signet
    • Elemental Rings

Wand / Longbow PvE Build

The goal for your Mid Game build is to reach over 45% Critical Hit for your heals and damage. With this build, you also have high Cooldown Speed. You don't require much Hit to land your abilities on mobs and bosses.

Melee and Ranged Evasion are prioritized on your gear where possible because most mobs use these attack types. These defenses help you survive in dungeons and during PvE Events.

Open World Dungeon Sources

  • Ant's Nest
    • Elusive Hexweaver Hat from Worker Ant
    • Alacritous Invoker Shoes from Charging Ant
  • Shadowed Crypt
    • Duskblood Trousers from Dark Wizard

Co-Op Dungeon Farming Priority

  • Cave of Destruction
    • Lequirus's Coveted Tome
    • Archpriest's Devotion
    • Bracers of the Primal King
  • Sapphire Dimensional Band
    • Comes from Precious Epic Accessory Selection Chest.
      • Requires Dimensional Essence: Salvation.
      • You need 10 Tokens from each Co-Op Dungeon to craft.
  • Tyrant's Isle
    • Toublek's Deathmark Longbow
    • Phantom Wolf Tunic
  • Butcher's Canyon
    • Ascended Guardian Gloves
    • Ecliptic Pendant

Wand / Longbow Reaper's PvE Build

This build works towards obtaining the 2-Piece Mother Nature set effect to increase your Weaken DoT damage and duration of debuffs like Time for Punishment. You also obtain the 2-Piece Transcended One set effect, which lowers all your ability cooldowns.

Be aware that 4 pieces are from Field Bosses. If you find this too hard to acquire as a healer, see the Solo Self Found tab for easier gear to acquire.

Co-Op Dungeon Sources

  • Death's Abyss
    • Abyssal Grace Band

Field Boss Sources

  • Divine Justiciar Attire from Cornelius
  • Swirling Essence Pants from Ahzreil
  • Clasp of the Overlord from Nirma
  • Girdle of Spectral Skulls from Adentus

Open World Dungeon Sources

  • Syleus's Abyss 5F-6F
    • Ascended Guardian Shoes
      • Precious Epic Equipment Selection Chest: Abyss
  • Sanctum of Desire
    • Swirling Essence Hat from Avolos Hydromancer
    • Precious Epic Equipment Selection Chest: Abyss

Wand / Longbow Reaper's PvE Build

This version of the gear build is fully self found, meaning all the pieces are acquired yourself through grinding. You do not need to use the Auction House, or rely on your guild.


Guardians are special transformations that add offensive or defensive buffs or attacks to your character for 30 seconds. These are the recommended Guardians for this class.

  • Shade Revenant Stheno is the one and most viable DPS Guardian in PvE because it deals the most damage.
  • Lady Knight Kamarshea is a useful Guardian while you learn new dungeons. It helps in situations as an emergency button to survive mechanics that deal a significant amount of damage. Not many other situations arise where this is necessary.


  • Wand / Longbow healer is a great choice for dungeons with boss mechanics that can be countered with Purifying Touch, while also providing your party Cooldown Reduction, Hit and Critical Hit chance with Deadly Marker, as well as great Mana sustain with Nature's Blessing.
  • Although not normally required, you have the option of resetting heals using Blitz to allow for additional healing if needed.
  • Play a Wand / Longbow healer build in PvE if you enjoy using a longbow and want to be a reliable support for your friends and allies in Co-Op Dungeons and open world PvE content.


Written by EliEli
Reviewed by Yaen and Tenkiei

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