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Longbow / Dagger PvP Build Guide

Last Updated:October 13, 2024|Change Log

Welcome to the Longbow / Dagger PvP Build Guide. Longbow provides an incredible disruption tool for Large-Scale PvP in the form of Tornado, sending groups of players into the air.

You don't have as much spammable AoE as Staff / Dagger users, but you have an amazing AoE skill shot with a wide range, Flash Wave. Blitz also resets any skill you desire.

Dagger's skills complement most weapons well, providing flat offensive stat boosts like Wrathful Edge. Camouflage Cloak provides an incredible escape tool and can be used offensively for the guaranteed Crit. Shadow Walker boosts your Evasion to decent levels too; as long as you constantly upkeep the buff.

Longbow / Dagger is an amazing asset in Large Scale PvP, and you won't regret playing it!

End Game Longbow / Dagger PvP Build

If you're interested in PvE, check out our Longbow / Dagger PvE Build Guide!

  • Self-Sustain
  • Wide Range AoE
  • Long Range Burst
  • Weak to Melee
  • Requires Cooldown Speed

Skill Builds

Some skills appear different in the Tooltip due to its Skill Specialization.

  • Flash Wave = Flash Arrow
  • Decisive Bombardment = Decisive Sniping
  • Limit Break = Blitz
  • Tornado = Arrow Vortex
Large Scale PvP
Small Scale PvP / Arena PvP

Why Master of Evasion?

  • Weapon Masteries can be used when that specific weapon is out or when skills of that weapon are being used. Normally, you want to have the Longbow out; however, when you aren't attacking and trying to reposition, having the Dagger out will increase Movement Speed, among other defensive stats.
  • In instances where you're repositioning, if you get jumped or CC'd, you'll be able to make use of the added Evasion from Master of Evasion and Debuff Duration if you put points in the top tree. This is what we do in Epherium.
  • Feel free to take the middle tree instead if you don't want the added defensiveness during these times.

Active Skills

Damage Skills

  • Decisive Bombardment and Flash Wave are your two main AoE DPS Skills to use in Large Scale PvP.
  • Strafing and Zephyr's Nock are more single target DPS skills.

Utility Skills

  • Camouflage Cloak has multiple uses! Finding the correct position allows for stealth engages with high AoE DPS skills like Flash Wave! This skill is also used as a CC break or just to go stealth and disengage.
    • With so many potential scenarios, it's up to you to determine how best to use this skill in your fight.
  • Ensnaring Arrow is great to lock down an opponent from range!
  • Tornado works great as a counter-engage tool!
    • When enemies are knocked up, targets don't take damage from anyone else's AoE skills.
    • So DO NOT USE when your allies are using their AoE skills.
  • Phantom Smokescreen is a great skill when many ranged users are targeting you.
    • When getting pulled by Sword and Shield users, it's a great time to use this skill and then dodge roll to prevent enemy ranged users from attacking you while the tank has you locked down!
  • Shadow Strike is a great mobility skill that can be used to get away from a target by jumping to another target or to lock down a target with its bind.
  • Healing Touch is great to use on cooldown to maintain constant Health Regen if there isn't a Healer.
    • Can be swapped between Nature's Blessing for faster Decisive Bombardment casts.
  • Nature's Blessing is very useful to have up whenever you're about to use Decisive Bombardment.
  • Limit Break resets AoE skills for increased burst on engages!

Passive Skills

  • Assassin's Instincts and Wrathful Edge are your flat damage boost passives.
  • Shadow Walker is essential to keeping high Ranged and Magic Evasion to avoid any incoming ranged attacks. You can constantly upkeep this passive by using Block Blade Roll.
    • Swap this for Distorted Sanctuary if you go the Endurance build.


  • Nature's Blessing helps with Mana Regen, faster cast times on Decisive Bombardment, as well as applying additional Gale stacks when using Strafing!
    • Switch between this and Healing Touch as you see fit.

Why Master of Evasion?

  • Weapon Masteries can be used when that specific weapon is out or when skills of that weapon are being used. Normally, you want to have the Longbow out; however, during times when you aren't attacking and trying to reposition, having the Dagger out will give increased Movement Speed, among other defensive stats.
  • In instances where you're repositioning, if you get jumped or CC'd you'll be able to make use of the added Evasion from Master of Evasion and Debuff Duration if you put points in the top tree.
  • If you don't want the added defensiveness during these times, feel free to take the middle tree instead.

Active Skills

Damage Skills

  • Cleaving Moonlight and Brutal Incision are your Melee range DPS Skills.

Utility Skills

  • Ankle Strike is used as a followup to Shadow Strike
    • This CC cannot be broken!


  • Nature's Blessing

Skill Prioritization

  • This is a general list of skills used across all forms of content that are recommended to upgrade.
    • Should there be a skill here that you don't ever plan to use in your build, skip it.
  • Use Quality Skill Growth Books to upgrade your skills from Green to Blue in the order shown below. Once all skills below are Green, use the rest on other skills used in the builds above.
  • Use Rare Skill Growth Books to upgrade your skills from Blue to Purple in the order shown below. Once all skills below are Blue, use the rest on other skills used in the builds above.
  • Prioritize getting all these skills to blue first before getting them to purple. These are universal skills you always use.
  • Upgrade the rest of your skills as you play the game.

PvP Gameplay and Skill Rotation

Large Scale PvP
Small Scale PvP / Arena PvP

In Large Scale PvP, stick near the backline without playing too close to other users to avoid getting hit by AoE. Normally Decisive Bombardment can fit in any of these combos. At the end of the day, most situations call for on-the-fly decision-making. Weaving the following combos alongside Decisive Bombardment maximizes your presence on the battlefield.

Stealth Bomb / AoE Engage

  1. (Optional) Camouflage Cloak
  2. Flash Wave
  3. Limit Break
  4. Flash Wave
  • Positioning is key!
    • Take advantage of chokes or off-angles where enemies aren't staring right at you.
  • Tornado is a great counter-engage spell alongside this AoE bombing combo.
  • Charging skills will break you out of stealth.

Single Target Lockdown

  1. Ensnaring Arrow
  2. Strafing
  3. Zephyr's Nock
  • Snaring players mid-glide forces them to fall, potentially to their death.
  • Decisive Bombardment is great to finish somebody off if they're still alive.


  • If a Sword and Shield user pulls you in, use Phantom Smokescreen to prevent Ranged attacks from hitting for increased survivability.
  • Decisive Bombardment should be used any chance you get.
    • Try to line up multiple targets with one Snipe.
    • Nature's Blessing beforehand to speed up the cast time!
  • Weave in Flash Wave whenever there's a chance to do so.
    • Great choice to use in chokes.
    • Should the opportunity arise, can flank and use from stealth in the enemy backline but very risky if you're alone.
  • Use Camouflage Cloak defensively if you have to, as a way to break Binds and get to safety.

Normally it's best to target players the rest of your party is targeting for more coordinated fights. If Greatsword users are trying to chase you, feel free to target them down from a distance before they can close the gap.

Single Target Ranged Lockdown

  1. Ensnaring Arrow
  2. Strafing
  3. Zephyr's Nock
  • Snaring players mid-glide forces them to fall, potentially to their death.
  • Decisive Bombardment is great to finish somebody off if they're still alive.

Single Target Melee Combo

  1. Shadow Strike
  2. Ankle Strike
  3. Cleaving Moonlight
  4. Brutal Incision
  • Normally don't do this unless the target is 50% or lower HP.
  • If Melee DPS skills are on cooldown, after Ankle Strike use Ranged DPS skills while kiting away.


  • Decisive Bombardment should be used any chance you get.
    • Try to line up multiple targets with one Snipe.
  • Weave in Flash Wave whenever there's a chance to do so.
    • Try to line up multiple targets.
  • Use Camouflage Cloak defensively if you have to, as a way to break Binds and get to safety.

Stat Priorities

Use the following stat priorities when playing a Longbow / Dagger build in PVP:

  • Primary Stats
    • Strength and Perception

You have 49 Stat Points you can freely allocate to any of the 4 primary Stats. Once you put 20 points into an individual Stat, it takes 2 points to increase the Stat by 1. Do not put more than 20 points into a Stat unless you are trying to reach a certain breakpoint.

You get bonuses for every 10 Stat Points you invest from 30 to 60. You invest our points based on acquiring these bonuses.

Early Game Gear

This gear is the same as your leveling gear. If you want to learn more check out our Longbow / Dagger Leveling Guide! Your first goal is to hit 30 Dexterity for the added Critical Hit, Attack Speed, and Maximum Weapon Damage. Next, get 30 Perception for the added Hit. After that, split the rest of your points into Strength for a little extra HP and Wisdom for added Weapon Damage.

Mid Game Gear

Similar to Early Game, 30 Dexterity and 30 Perception are gained for Critical Hit, Attack Speed, Weapon Damage, and Hit. Now 30 Strength is obtained as well for additional Max Health.

End Game Gear

At Purple Gear, 60 Perception starts to become the main priority. Longbow's passive skills allow for additional Critical Hit, so gaining Hit from Stats and item effects is important.

Your next priority is reaching 50 Strength. While Miracle of Mother Nature Clothing gives additional Heavy Attack Chance as well, it's not always the best armor piece to choose, so the 100 Heavy Attack Chance from the Strength breakpoint is important.

Finally toss your additional points to reach 30+ Dexterity and some in Wisdom for added Critical Hit, Mana Regen, and Cooldown Speed.

PvP Gear Progression

Acquiring Gear pieces and upgrading them is incredibly expensive and time-consuming. If you enjoy both PvE and PvP content, just use these sets for PvE as well.

If you're interested in PvE Gear Progression, check out our Longbow / Dagger PvE Build Guide here!

Evasion vs Endurance

  • If you're going Evasion, you always have to remind yourself to constantly use Mobility skills to proc Shadow Walker.
  • Endurance is easier to play and has less RNG than Evasion. With Distorted Sanctuary giving an additional 360 Endurance in a group of 6, Endurance is an ok alternative.
Mid Game
Mid Game
End Game
End Game
End Game

Longbow / Dagger PvP Build

If you've been following the leveling guide, transfer over your greens to the story quest blues if you haven't done so already. Make sure to upgrade them before doing these Dungeons for items.

You should do contracts immediately to acquire Contract Coins so you can buy Quality Lithograph: Weapons, Quality Lithograph: Armor, and Quality Lithograph: Accessories to craft Green Gear to complete Lithograph Book entries for Blue Gear.

Only Open World Dungeon gear is easily traitable early on. As such, you assume everyone else cannot stack an appropriate amount of Critical Hit. As a Longbow user, using Distorted Sanctuary is enough to make you durable until you get more gear.

  • Due to the state of progression on launch servers, an average player will find it difficult to trait their Co-Op Dungeon blue gear.
  • This section assumes you are unable to trait most pieces of gear.

Gear Sources

  • Elite Resistance Longbow
    • Marksman's Arsenal
  • Elite Resistance Knife
    • Sharp Blades that Cut Through Darkness
  • Lethal Fortune Ring
    • Rustic Mother Nature Rings

Ranged Magic Evasion
Longbow / Dagger PvP Build

Triple Evasion
Longbow / Dagger PvP Build

Your Goals

  • Extract traits from gear for Lucent.
  • Turn important Purple Gear acquired from Co-Op Dungeons into Lithographs and sell them at the Auction House.
  • If you didn't pick Heroic Tunic of the Resistance from Story Rewards, don't worry. Just use whatever blue chest piece for now.

Dual Evasion vs Triple Evasion

  • Honestly, you could get up to 1700+ Melee Evasion with Traits. But Greatswords reach close to 1000 Hit Chance, and any Greatsword that knows how to gear will destroy you. You don't have Staff's Victorious Energy skill to buff you either.
  • The Triple Evasion build has Melee Evasion so that you can stomp on poorly geared players, which will most likely be a large population at the beginning of the game. You will dominate Arena PvP and Small Scale PvP versus ungeared Melee players, less so against Ranged and Magic users.
  • Even with Shadow Walker, versus Staff players that use Victorious Energy, you won't dodge many attacks at all.
  • The Dual Evasion build focuses on allowing you to evade more Ranged and Magic Attacks, achieving 1800 Ranged Evasion and 1600 Magic Evasion with Shadow Walker.

Magic Evasion or Magic Endurance?

  • Magic Evasion provides an easier transition to End Game, as you won't have to swap any traits.
  • Magic Endurance is good at any level, as you even have Distorted Sanctuary to further buff your Endurance.

Co-Op Dungeon Farming Priority

This section was optimized so you do not rely on Co-Op Dungeons as much to get your gear.

  • Death's Abyss
    • Karnix's Hell Bow
      • You can also pity craft Recipe: Karnix's Netherbow using 2 Dimensional Essence: Salvation instead of relying on RNG.
      • You must do each Co-Op Dungeon at least 5 times to acquire enough tokens to craft 2 Dimensional Essence: Salvation.
  • Sapphire Dimensional Band
    • Precious Epic Accessory Selection Chest
      • Requires Recipe: Dimensional Essence: Salvation to craft.
    • You must do each Co-Op Dungeon at least 3 times to acquire enough tokens to craft it.
  • Cursed Wasteland
    • (Optional) Feathered Drakeskin Gloves
    • (Optional) Feathered Drakeskin Breeches
  • Tyrant's Isle (Melee Evasion Build)
    • Ebon Roar Sabatons

Open World Dungeon Farming Priority

  1. Sophia's Bracelet of Strength
    • Temple of Sylaveth Exploration Codex
  2. (Optional Replacement) Daggers of Undead Severing
    • This item is easier to Trait because you can farm the crafting materials to craft it.
    • Craft this item using Death Soul Shard. You craft it at the Weapon Crafter Arless, who roams the path between Nesting Grounds and Vienta Village.
    • Farm Syleus's Abyss 1F-2F for Death Soul Shard.
    • This weapon will be your stat stick as you can easily fully Trait it with minimal cost.
  3. Temple of Sylaveth (Melee Evasion Build)
    • Belt of Combat Prowess from Shade Wizard
  4. Ant's Nest
    • Elusive Hexweaver Hat from Worker Ant
    • Elusive Hexweaver Pants from Acid Ant
      • Even if you do not use Melee Evasion, it's an easy piece to Trait. That is what matters.
  5. Shadowed Crypt
    • Elite Sharpshooter's Cloak from Dark Assassin
    • Ancient Tapestry Mantle from Dark Enforcer

Triple Endurance w/ Distorted Sanctuary
Early Longbow / Dagger PvP Build

Triple Endurance w/ Distorted Sanctuary
Transition Longbow / Dagger PvP Build

Your Goals

  • Target farm Purple Gear from Co-Op Dungeons.
  • Craft Common Trait Unlockstone Bundle to unlock Traits for your gear.


  • Most players expect Daggers to run Evasion. If you're the type that barely ever remembers to upkeep Shadow Walker, you can consider going this build.

Co-Op Dungeon Farming Priority

This section was optimized so you do not rely on Co-Op Dungeons as much to get your gear. Do each Dungeon so you can craft the Ring below.

  • Death's Abyss
    • Karnix's Hell Bow
  • Sapphire Dimensional Band
    • Precious Epic Accessory Selection Chest
      • Requires Recipe: Dimensional Essence: Salvation to craft.
    • You must do each Co-Op Dungeon at least 3 times to acquire enough tokens to craft it.
  • Cursed Wasteland
    • Feathered Drakeskin Breeches
  • After this, start planning for the future. Look at the Mid to End game transition for Dungeons to farm.

Open World Dungeon Farming Priority

  1. Elite Resistance Plate Armor
    • Shiny Metal Armor
  2. Elite Tracker's Belt
    • Sources of Abdominal Strength!
  3. (Optional Replacement) Daggers of Undead Severing
    • This item is easier to Trait because you can farm the crafting materials to craft it.
    • Craft this item using Death Soul Shard. You craft it at the Weapon Crafter Arless, who roams the path between Nesting Grounds and Vienta Village.
    • Farm Syleus's Abyss 1F-2F for Death Soul Shard.
    • This weapon will be your stat stick as you can easily fully Trait it with minimal cost.
  4. Ant's Nest
    • Elusive Hexweaver Hat from Worker Ant
  5. Shadowed Crypt
    • Guard's Endurance Necklace from Dark Shaman
      • Rustic Mother Nature Necklaces
    • Elite Sharpshooter's Cloak from Dark Assassin
      • Cloaks that Wield Victory
  6. Sanctum of Desire
    • Alacritous Invoker Gloves from Avolos Hydromancer

More Evasion Longbow / Dagger PvP Build
Ranged Magic Evasion w/ Shadow Walker

More Range Longbow / Dagger PvP Build
Ranged Magic Evasion w/ Shadow Walker

Always use Transcendent Magic Ring or Tevent's Screaming Bow if you get them.

Fully trait your blue gear before transferring over to purple gear. A fully traited blue piece will give you 960 Blessings for you to use.

Your End Game build centers around Reaper's Interring Pants and focuses on hitting that 60 Perception breakpoint and 50 Strength breakpoint.

  • With Shadow Walker, you will reach 1700 Ranged Evasion and 1900 Magic Evasion with the Shadow Harvester Tunic build.
    • These Evasion values are already pretty low because Staff users have access to Victorious Energy, reaching as high as 1400+ Magic Hit Chance at End Game.
    • Longbow Staff users will reach 1400+ Ranged Hit Chance as well.
    • Using Soul Mirror Boots as your boots will give you more Ranged Evasion. It is an option.
  • Use Darkslayer Daggers for more Max Health.

Gear Sources

  • Heroic Grips of the Resistance
    • Gallu Archer
    • Blessed Moonlight Touch
    • Precious Blessing Pouch
    • Craft Recipe: Precious Lithograph: Heroic Grips of the Resistance using 40 Special Resistance Medal.
  • Shadow Harvester Tunic
    • Avolos Tracker in Sanctum of Desire
    • Precious Epic Equipment Selection Chest: Abyss
  • Reaper's Interring Pants
    • Junobote
  • Shadow Harvester Grips
    • Temple of Slaughter
    • Precious Epic Equipment Selection Chest: Salvation
  • Swirling Essence Shoes
    • Cursed Wasteland
    • Precious Epic Equipment Selection Chest: Salvation
  • Belt of Bloodlust
    • Aridus
  • Etched Alabaster Band
    • Demonhoof Tracker from Syleus's Abyss 5F-6F
    • Precious Epic Equipment Chest: Abyss
  • Clasp of the Conqueror
    • Precious Epic Equipment Chest: Abyss

Transition Longbow / Dagger PvP Build
Triple Endurance w/ Distorted Sanctuary

Grand Aelon Longbow / Dagger PvP Build
Triple Endurance w/ Distorted Sanctuary

Always use Transcendent Magic Ring or Tevent's Screaming Bow if you get them.

Fully trait your blue gear before transferring over to purple gear. A fully traited blue piece will give you 960 Blessings for you to use.

Your End Game build centers around Reaper's Interring Pants and focuses on hitting that 60 Perception breakpoint and 50 Strength breakpoint.

  • Triple Endurance
    • With Distorted Sanctuary, you reach up to 850 for both Melee and Magic Endurance with 1100 Ranged Endurance.
  • Aelon's Rejuvenating Longbow gives you more Ranged Evasion but less Critical Chance.

Gear Sources

  • Reaper's Interring Pants
    • Junobote
  • Shadow Harvester Grips
    • Temple of Slaughter
    • Precious Epic Equipment Selection Chest: Salvation
  • Aelon's Rejuvenating Longbow
    • Grand Aelon
  • Belt of Bloodlust
    • Aridus
  • Sabatons of the Field General
    • Dark Wizard in Shadowed Crypt
    • Precious Epic Equipment Selection Chest: Salvation
  • Flamewrought Bindings
    • Avolos Guardian in Sanctum of Desire
    • Precious Epic Equipment Chest: Desire
  • Darkslayer Daggers
    • Demonhoof Tracker in Syleus's Abyss 5F-6F
    • Precious Epic Equipment Chest: Abyss

Evasion Longbow / Dagger PvP Build

Endurance Longbow / Dagger PvP Build


Guardians are special transformations that add offensive or defensive buffs or attacks to your character for 30 seconds. These are the recommended Guardians for this class in both PvE and PvP situations.

  • Lady Knight Kamarshea provides a shield which is great to use for additional survivability.


  • This Longbow / Dagger PvP Build Guide provides the information to play effectively in Large Scale and Small Scale PvP Content.
  • If you're going Evasion, you always have to remind yourself to use a Mobility skill to proc Shadow Walker.
  • Endurance is easier to play and has less RNG than Evasion. With Distorted Sanctuary giving an additional 360 Endurance in a group of 6, Endurance is a viable option for Longbow.
  • When it comes to End Game builds, stat priority should be 60 Perception and 50 Strength.


Written by Yaen and Bloo
Reviewed by Tenkiei, Bloo, and Yaen

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