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Longbow / Staff PvP Build Guide

Last Updated:October 13, 2024|Change Log

Welcome to the Longbow / Staff PvP Build Guide! In PvP, your role is to deal huge AoE damage at long range. Typically, in MMOs, this type of playstyle resembles a "Glass Cannon," where you're extremely squishy, and any mistake in positioning can lead to your doom. In Throne and Liberty, bad positioning definitely gets you killed, but Longbow / Staff users stack a good amount of survivability with Endurance and Distorted Sanctuary. This makes you much more sturdy, even if you do get caught.

Longbow / Staff players build for as much Range as possible to maximize their Passive Buff from Sniper's Sense. With Shadow Harvester Grips, Karnix's Hell Bow, Insightful Ring of Dimension, and 50 Perception, you reach 29% extra Range on your abilities.

In addition to all the AoE abilities you get from Staff, Longbow users have access to Flash Wave and Limit Break, allowing you to do even more AoE damage. This makes Longbow / Staff particularly strong in Castle Sieges.

End Game Longbow / Staff PvP Build

If you're interested in PvE, check out our Longbow / Staff PvE Build Guide!

  • Self-Sustain
  • High AoE Burst
  • Long Range DPS
  • High Single Target DPS
  • Mana Hungry
  • Weak to Melee
  • Limited Escapes

Skill Builds

Large Scale PvP
Small Scale PvP / Arena PvP / PvPvE

This build was made for long-range sniping in Castle Siege, Riftstones, Boonstones, and Conflict Bosses.

Active Skills

Damage Skills

  • Chain Lightning and Judgment Lightning are your instant cast AoE abilities.
  • Flash Wave is an amazing AoE ability, but it takes time to cast. Use it for more spread out enemies.
  • Focused Fire Bombs and Inferno Wave are great for clumped targets.
  • Ensnaring Arrow, Strafing, and Zephyr's Nock are single target finishers.

Utility Skills

  • Limit Break is a great skill to reset Flash Wave or other high CD skills.
  • Victorious Energy offers a nice Hit bonus and lasts 18 seconds with 50% Buff Duration.
  • Tornado is your team's peel or disruption tool. You aren't using it for damage.
  • Use Frost Smokescreen preemptively if you need to get away, as it won't break you out of Bind.

Passive Skills

  • Sniper's Sense complements your build well, as you want to be at max Range.
  • Forbidden Sanctuary provides you Skill Damage Boost.
  • Distorted Sanctuary and Devoted Shield are great defensive Passives.
  • Echoic Barrier won't help you on the first CC but helps prevent follow-up CCs.
  • Mana Amp offers more Health.
  • Steady Aim and Rapidfire Stance fill the last 2 slots as there are no better options.


You honestly have a lot of room to customize depending on your playstyle.

Possible Removals

  1. Remove Inferno Wave.
  2. Remove Limit Break from Blitz.
    • The most important benefit is the reset, not the 20% extra damage on Flash Wave.
  3. Remove Victorious Energy Specialization from High Focus.
    • High Focus is a good skill regardless because it offers Cooldown Speed and Move Speed. Using it before skills like Flash Wave and Limit Break is better in certain situations, especially if you don't need the Hit from Victorious Energy.
  4. Remove Cooldown ▼ from Zephyr's Nock.
  5. Remove Consecutive Use from Strafing.
  6. Remove Frost Smokescreen.

Possible Additions

  • Use Nature's Blessing for the extra Movement Speed and sustain for your party.
  • You can slot in Decisive Bombardment.
    • Consider Collection Time ▼ if taking Nature's Blessing.
  • Bring Ice Spear Bombardment for more single target DPS.
  • Slot in Infernal Meteor.
  • You can keep Frost Smokescreen but spec Use the Designated Location and place it on chokes.

This Longbow / Staff PvP build is mainly used for small-scale fights like Dominion Events or Arena, where players aren't grouped together as much.

Active Skills

Damage Skills

  • Decisive Sniping is best used after a target is binded.
  • Flash Wave is used only when you see a large group of players.

Utility Skills

  • You have three Binds, Ensnaring Arrow, Ice Spear Bombardment, and Icebound Tomb. Always lead with one to proc Steady Aim.
  • Using Healing Touch and Nature's Blessing is a great healing combo.

Passive Skills

  • All Passives are the same, except you replace Rapidfire Stance with Earth's Blessing.


  • If you don't find yourself optimally using all 3 Bind skills, switch one out with Frost Smokescreen.

Skill Prioritization

  • Use Quality Marind Ore to craft Quality Active Skill Growth Book and Quality Passive Skill Growth Book.
  • Use Rare Marind Ore to craft Rare Active Skill Growth Book and Rare Passive Skill Growth Book.
  • Prioritize getting all these skills to blue first before getting them to purple. These are universal skills you always use.
  • Upgrade the rest of your skills as you play the game.

PvP Gameplay and Skill Rotation

Large Scale PvP
Small Scale PvP / Arena PvP

Instant Cast AoE Skills

  • Chain Lightning
  • Judgment Lightning
  • Instant cast skills, cast them on enemies CC'd by your team.

Charging AoE Skills

  • Focused Fire Bombs
    • Follow up with Inferno Wave.
  • Flash Wave
  • Your use of these skills depends on the situation.
  • Use Flash Wave for more spread-out enemies.

Single Target

  1. Ensnaring Arrow
  2. Strafing 2x
  3. Zephyr's Nock
  • Simple single-target finisher.

Utility Skills

  • Tornado
  • Victorious Energy or High Focus
  • Blitz
  • Tornado can be used to peel off Melee or as an engage tool.
  • If using Victorious Energy, always pre-buff before an engagement. Consider using Blitz for this skill if you expect a prolonged fight.
  • With High Focus, make sure you use your longer Cooldown skills like Blitz before the buff is over.
  • Blitz can reset important AoE skills.

Longbow Single Target

  1. Ensnaring Arrow
  2. Strafing 2x
  3. Zephyr's Nock
  • Always use Ensnaring Arrow with Strafing because they have similar Cooldowns.

Instant Burst Bind

  1. Ice Spear Bombardment
  2. Judgment Lightning
  3. Zephyr's Nock (Optional)

Evasion Shred Bind

  • Icebound Tomb
    • Decisive Sniping
    • Focused Fire Bombs

You can always swap Binds used in either combo and any DPS skills in any combo. You don't need to be super strict about it.


  1. Healing Touch
  2. Nature's Blessing
  • These two skills alone give you great sustain in the absence of a Healer.


  • Always have your Longbow out as your main hand weapon so that Anti-magic Arts is active.
  • Always use Frost Smokescreen preemptively to escape from incoming Melee.
  • Stay at maximum Range of targets. You have no easy escapes, so your positioning on the battlefield is paramount to your survival.
  • Pre-buff with Victorious Energy for the extra Hit if you specced High Focus for it.

Stat Priorities

Use the following stat priorities when playing a Longbow / Staff build in PvP:

  • Primary Stats
    • Strength and Perception

You have 49 Stat Points you can freely allocate to any of the 4 primary Stats. Once you put 20 points into an individual Stat, it takes 2 points to increase the Stat by 1. Do not put more than 20 points into a Stat unless you are trying to reach a certain breakpoint.

You get bonuses for every 10 Stat Points you invest from 30 to 60. You invest our points based on acquiring these bonuses.

Early Game Gear

In PvP, Hit and survivability are incredibly important. So, with full green gear, you want 30 Perception for 100 extra Hit and 30 Strength for 750 extra Max Health.

Mid Game Gear

The same philosophy with Green Gear still holds true. But now you can reach 40 Perception for the extra 5% Buff Duration.

End Game Gear

With Purple Gear, you start working towards hitting the 60 Perception and 50 Strength breakpoints. 60 Perception provides an additional 120 Hit. 50 Strength provides you 100 Heavy Attack Chance.

PvP Gear Progression

Acquiring Gear pieces and upgrading them is incredibly expensive and time-consuming. If you enjoy both PvE and PvP content, just use these sets for PvE as well.

Evasion vs Endurance Philosophy (Click to read)

If you're interested in PvE Gear Progression, check out our Longbow / Staff PvE Build Guide here!

Early - Mid
Mid - End
End Game
End Game
End Game
Late November
T2 Dungeons
(Not Confirmed)

Early Game Longbow / Staff PvP Build

All these blue armor pieces are from the Story Codex Rewards. If you have completely different gear don't worry. You're not going to stay in this gear set for too long. You replace many blue armor pieces once you start doing Co-Op Dungeons. So don't trait any of your pieces until you look at the Early-Mid section of this gear progression.

If you didn't follow our Leveling Guide and didn't choose Heroic Tunic of the Resistance as your final Story reward, don't worry. Acquire Elite Resistance Plate Armor through the Lithograph Book for now.

You should do contracts immediately to acquire Contract Coins so you can buy Quality Lithograph: Weapons, Quality Lithograph: Armor, and Quality Lithograph: Accessories to craft Green Gear to complete Lithograph Book entries for Blue Gear.

  • Make sure you have enough materials to craft by taking some contracts that reward you Rare Base Material Selection Chest and Rare Polished Crystal.
  • If you happen to Crit craft an item (20%), sell the item on the Auction House for Lucent.

Lithograph Book

  • Elite Resistance Plate Armor
    • Shiny Metal Armor
    • Use this instead if you didn't acquire a Heroic Tunic of the Resistance from Story rewards.
  • Guard's Endurance Necklace
    • Rustic Mother Nature Necklaces
  • Elite Sharpshooter's Cloak
    • Cloaks that Wield Victory
  • Lethal Fortune Ring
    • Rustic Mother Nature Rings

Melee Evasion Ranged Magic Endurance
Longbow / Staff PvP Build

Triple Endurance
Longbow / Staff PvP Build

You PvP with this set for the first weeks of launch. At this point in time, not many players will be especially geared.

Your Goals

  • Farm accessible gear by doing Open World Dungeons.
  • Trait those accessible gear.
  • Extract traits from gear for Lucent.
  • Turn Purple Gear into Lithographs and sell them on the Auction House.


  • You reach high Melee Endurance and Magic Endurance with Distorted Sanctuary.


  • Trait this gear as best as you can. You don't need to go hard until you start acquiring Purple Gear.

If you didn't follow our Leveling Guide and didn't choose Heroic Tunic of the Resistance as your final Story reward, don't worry. Use Elite Resistance Plate Armor instead.

Triple Endurance vs Melee Evasion

  • With the Melee Evasion build, you reach 2200+ Melee Evasion with Victorious Energy. This is perfect against most Melee players, especially in Arena and Small Scale PvP.
  • The Melee Evasion build doesn't provide a good transition for you toward the End Game build, and you end up spending more Lucent on re-traiting items or upgrading items you won't use.
  • In Large Scale PvP, you're playing from Range. If you're in a position where a Melee user can jump on you, you're already dead.

Dungeon Farming Priority

  1. Death's Abyss
    • Karnix's Hell Bow
      • You can also pity craft Recipe: Karnix's Netherbow using 2 Dimensional Essence: Salvation instead of relying on RNG.
      • You must do each Co-Op Dungeon at least 5 times to acquire enough tokens to craft 2 Dimensional Essence: Salvation.
    • [Optional Boots Replacement) Gloom Guard Sabatons
  2. Sapphire Dimensional Band
    • Precious Epic Accessory Selection Chest
      • Requires Recipe: Dimensional Essence: Salvation to craft.
      • You must do each Co-Op Dungeon at least 3 times to acquire enough tokens to craft it.
  3. Cursed Wasteland
    • Flying Dragon Scale Secret Art Pants
    • Lethal Fortune Ring
    • (Optional Gloves Replacement) Feathered Drakeskin Gloves gives more Range
    • (Optional Boots Replacement) Flying Dragon Claw Leather Boots gives more Ranged Endurance
  4. Tyrant's Isle (Melee Evasion Build)
    • Ebon Roar Sabatons

Open World Farming Priority

  1. Ant Nest
    • Corrupt Witch's Hat from Worker Ant
    • Elusive Hexweaver Pants from Acid Ant (Melee Evasion Build)
  2. Temple of Sylaveth (Melee Evasion Build)
    • Belt of Combat Prowess from Shade Wizard
  3. Shadowed Crypt
    • Guard's Endurance Necklace from Dark Shaman
    • Elite Sharpshooter's Cloak from Dark Assassin
  4. Sanctum of Desire
    • Alacritous Invoker Gloves from Avolos Hydromancer

Longbow / Staff PvP Build

Your Mid End transition is where you start getting more Purple armor pieces. Some will also drop from Open World Dungeons.

Fully trait your blue gear before transferring over to purple gear. A fully traited blue piece will give you 960 Blessings for you to use.

Your Goals

  • Target farm Purple Gear from Co-Op Dungeons.
  • Craft Recipe: Common Trait Unlockstone Bundle to unlock Traits for your gear.

Here you can hit 50 Strength for that extra 100 Heavy Attack Chance. With 50% Buff Duration, Victorious Energy lasts close to 18 seconds. With 14.5% extra Attack Speed, casting skills feel incredibly smooth.

Weapon Sources

  1. Staff of the Umbramancer
    • Avolos Geomancer in Sanctum of Desire

Armor Sources

  1. Heroic Tunic of the Resistance
    • Mysterious Shadows in the Fog
    • Mitran in Purelight Hill
    • Precious Blessing Pouch
    • Craft Recipe: Precious Lithograph: Heroic Tunic of the Resistance
  2. Swirling Essence Shoes
    • Cursed Wasteland
    • Precious Epic Equipment Selection Chest: Salvation

Accessory Sources

  1. Tukun's Cast Iron Belt
    • Avolos Guardian in Sanctum of Desire
    • Stamina Acknowledged by Resistance
    • Precious Epic Equipment Chest: Desire
  2. Abyss Conqueror's Necklace
    • Precious Epic Equipment Chest: Abyss

Umbramanceer Longbow / Staff PvP Build

Full Purple Longbow / Staff PvP Build

Always use Transcendent Magic Ring, Queen Bellandir's Domination Wand, or Tevent's Screaming Bow if you get them.

  • Transcendent Magic Ring makes hitting your Stat breakpoints of 50 Strength and 60 Perception much easier.

Fully trait your blue gear before transferring over to purple gear. A fully traited blue piece will give you 960 Blessings for you to use.


  • Staff of the Umbramancer allows you to hit 50 Strength and 60 Perception extremely easily.
  • 40% Buff Duration allows High Focus to last 5 seconds longer.
  • Your high Endurance with Distorted Sanctuary is enough to mitigate most unbuffed Ranged and Magic attacks from being Crits. Be careful about your low Mana Regen, though.
  • Unbuffed, you reach ~1100 Hit Chance with full purple gear.
    • If you specced Victorious Energy for Victorious Energy, you will hit 1500+ Hit Chance.
  • Your Critical Hit Chance is compensated by Sniper's Sense.
  • Your accessories have Collision Resistance traited to help you avoid enemy Tornado. If you find that you don't get hit by that skill, use other traits.
  • If you want more Max Health, you can swap your chest piece with Heroic Garb of the Resistance.
    • Your Hit Chance will be lower with this chest.

Gear Sources

  1. Special Resistance Hawk Hood
    • Crown Blessed by Moonlight
    • Black Boar in Purelight Hill
    • Precious Blessing Pouch
    • Craft Recipe: Precious Lithograph: Heroic Hood of the Resistance.
  2. Reaper's Interring Pants
    • Junobote
  3. Shadow Harvester Grips
    • Temple of Slaughter
    • Precious Epic Equipment Selection Chest: Salvation
  4. Unshakeable Gold Ring
    • Demonhoof Tracker in Syleus's Abyss 5F-6F
    • Precious Epic Equipment Chest: Abyss


If you only ever want to play Longbow / Staff, don't run Evasion. If you want to play multiple weapons involving Dagger, you may consider running Evasion.

  • With Victorious Energy and active, you hit somewhere around 1400 Ranged Evasion and 1450 Magic Evasion.

Talus Longbow / Staff PvP Build

Talus Ring Longbow / Staff PvP Build

Talus's Crystalline Staff is the main center of this build. Talus's Crystalline Staff is your BiS staff, as it allows you to survive getting jumped on by Greatswords.

Fully trait your blue gear before transferring over to purple gear. A fully traited blue piece will give you 960 Blessings for you to use.


  • Stats are basically the same as the Umbramancer End Game build but you will have less Hit Chance.
  • You can consider Heroic Tunic of the Resistance for more Hit Chance, but it will give you less Max Health.

Gear Sources

  1. Talus's Crystalline Staff from Talus

Archboss High Hit Longbow / Staff PvP Build

Archboss High HP Longbow / Staff PvP Build

This is your dream Archboss setup. Not many will achieve it.

Solo Self Found Longbow / Staff PvP Build

  • The goal of this build is to allow you to acquire gear pieces without being in a guild. All pieces can be grinded from Co-Op dungeons or Open World Dungeons.

Tentative November Longbow / Staff PvP Build

Tentative November Longbow / Staff PvP Build

Stated by Amazon, Tier 2 Dungeons will come in Late November Early December, but without T2 Weapons and T2 Gear.

In the AGS game files are the following chests, one for each T2 Dungeon.

  • Kertaki's Armor Selection Chest
  • Shakarux's Armor Selection Chest
  • Turka's Armor Selection Chest
  • Gaitan's Armor Selection Chest
  • Kaligras's Armor Selection Chest

This resembles what the Korean version has. If these chests come in the November update, then many gear pieces that only drop from Archbosses and Field Bosses will be available, making gear accessible for all players.

This build assumes the above to be true, but this is NOT CONFIRMED.


Guardians are special transformations that add offensive or defensive buffs or attacks to your character for 30 seconds. These are the recommended Guardians for this class in both PvE and PvP situations.

  • Lady Knight Kamarshea is a useful Guardian for defense.


  • If you prefer a long range playstyle, bombarding enemies with skills, Longbow / Staff is the weapon combination for you.
  • You have multiple options to customize your skill build, depending on the situation.
  • With skills like Judgment Lightning and Flash Wave, Longbow / Staff is the king of AoE.
  • At End Game, you can reach 50 Strength, 60 Perception, and close to 1000 Hit.


Written by Yaen
Reviewed by Tenkiei and Nymphellas

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