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Legendary Crafting Guide

Clockwork Ballet

Last Updated:July 4, 2024|Change Log

Crafting Legendaries has the potential to create some of the most powerful item's in the game. This Legendary Crafting Guide covers everything you need to know about crafting Legendaries with Legendary Aptitude, including what they are, what materials are needed and how to utilize corrosions.

Legendary Aptitude

Almost all Legendary Items in the endgame drop with between 1-4 Legendary Aptitude (Ultimate Legendary Gear and low level requirement gear cannot possess Legendary Aptitude). The number determines multiple things;

  • Firstly, it effects the number of crafted modifiers the item can ultimately possess.
  • Secondly, it determines the number of affixes that are present on the item during prototype crafting. Items with 2 or fewer Legendary Aptitude have 1 modifier (Suffix), whereas items with 3+ Legendary Aptitude have 2 modifiers.

The second point is important, as items with 2 modifiers present during prototype crafting can have 1 of those modifier upgraded to Tier 0.

The amount of Legendary Aptitude is shown by the stars.

Prototype Crafting

Legendary Prototype Crafting works very much the same a regular crafting but with a much steeper cost. Re-rolling the affixes costs 10 Flame Sand, but upgrading the affixes to higher tiers costs much more plasticity, making it likely that you need to use multiple bases to acquire the exact endgame modifiers you desire.

Upgrading an affix from Tier to Tier 0 using an Ultimate Ember costs no plasticity but reduces it to 0 should there be any when you use one. There are 2 potential outcome when doing this;

  • Upgrade the affix to Tier 0 and remove another crafted modifier. (Success)
  • Upgrade the affix to Tier 0 and remove 1 Legendary Aptitude from the item. (Failure)

Whilst the game considers these "successes" and "failure" respectfully, both have there merits in certain situations.

Legendary Prototype Crafting UI

Targeted Processing

Targeted Processing allows you to add modifiers to Legendary Items, this is best done after you have finished the Prototype Crafting stage.

Spend Flame Elementium to add your desired modifier to the item and once again to remove an unsuccessful attempt. This can done repeatedly until you receive an acceptable tier of the desired modifier.

For any modifiers after the first one you must either accept the first result or start the Targeted Processing stage from scratch.

Legendary Targeted Processing UI

Aptitude Inheritance

Legendary Items come with a wide range of rolls on their base values. Nevertheless acquiring one early with Legendary Aptitude is still worth crafting on due to the Aptitude Inheritance system.

This system allows you to transfer the crafted modifiers from Legendary Item onto another. These 2 Legendary Items must have the exact same name and number of Legendary Aptitudes. This becomes particularly powerful when you add in corrosions, meaning you can achieve your desired crafted modifiers on one item and obtain the perfect base Legendary item to transfer those mods onto.


Written by: Milkybk_
Reviewed by: CoffeeBns, Tenkiei

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