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Hero Overview Torchlight Infinite

Last Updated:July 3, 2024|Change Log

Welcome to the Hero Overview! This article is the place to be if you're undecided on what character to play. Each of the unique Heroes in Torchlight Infinite are specialized for different playstyles; these should be thought of as archetype enablers rather than "classes". Every Hero in Torchlight Infinite has up to 3 Hero Traits which further customize gameplay. Much like Ascendancies in Path of Exile, or sub-classes in Lost Ark these can completely change the type of build a Hero is best for. For example, Carino's Lethal Flash Trait allows projectile skills to Shotgun and Return, making sources of additional projectiles become a powerful damage multiplier!

WARNING: Hero Trait Selection is permanent, so if you start playing Carino's Lethal Flash Trait and want to swap to his Ranger of Glory Trait later, you need to level a new character. A wide selection of base Hero Traits are available to you when you start playing Torchlight Infinite. Additional traits can be earned with Hero Emblems, and purchased for $15 through the Season Pass or in the shop. In future Seasons the current paid traits will be earnable through Hero Emblems.

Base Traits

The following Hero Traits are available to all players when they begin their Torchlight Infinite journey. If you're looking for a "first build" to play, consider one of the following;

  • Berserker Rehan - Anger
    • This is an attack-focused hero, ideal for players who want to get up close and personal.
  • Divineshot Carino - Ranger of Glory
    • Ranger is in the name, and all things projectile are his game.
  • Frostfire Gemma - Ice-Fire Fusion
    • With a heart of flame, and mind of ice Gemma specializes in Elemental damage.
  • Spacetime Witness Youga - Spacetime Illusion
    • A trickster mage who summons a copy of himself.
  • Commander Moto - Order Calling
    • Why fight alone when you can summon a Mechanical army?

Leveling speed shouldn't be the deciding factor for your Hero Trait of choice. The average player needs about 5 hours to reach level 68 and unlock the end game content. Once you reach that point, the leveling speed of a Hero Trait won't matter anymore for the rest of your journey in the world of Leptis.

Berserker Rehan

Seething Silhouette
Berserker Rehan - Anger

Anger Identity

Berserker Rehan's Anger Trait uses attacks to generate Rage, which Bursts forth to damage enemies. If you're looking for a straightforward attack build then Rehan's Anger Trait is a great choice for new players. He's easy to play and very fast. Once Rehan starts Berserking you know things have gotten serious! Like many Berserker or Warrior archetypes in other games, Rehan is loud, large, and in charge.


The core of most Anger builds is Burst, his trait-specific skill which deals damage based on Rehan's weapon. This is either a powerful utility link supporting things like Hardened and Mark or your main source of damage.

Anger Rehan is great with a wide range of Attack based builds. You can play a tanky melee build who is able to take hits from the scariest bosses Leptis has to offer, or a super high damage fast glass cannon where every fight is kill or be killed. Clever hunters have even found a way to leverage his Burst to make an "autobomber" style build that just runs through maps passively killing everything around it!

Anger Pros & Cons

  • Base (Free) Trait
  • Burst is your identity
  • Great for Attack Builds
  • Bad with Spells
  • Needs CDR Scaling
  • Weak in the first few levels

To start leveling your Berserker Rehan - Anger Build check out our Leveling Guide here.

Berserker Rehan - Seething Silhouette

Seething Silhouette Identity

Rehan's Seething Silhouette allows you to harness the power of his Seething Spirit to strike nearby foes with your Main Attack Skill. Seething Silhouette utilizes a powerful Berserk mode increasing your damage and Attack Speed.


Your Seething Spirit is quite short lived at first, but with Future Burnt Offering it remains active for your entire Berserk. Split Form is a way to enable a unique form of defenses stacking an absolutely massive Life pool then rapidly recovering it via an effect like Tide of the Styx to shrug off damage. The Seething Spirit cannot use Channeled or Mobility Skills.

There are several ways to scale the Seething Spirit through disarm mechanics. This is another Attack specialist who is able to speed through content while the spirit kills for him.

Seething Silhouette Pros & Cons

  • Very Fast
  • Great for Attacks
  • Powerful Endgame Scaling
  • Close Range
  • Bad for Spells
  • Low Base Spirit Duration

To start leveling your Berserker Rehan - Seething Silhouette Build check out our Leveling Guide here.

Divineshot Carino

Ranger of Glory
Lethal Flash
Zealot of War
Divineshot Carino - Ranger of Glory

Ranger of Glory Identity

Divineshot Carino's Ranger of Glory Trait specializes in enhancing projectile Skills via Special Ammo. Be it Attacks, or Spells if you can shoot the Skill forward, up or in a parabolic arc (IE: projectiles) Carino is a great choice. Reload is a bit clunky at first but effects like Ammo Expert and Magic Shot streamline it making him much easier to play.


Carino's Ranger of Glory Trait only buffs Skills with a projectile tag, so he's not suitable for other types of builds. This Trait excels when used with projectile Skills that innately shotgun, or in builds that don't require shotgunning mechanics! You spend most of your time in Magic Shot adding additional supports like Greater Multiple Projectiles or Mark.

This Hero Trait is difficult to level and play in comparison to other Heroes. His leveling is gear dependent so be sure to search for regular weapon upgrades.

Ranger of Glory Pros & Cons

  • Base (Free) Trait
  • Excels with Projectiles
  • Can use Attacks or Spells
  • Projectile Skills only
  • Mechanically clunky
  • Struggles to scale defense

To start leveling your Divineshot Carino - Ranger of Glory Build check out our Leveling Guide here.

Divineshot Carino - Lethal Flash

Lethal Flash Identity

Carino's Lethal Flash trait is all about Shotgun Effect, which means you want to combine him with Overlapping Projectiles from Skills like Split Arrow. At level 62 he gains access to Evil Ouroboros enabling Return. This doubles the damage of your Projectile Skills because the projectiles hit enemies when fired, and then a second time while returning. As a result of the Shotgun Effect, Lethal Flash often plays from melee range.


Much like Carino's other Trait, Lethal Flash revolves around Reload. Because you have Shotgun Effect the more projectiles you fire, the more potential damage you have. Volley can be used to reduce coverage, and increase the number of projectiles you're able to land on a single target. To maximize hits you want to play from melee range, this means building more defenses than you might otherwise need for a ranged character. Try adding Injury Buffer or Barrier.

Lethal Flash is pretty easy to level, but may be an acquired taste due to the ammunition management. Alternatively you can go against the grain and use skills which ignore his hero trait to smooth your leveling process.

Lethal Flash Pros & Cons

  • Shotgunning
  • Boomerang Bullets
  • Spectacular Single Target
  • Requires Positioning
  • Ammo Management
  • Only Works with Horizontal Projectiles

To start leveling your Divineshot Carino - Lethal Flash Build check out our Leveling Guide here.

Tli Hero Overview Divineshot Carino Zealot Of War 1
Divineshot Carino - Ranger of Glory

Zealot of War Identity

Divineshot Carino's Zealot of War trait represents him abandoning everything to focus on the thrill of the fight. Zealot of War has two modes of operation, Mobile Mode where he zips around the battlefield rapidly eliminating weaker foes, and Annihilator Mode which brings maximum damage against Elite foes. With the Blank Firing Trait, he is able to keep shooting even when out of ammo and gains increased damage from for doing so! Just be warned the damage takes time to ramp up and you do eventually have to reload. This Hero Trait also has multiple Knockback synergies allowing you to use Self-Knockback for additional mobility.


Because you gain the most damage in Annihilator Mode after activating, Heat Up Overheated or Burning Red there's quite a bit of ramp up time on this build. But the numbers you achieve after ramping are impressive. The higher his stacks, the greater his damage but also the lower his accuracy when using forward-firing projectile skills. Like with Lethal Flash and Ranger of Glory you need to stick to Projectile skills to benefit from his scaling. This includes traditional Projectile skills like Blazing Bullet or more unusual ones like Ring of Blades.

This Hero Trait is difficult to level and play in comparison to other Heroes. His leveling is gear dependent so be sure to search for regular weapon upgrades.

Zealot of War Pros & Cons

  • High top end damage
  • Fast in Mobility Mode
  • Great with Projectile skills
  • Limited to Projectiles
  • Swapping modes is awkward
  • Long ramp-up for max damage

To start leveling your Divineshot Carino - Zealot of War Build check out our Leveling Guide here.

Frostfire Gemma

Ice-Fire Fusion
Frostbitten Heart
Flame of Pleasure
Frostfire Gemma - Ice-Fire Fusion

Ice-Fire Fusion Identity

Gemma's Ice-Fire Fusion Trait specializes in combining damage types from multiple elements, Frostfire Strength applies Fire damage bonuses to Cold damage and vice versa. This makes her an excellent choice for mixing and matching Elemental Skills of almost any type because you apply all your damage bonuses to any of them.


Because Ice-Fire Fusion fusion is heavily focused on the use of Elemental Skills it's difficult to use Physical or Erosion skills on her. Gemma is a versatile Hero, and the best way to mix different types of Elemental Skills like on a DoT build combining Flame Jet with Frost Terra. In the endgame, Extreme Fusion applies all of her Fire and Cold bonuses to Lightning as well!

Ice-Fire Fusion is a breeze to level, grab a Cold Skill like Ring of Ice or a Fire Skill such as Flame Jet and enjoy the campaign!

Ice-Fire Fusion Pros & Cons

  • Base (Free) Trait
  • Beginner friendly
  • Wide range of viable builds
  • Relies on Buffs
  • Requires Elemental Skills
  • Complex mechanics to build

To start leveling your Frostfire Gemma - Ice-Fire Fusion Build check out our Leveling Guide here.

Frostfire Gemma - Frostbitten Heart

Frostbitten Heart Identity

Gemma's Frostbitten Heart Trait specializes in Cold Skills, Frostbite, and Freeze enemies. This is an incredibly powerful Hero Trait that gains access to unique tools that help you keep bosses permanently Frozen.


Frostbitten Heart releases Cold Pulses when you use Cold skills to deal damage and inflict Frostbite. This is not only great for enabling effects that require an enemy to be Frozen, but also resets skills like Frigid Transmission. Many items give significant bonuses against Frozen enemies, including powerful damage multipliers. Frostbitten Heart easily stacks Frostbite and maintains the Frozen status on bosses, making it easy to integrate these bonuses into your build.

Frostbitten Heart is easy to level, be sure to grab a Cold themed Skill then keep up to date with your Hero Trait Specializations.

Frostbitten Heart Pros & Cons

  • Great clear
  • Freeze is amazing!
  • Perfect for Cold damage
  • Must use Cold damage
  • Reliant on managing your Freeze
  • Significant build overlap with other Heroes

To start leveling your Frostfire Gemma - Frostbitten Heart Build check out our Leveling Guide here.

Frostfire Gemma - Flame of Pleasure

Flame of Pleasure Identity

Gemma has been consumed by her inner Flames, and possesses the power to unleash Armageddon upon her enemies! Flame of Pleasure is well suited for Fire builds, whether they're DoT, Hit, or Minion. She creates zones of Purgatory to Brand enemies, granting her and her minions additional damage against them, and storing a portion of the damage they take to unleash Death by Fire. Flame of Pleasure is everything players want including damage & explosions!


Flame of Pleasure adds damage and AoE so there isn't a playstyle specific to Flame of Pleasure. So she's best suited towards skills which have high innate single target damage. Purgatory has a huge AoE, and activates automatically after you unlock the level 50 Hero Trait Specialization Burning Depths so clearing normal enemies is a breeze. The more enemies you Brand within Purgatory, the more Death by Fire you Trigger, spreading the Brand's stored damage to clear an area around the slain enemy. Unlike many other Hero Traits, Flame of Pleasure's Hero Trait Specializations are all offensive. Therefore you need to pay close attention to your defenses on gear and Talents making character building a little more difficult on her.

Because the damage scaling from Flame of Pleasure's Brands records damage an enemy takes you can use Spells, Attacks, DoTs, or even Minions! In short, Gemma Flame of Pleasure works with any damage, so long as it's Fire!

The early levels will feel like hell, but it gets better later. You need several Hero Trait Specialization Points before your Purgatory and damage multiplication from Brands to really kicks in.

Flame of Pleasure Pros & Cons

  • Massive AoE
  • Beginner Friendly
  • Perfect trait for Fire builds
  • Lacks defenses
  • Low Single Target
  • Complicated mechanical scaling

To start leveling your Frostfire Gemma - Flame of Pleasure Build check out our Leveling Guide here.

Spacetime Witness Youga

Spacetime Illusion
Spacetime Elapse
Spacetime Witness Youga - Spacetime Illusion

Spacetime Illusion Identity

Youga never fights alone, he summons a Spacetime Illusion which copies your Main Spell Skills. Unfortunately the Illusion hasn't quite figured out how to use Attacks or Channeled Skills but is a great way to add a consistent source of damage so you can focus on dodging! Most importantly Youga does not use hair spray and reminds you of this frequently.


Because Spacetime Illusion is reliant on his clone you want to put your strongest Skill in slot 1, referred to as a "Main Skill" in Torchlight Infinite. Spacetime Illusion combines with Synchronized Time to raise the Illusion's cast limit. New to Season 2 you can pull your Illusion to your location with the Hero Skill Button. Spacetime Illusion's strength lies in having high damage persistence in a manner similar to damage over time builds. Even if you have to run around and dodge the boss, your Illusion keeps casting (this is a damage loss, but better than doing no damage until you stop).

Spacetime Illusion can use a wide selection of Spell Skills and is generally easy to level with. However you need to put up with the Clone's AI and targeting which can be frustrating at times.

Spacetime Illusion Pros & Cons

  • Base (Free) Trait
  • Powerful Spellcaster
  • Clone deals passive damage
  • Can't use Attacks
  • Clone can't use some Skills
  • Clunky mechanical interactions

To start leveling your Spacetime Witness Youga - Spacetime Illusion Build check out our Leveling Guide here.

Spacetime Witness Youga - Spacetime Elapse

Spacetime Elapse Identity

Embracing the Void, Youga's Spacetime Elapse Hero Trait is good for all things damage over time. From Frost Terra to Ignite and Wilt get your Scythe ready because this build does a lot of Reaping. Normally Reap Purification is not a normal Reap, but as the all-round DoTmaster, Spacetime Elapse has scaling for that as well.


Because he specializes in using Twisted Spacetime to improve damage over time effects, you should familiarize yourself with Ailments and Reaping before playing a build on this Hero Trait. Spacetime Elapse is also great for non-Ailment damage over time skills including Mind Control and Frost Terra.

A big part of leveling Elapse is managing your Energy and Reap sources. Once you get this up and running the build is extremely smooth to level with and play.

Spacetime Elapse Pros & Cons

  • Strong DoT Trait
  • Scales well with gear
  • Multiplies Reaping damage
  • Only good for DoTs
  • Heavily reliant on Reaping sources
  • Weaker vs highly mobile enemies

To start leveling your Spacetime Witness Youga - Spacetime Elapse Build check out our Leveling Guide here.

Commander Moto

Order Calling
Charge Calling
Commander Moto - Order Calling

Order Calling Identity

If you like Minion builds, then Commander Moto is your dwarf! Order Calling specializes in enhancing your Summon Machine Guard, Summon Spider Tank, and Spirit Magus Skills via Overload. This makes for a more active playstyle than many Minion builds in other ARPGs.


Your minions are largely persistent, because Overload refreshes their duration when used. Last Stand makes your Minions immortal, preventing their death by damage so long as Overload is active, and many of Moto's other Hero Traits focus on enhancing Overload effect. Whenever you summon a Minion or use a Minion Skill like Dark Gate (which is helpful for pulling your Minions to your location) you cast Overload if it's off cooldown. This makes it quite easy to maintain buffs. Protection Field is an excellent Defensive option on Moto, because Taunt forces enemies to attack your Minions, leaving you safe.

When it comes to leveling, Moto has it pretty easy. You won't be quite as fast as Rehan or Carino, but enemies waste a lot of time attacking your Minions instead of you which makes for a very safe and easy experience!

Order Calling Pros & Cons

  • Base (Free) Trait
  • Minion Builds
  • Beginner and Mobile friendly
  • May cause lag
  • Must use minions
  • Limited mobility options

To start leveling your Moto - Order Calling Build check out our Leveling Guide here.

Commander Moto - Charge Calling

Charge Calling Identity

Sometimes to build you have to destroy. Moto, Charge Calling arms his minions with Self-Destruct Protocol causing them to charge a nearby enemy and explode for massive damage. This enables an auto-bomber style build where Guerilla Tactics automatically triggers your Synthetic Troop Main Skill. Be sure to run around picking up Mechanical Parts to keep the loop going!


Giving Minions Overload causes them to initiate Self-Destruct Protocol, dealing damage and exploding, leaving behind Mechanical Parts. Because your Main Skills constantly triggers, spam a copy of the skill for even more damage! Quick Battle lets you further scale damage using Minion Life or Energy Shield. Just focus on staying alive, and spend your time running around while your Synthetic Troop respawn, charge, and explode.

Charge Calling has incredibly smooth leveling and even allows a fully automated build with Summon Grim Phantom.

Charge Calling Pros & Cons

  • Easy to play
  • Exploding Minions!
  • Highly automated damage
  • Can cause lag
  • Limited mobility options
  • Screen Clutter everywhere

To start leveling your Commander Moto - Charge Calling Build check out our Leveling Guide here.

Oracle Thea

Wisdom of the Gods
Incarnation of the Gods
Oracle Thea - Wisdom of The Gods

Wisdom of The Gods Identity

Thea channels the power of the 6 gods through her Blessings, so naturally her identity revolves around using Agility Blessing, Focus Blessing, and Tenacity Blessing to charge Divine Punishment for massive damage. Thea is a great choice for both Spell builds, or Attack builds, and she often has massive bursts of damage!


Wisdom of The Gods builds and enhances your Blessings, with a particular emphasis on Focus Blessing. You want to stack sources of additional Blessings like Jumble Ice or Medium Talent. Your damage is always highest right after Divine Punishment goes off through buffs like Predicted Sacrifice and Farewell Prophecy. This also means Thea gets a lot of passive speed from her Agility Blessings, and defenses from Tenacity Blessings.

Because of her wide variety of skills Thea is quite easy to level. When fighting bosses remember to time your cooldowns around Divine Punishment to maximize damage!

Wisdom of The Gods Pros & Cons

  • High burst damage
  • Versatile build options
  • Tons of stats from Charge stacking
  • Reliant on items
  • Requires charge stacking
  • Must snapshot to min-max

To start leveling your Thea - Wisdom of The Gods Build check out our Leveling Guide here.

Oracle Thea - Incarnation of The Gods

Incarnation of the Gods Identity

Thea creates a Divine Realm with her Trait Skill. Within the Divine Realm Agility Blessings become Tenacity and while outside of it all Tenacity Blessings become Agility. Giving you easy access to high speed or defense with the flexibility to dance between them mid combat. As a result, positioning is key!


To maximize damage against Full Life enemies you want to be outside the Divine Realm. This is ideal for clearing beacons because it converts Tenacity into Agility Blessings, granting you more speed. Stepping into your Divine Realm inverts the effect, converting Agility to Tenacity Blessings and granting up to additional damage against enemies at Low Life. Active movement is a key part of the Incarnation of the Gods playstyle be careful of stepping into the Divine Realm by accident.

With a big focus on dual blessings, there are a lot of Synergies here with stacking mechanics. She's not particularly reliant on spells or attacks and therefore the Legendary items you wear matter more than the skills you use. In general her positioning makes it difficult for melee builds to maximize her bonuses to Agility Blessing.

Incarnation of the Gods is difficult to level due to getting Attack skills and weapons early on. However she scales extremely well into the lategame with gear.

Incarnation of the Gods Pros & Cons

  • High speed
  • Burst damage
  • Automatic blessing generation
  • Reliant on Gear
  • Must stack Blessings
  • Awkward campaign leveling

For more Thea - Incarnation of the Gods Builds check out our Leveling Guide here.

Cateye Erika

Wind Stalker
Lightning Shadow
Cateye Erika - Wind Stalker

Wind Stalker Identity

Erika is a highly mobile Hero who utilizes movement to deal damage through Multistrikes. She excels at using Attack Skills and feels great to play due to the high Movement Speed. She may feel a little inconsistent at times, because you need to move to build Stalker stacks to maximize your damage, then spend them with Multistrike.


Because she has high Movement Speed and gains Stalker stacks through moving to enhance Multistrike, you never want to hold still! A lot of her gameplay comes down to managing the two core buffs, Cat's Agility (which increases your Movement Speed and causes movement speed to apply to Attack Speed at 200% of the value) and Stalker which gives massive Multistrike damage bonuses after moving during Cat's Agility.

Later on Cat Walk adds a lot of versatility to her playstyle by preventing your Multistrike Count from being interrupted by movement. Normally if you move during Multistrike the effect ends and your count resets to 0, but with Cat Walk the count is saved, making your next attack resume where you left off allowing for massive bursts of damage.

Grab a Steep Strike or Demolisher Skill, stack some Multistrike chance and get ready to level fast.

Wind Stalker Pros & Cons

  • Speedster
  • Great for Attack Builds
  • Scales with movement
  • Lacks innate defenses
  • Poor choice for Spells
  • Must move to deal damage

To start leveling your Cateye Erika - Wind Stalker Build check out our Leveling Guide here.

Erika Lightning Shadow
Cateye Erika - Lightning Shadow

Lightning Shadow Identity

Erika's second hero trait runs on Aember technology. This allows her to record the largest Shock on herself and use it to supercharge Feline Figure, dealing damage to nearby foes. Lightning Shadow is highly mobile and excels at running circles around enemies, in essence your greatest defense is not getting hit in the first place. This Lightning specialist uses movement speed to scale damage making for fluid gameplay.


Because Lightning Shadow revolves around the Shock Ailment, you need to understand how this works. Torchlight Infinite offers many ways to scale Shock damage using weapon like Elemental Whirl. Her hero traits further expand her maximum damage and clear speed. You can use everything from attacks like Thunder Slash to spells like Thundercloud or even make a Thunder Imbue auto-bomber.

The self-damage aspect is scary but can be mitigated through her Hero Traits and Hero Items. Remember to always keep moving and pay attention to your Shock scaling to ensure you have enough damage. Then itemize for defenses to survive the endgame.

While leveling pay attention to effects which add base Ailment damage and keep moving.

Incarnation of the Gods Pros & Cons

  • Highly mobile
  • Passive damage
  • Master of Lightning
  • Lacks defenses
  • Ailments are complicated
  • Must build around Shock

To start leveling your Cateye Erika - Lightning Shadow Build check out our Leveling Guide here.

Escapist Bing

Blast Nova
Escapist Bing - Blast Nova

Blast Nova Identity

Bing loads Projectile skills into bombs launching the projectiles in an explosive nova! The playstyle is a bit stop and go, but it's extremely satisfying to watch the screen explode when your bombs detonate. The Nova prevents horizontal projectiles from overlapping but vertical projectiles still shotgun, once you get used to the throw-and-detonate playstyle he has a wide range of viable builds.


Start with a projectile skill, even though your throw speed doesn't let you throw more bombs it increases projectile damage making "Attack and Cast Speed" highly desirable due to double dipping. Using an Empower skill grants Fission doubling the amount of bombs thrown! After Fission ends your throwing speed is fixed until the trait finishes its 6 second cooldown. Time this burst window around boss vulnerability phases to maximize your damage. But no bomber would be complete without the ability to stick explosives to enemies, which is exactly what Frenzy Hound enables. Bombs stick to enemies within 3m after landing and aren't counted towards your total bomb quantity, meaning you can do some interesting things.

A lot of Bing's mechanics focus around the interplay between throwing bombs faster, or having bombs do more damage, and having bombs fire more projectiles or causing those projectiles to deal more damage. Blast Nova mains need to toe the line between clear and boss-vaporizing damage.

Bing makes for easy leveling but his power is a little back-loaded so if you struggle in the early Timemarks push through, it gets better.

Blast Nova Pros & Cons

  • Projectiles in a Nova
  • Explosions Everywhere
  • Works with Spells and Attacks
  • Projectiles only
  • Delayed damage
  • Doesn't work with triggers

To start leveling your Escapist Bing - Blast Nova Build check out our Leveling Guide here.

The Forsaken Iris

Growing Breeze
The Forsaken Iris - Growing Breeze

Growing Breeze Identity

Iris was once a Spirit Magi, therefore she's uniquely able to Nourish the Minions Summoned by Spirit Magi skills. Where most players need to equip Spirit Magi in their Passive Skill Slots, Iris has the option to equip them as Active Skills (they still Seal Mana), granting them accelerated Growth. Spirit Magus Skills use Growth to unlock their true potential gaining a chance to use more powerful versions of their abilities. Iris's Nourishment is a Trait-specific Empower skill which further enhances Spirit Magi, granting them additional damage.


The Growth mechanic means you'll feel weaker at the start of an instance, or after you die, so play more carefully until your Spirits "evolve". As Spirit Magi gain Growth they have a chance to use Empower and Enhanced Skills, these deal much more damage than their regular Skills. For even more damage, use Iris's Amazing Friends Hero Trait specialization to unlock Ultimate abilities for each of your Spirit Magi at 25 Nourishment. Spirit Magi consume Nourishment when they attack, so stacking excessive attack speed reduces your total damage. Similar to Commander Moto's Order Calling Trait, when playing Iris your job is to be a buff bot for your minions! This means the gameplay is quite easy but can get a bit boring, your time is spent dodging boss moves or using buffs.

Growing Breeze is extremely easy to level, throw on any Magi early on, then watch the levels fly by.

Growing Breeze Pros & Cons

  • Passive damage
  • Mobile friendly playstyle
  • Minions ressurect themselves
  • Minion build
  • Limited mobility
  • Item reliant in the endgame

To start leveling your Forsken Iris - Growing Breeze Build check out our Leveling Guide here.

Lightbringer Rosa

Growing Breeze
Lightbringer Rosa High Court Chariot
Lightbringer Rosa - High Court Chariot

High Court Chariot Identity

Rosa is an irreverent Paladin, who would rather destroy Torchlight's foes than kiss the feet of Keegan's adherents. Rosa's High Court Chariot is highly mobile. Wielding a shield in one hand and whatever else she damn well pleases in the other, Rosa dominates the battlefield. Blocking foes builds up Murderous Intent which she unleashes to create a Holy Domain, pulling enemies in for a nice shield bash to the face!


The first step to playing Rosa is getting close to the enemy, this can be done using a movement skill or by unleashing her Holy Domain with the right Legendary Hero Memory. Ensure you have plenty of Attack and Spell block, along with generous Block Ratio to survive the onslaught of enemy blows. Then unleash Murderous Intent, building up damage as you block strikes and gaining bonuses against enemies within the Holy Domain.

Rosa's playstyle is very beginner friendly, but results in you remaining stationary to maximize the bonuses within your Holy Domain. Because Rosa's Domain skill pulls nearby enemies towards her, it's easy to stack foes up to mow them down. You can use either Attacks or Spells with Rosa, leaving her open to a variety of builds and playstyles. While Rosa certainly has the potential to support others, she's not a dedicated "tank" or "healer" like you might see in MMOs, instead she stands at the front of any conflict.

Grab Groundshaker, or your other melee skill of choice and get smashing.

High Court Chariot Pros & Cons

  • Great defenses
  • Can use Attacks or Spells
  • Movement built into your Hero Trait
  • Must fight at close range
  • Requires resource management
  • Heavily reliant on wearing a Shield

To start leveling your Lightbringer Rosa - High Court Chariot Build check out our Leveling Guide here.


Hopefully, this article can provide you some insight about the basics of each Hero Trait. If you are able to narrow things down to 2 or 3 options, check out some of the Leveling or Endgame Guides linked throughout. While you can't change your Hero Trait once selected, but it's pretty easy to level a new character if you change your mind.

  • Berserker Rehan
    • Anger - Big man gets mad, and smashes everything!
    • Seething Silhouette - Smash everything with help from your imaginary friend.
  • Divineshot Carino
    • Ranger of Glory - Projectile expert extraordinaire, from bows to guns he's your man.
    • Lethal Flash - Meleeranger wielding the power of Shotguns for massive single target damage.
    • Zealot of War - Swap between Mobility and Annihilation mode, keep firing when out of ammo to build up Heat and enter Burning Red.
  • Frostfire Gemma
    • Ice-Fire Fusion - Combine the power of Fire and Ice to Obliterate your foes!
    • Frostbitten Heart - Let it snow, the cold never bothered me anyway.
    • Flame of Pleasure - Brand your foes and watch the ensuing Armageddon!
  • Spacetime Witness Youga
    • Spacetime Illusion - A trickster whose Spacetime Illusion can copy Spells.
    • Spacetime Elapse - This vaguely grape-flavored version of Youga specializes in DoTs and Reaping.
  • Commander Moto
    • Order Calling - From Summon Spider Tanks to Summon Machine Guard Moto's your man for all things Minion.
    • Charge Calling - What's better than Minions? Minions that EXPLODE! PS: He's an Autobomber.
  • Oracle Thea
    • Wisdom of The Gods - Thea wields the power of Blessings to create massive bursts of damage.
    • Incarnation of the Gods - Tired of her prayers going unanswered Thea decides to do it herself, wielding the power Agility and Tenacity Blessings.
  • Cateye Erika
    • Wind Stalker - She's a cat girl who specializes in Multistrike and going fast!
    • Lightning Shadow - So fast she'll shock enemies to death with her Feline figure.
  • Escapist Bing
    • Blast Nova - He throws bombs that shoot projectiles in a nova.
  • The Forsaken Iris
    • Growing Breeze - Nourishes her Spirit Magi into powerful allies.
  • Lightbringer Rosa
    • High Court Chariot - runs over Torchlight's foes while blocking any form of retaliation with ease.


Written by Tenkiei
Reviewed by Raxxanterax, Xtra37

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