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Riftstone War Guide

Last Updated:August 30, 2024|Change Log

Riftstone Wars are one of the many ways your guild can fight against other guilds in an Open World "King of The Hill" style PVP match.

Guilds who own, or control, these Riftstones are provided with a few perks, one of which is access to private instanced Field Boss Raids for the guild every day. These Raids are important because they allow the guild to target specific items rather than having to wait for that Field Boss to spawn in the open world. Another important perk of Riftstone ownership is that Riftstones provide Stat Bonuses to all members of the guild. The last perk of owning a Riftstone is receiving various resources every hour which you can use for Guild Skills that can help during battle.

Riftstones also grant access to Cross-Server wars that happen twice a month. For more information about their Cross-Server versions check out our article!

Available Riftstones

Laslan Riftstones

Grand Aelon

Set in Ruins of Turayne, this Riftstone grants you 50 Evasion.

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Much of the winning strategy for this Riftstone relies on controlling the many rooftops and keeping the high ground.
It's important not to underestimate the enemy's power if you don't have the high ground.

Guilds won't fight over this Riftstone for the stat gain itself, but more for the items that Adentus can drop. Reaper's Black Mask is one of the strongest headpieces for any DPS user and Adentus's Barbaric Blade, arguably one of the best Greatswords in the game, also drop from this Riftstone boss.

Bloo Adentus Rift Stone Map

This is one of the best Riftstones to have for guilds that want to gear out their DPS users and get their Greatsword users one of the strongest weapons in the game.

Set in Shattered Temple, this Riftstone grants you 50 Heavy Attack Chance.

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While most of this fight is in the open, controlling the high ground with Ranged on the walls is crucial to increasing your chances of winning this war.

The main purpose of fighting for this Riftstone is the 50 Heavy Attack Evasion as it's one of the only ways to achieve any sort of Heavy Attack Evasion currently in the game.

Bloo Ahzreil Rift Stone Map

This Riftstone is great for guilds that are already pretty geared out and want a chance at getting Heavy Attack Evasion. Combined with owning a castle, you stack up to 130 Heavy Attack Evasion.

Set in Purelight Hill, this Riftstone grants you 50 Skill Damage Resist.

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Most of this fight occurs on a pillar. If you can control the entrances into the pillar you'll have a high chance at winning. There's a grapple entrance in the back and a slope to get up through the main entrance.

There are potentially good items that Grand Aelon can drop for Melee DPS and Bow users. General's Melee Gaiters is a great option to complete the Imperator Set. Grand Aelon's Hallowed Bow is a strong Bow to use against an Evasion heavy meta. This Bow grants Hit as an item effect to help users get 1000+ Hit.

Bloo Grand Aelon Map 1024 X 747

This is a great Riftstone to take for many guilds that want to get the stat and/ or want to focus on gearing out their Mele and Ranged DPS.

Set in Carmine Forest, this Riftstone grants you 50 Evasion.

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While much of this fight contains enemies fighting in front of the Riftstone, controlling the ridge makes it a lot harder for enemies to capture this Riftstone.

Guilds won't fight over this Riftstone for the stat gain itself, but more for the items that Morokai can drop. Morokai's Corrupt Sword which is an incredibly strong Greatsword to use against an Evasion Meta because it grants over 100 Hit as an item effect.

Morokai Rift Stone Map 1

This Riftstone is great for many guilds early on as it's one of the first Riftstones that open up and the Greatsword users need that increased amount of Hit early on while they're still working towards their builds.

Stoneguard Riftstones


Set in Abandoned Stonemason Town, this Riftstone grants you 50 Endurance.

The important part of this Riftstone fight is controlling the open area in front of the Riftstone. However, players can grapple up the backside and climb the top of the wooden structure to attack from that side as well so be cautious!

The stats gained here aren't that great, but the drops are desirable. Chernobog's Beheading Sword has increased value earlier on due to it having the highest Damage Reduction of any other Sword and Shield. After Nirma is unlocked, most tanks opt for using Nirma's Corrupt Sword or Queen Bellandir's Blade from Queen Bellandir instead.

Only focus on this Riftstone to get gear for your Tanks since there are better options for Crossbow/Dagger users.

Set in Monolith Wastelands, this Riftstone grants you 50 Endurance.

This fight has two ways to enter, either teleporting to Titanreach Ruins Waypoint and flying down the walls or teleporting to Monolith Wastelands Waypoint and navigating through the wooden structures. Either way, you'll have to fight in the open as players drop down off the walls to attempt to control the stone.

Most guilds fight for this Riftstone for the items that Excavator drops. This boss drops an item that is a good option for Wand users. Excavator's Mysterious Scepter is widely accepted as a strong healing wand, however, it is rivaled by the dungeon drop Lequirus's Grip.

This Riftstone is great for guilds that still need to gear out their users but if most users already have decent gear, there are better options available.

Set in Greyclaw Forest, this Riftstone grants you 50 Heavy Attack Chance.

The main fight for this Riftstone occurs right on top of the stone or in the hallways so if you can hold the choke you'll have a higher chance of winning.

There's a gated wall where Ranged Users can attack from the other side, so caution is recommended when standing near that gate.

The Riftstone version of this Field Boss is only the nighttime version named Lycan Kowazan. Kowazan's Killer Crossbow can be considered a solid PvP option for Crossbow users but most just use Rex Chimaerus's Rake Bow until better options are available.

Slaughterer's Collar is a really strong necklace used by many players so taking this Riftstone is a great option for guilds.

Grand General's Invincibility Gaiters is another strong item for tanks looking to complete their Chief Commander Set.

While it may seem nice to gain extra Heavy Attack Chance at first glance, the additional amount only results to about a 3.5% increase for those that already have Heavy Attack Chance traited in their weapons. If your guild doesn't need any of the items that drop, prioritize other Riftstones that grant Skill Damage Resistance instead.

Set in Manawastes, this Riftstone grants you 50 Endurance.

Most of this fight is on the pillar, however, holding the bridge in front and the grapple areas are important to maintaining control over the Riftstone.

This is one of the Riftstones that is less than worth it for many of the main guilds. While you can receive Grand General's Command Visor as a drop to fill the Chief Commander Set, most tanks would prefer General's Fury Headgear instead. If you want to avoid the stronger guilds, this may be the Riftstone for you.

Set in The Raging Wilds, this Riftstone grants you 50 Skill Damage Resistance.

Most of this fight is pretty simple as it's a pretty open area. However, be cautious of players diving down from the top of the hill behind the Riftstone.

This is a really strong Riftstone to grab early on for multiple reasons. Talus's Resonance Staff is a very strong Staff due to its item effect early on. This is also one of the only two options for 50 Skill Damage Resistance.

While this shouldn't be your first choice of Riftstones to control, it is a very good "backup" Riftstone to attempt to control if your first choice doesn't pan out.

How to Participate in Riftstone Wars


If a guild wants to participate in a Riftstone War, the Guild Leader or an Advisor has to declare which Riftstone they want to fight for within 12-36 hours before the scheduled time of the Riftstone War. 12 hours before the scheduled start, 2 Guilds will be selected to participate in the Riftstone War.

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You can check what times the Riftstone Wars start by opening your Map and checking the Schedule or hovering over the specific Riftstone in the map as well!

Guild Selection Process

Bloo Riftstone Selection
If multiple guilds declare for the same Riftstone, the guilds chosen are selected based on Guild Ranking.

Riftstone Wars are always a 1v1. If a guild owns the Riftstone, the system selects the guild with the highest rank that signed up to be their opponent. If no guild owns the Riftstone, the two highest ranking guilds that signed up are placed against each other.

How to Capture Riftstones

Rift Stone War UI 1024 X 576
#1 Announces whenever a guild attempts to capture, succeeds, or fails to capture the Riftstone.
#2 Shows all guilds participating in the capture and which levels of influence each guild has during the capture process.

Riftstone Wars are basically like King of the Hill in other games. Guilds fight against others, and in order to win you have to be the controller of a specific area at the end of the war which takes 30 minutes.

Guilds who own, or control, these Riftstones by winning the war are provided with a few perks, one of which is access to private instanced Field Boss Raids for the guild every day. These Raids are important because they allow the guild to target specific items rather than having to wait for that Field Boss to spawn in the open world. Another important perk of Riftstone ownership is that Riftstones provide Stat Bonuses to all members of the guild. The last perk of owning a Riftstone is receiving various resources every hour which you can use for Guild Skills that can help during battle.


  • Riftstone Wars is a King of The Hill type of PVP Content for Guilds to fight other guilds.
  • Owners of Riftstones receive resources and stat buffs while owning the Riftstone for that week.
  • Guilds can register to fight for a Riftstone 12- 36 hours before the scheduled start of the war.
  • Controlling Riftstones gives the controlling guild access to private Field Boss Raids each day.


Written by Bloo
Reviewed by Yaen

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